Alarmists would like to have everyone think that “white Christmases” were normal back in the days before global warming and that human behavior has ruined it all.
But Spiegel science journalist Axel Bojanowski looks back at the statistics of snow on Christmas Day and finds that a white Christmas in Germany happened with a higher frequency in the past is a myth. He writes, “Scientists trace back the nostalgia of a wintery Christmas season to postcards from the year 1863, among other things.”
Later in the article we read that the 19th century postcards stem from New England, mainly Vermont, my home state! The postcard shown from sister state New Hampshire, judging from the vegetation, is definitely high elevation White Mountains. And having spoken to my sister in Vermont yesterday, there’s white stuff on the ground right now in Vermont as well. As I write, the temperature at the Champlain Valley Westford station is a nippy -19°C
Bojanowski quotes the findings of the German Weather Service (DWD):
“Despite global climate warming, white Christmases have not become less frequent over the last 100 years.”
He writes that Munich is Germany’s large city that has the highest chances of seeing a white Christmas, with chances at only 40%. Clearly a green Christmas is far more common than a white one. Bojanowski writes the belief that Christmases were whiter in the past also stems in part from the older folks who remember the harsh winters of the 1940s – 1970s, a time when scientists were warning of a coming ice age, i.e. a time that corresponded to a negative phase PDO and AMO.
The DWD findings confirm a quick check of the statistics I made awhile back for snow on Christmas Day in northern Germany near where I am now currently living. Since 1890, there have been on average about 2 white Christmases per decade (Bremen). The last 2 white Christmases were in 2010 and 2011.
Globally, statistics seem to be showing that snowfall is trending upwards. Polar sea ice is getting close to record levels. Global temperatures over the last 8 years have been dropping somewhat. These are hard facts warmists are going to have to start getting used to.
Snow or not, hope you all have an enjoyable Christmas!
Hi Pierre, have a very merry Christmas. Thank you for your fight against false information and socialism masquerading as environmentalism.
Thanks…best wishes to you as well.
Not even here in Sweden you can be shure to have a white Christmas !!image/p145_ny.png_gen/derivatives/fullSizeImage/p145_ny.png
White or Green Christmas since 1900 in Swedish cities.!image/Vit_jul_diagram-2012.png_gen/derivatives/fullSizeImage/Vit_jul_diagram-2012.png
Thank you for being there
I love phrases like “Despite global warming”. It never occurs to these people that all that is happening is a cycle of warming and cooling that is about as long as the human lifetime.
I always wonder where that “white” for Christmas comes from. You see, when Jesus was born, there was no cold and no snow in his birthplace. If it would have been otherwise, how could the sheperds stay with their sheep on the field in that night? None of the four evangelists reports anything of snow – they surely would have if there would have been some.
Where does it come from?
But I admit: As a cold freak, I prefer a white Christmas. After all, snow on the ground looks far better than that brown stuff we see instead.
Shall we wish for global cooling to have a white Christmas more often?
Just askin’. Best regards Chris Frey
Photo #5 seems odd: snow over a burned section.
At 2,240 feet elevation** we are snow free (just a dusting).
Snow line is about 500 feet higher but I don’t have to move it as long as it stays there. Pretty though.
I copy what Loodt says in the first comment.
**central Washington State, USA; east of the Cascade Mountains