The Northeast USA is being socked by frightful cold and massive snow. The brutal New England winters are back and now we are witnessing last ditch efforts by disgraced climate scientists to blame the brutally cold winters on a warming planet (which in reality has not warmed in 18 years).
At his latest Saturday Summary at WeatherBell Analytics, chief meteorologist Joe Bastardi delivers a stinging critique of Michael Mann’s recent claims: “Sea surface temperatures off the coast of New England right now are at record levels, 11.5C (21F) warmer than normal in some locations.” Mann also claimed there’s two times more moisture in this warm air, and thus is responsible for the turbocharged snowy icebox winter Boston has been experiencing.
At his Saturday Summary Joe thoroughly demolishes these claims.
Falsehood 1: It’s 11.5°C warmer than normal “off Cape Cod”
Joe calls Mann’s assertions a mistake, and shows that the area of warm sea surface water “off the coast of Cape Cod” is in fact way off the coast. At the 2:25 mark Joe shows how the waters along the eastern seaboard “are close to normal” and that a small patch of 3°C above normal water is some 1000 kilometers off the coast, and that a larger patch of 5°C above normal water is in fact 2000 kilometers off the coast (see following figure):
Dr. Mann’s warm water is in fact 2000 kilometers “off the coast”. Cropped from WeatherBELL.
Joe tells his viewers, and Dr. Mann, at the 3.00 mark:
There’s no way that that moisture is getting fed back into New England.”
Climatologists need to learn how to read a weather chart
So why would a climatologist like Mann make such an absurd claim? Joe tells us that a climatologist making a statement does not understand how the weather works, and advises them to first learn how to read a weather chart (2:15) before making such statements.
Falsehood 2: Heavy snow due to warm sea surfaces
The real reason it snowed so much over New England, Joe explains, is because of the “tremendous horizontal temperature gradient” in the area where extremely cold Arctic air clashes with normal temperature maritime air (3:30). It’s the cold, stupid!
At 5:27 Joe explains:
Where this storm was embedded, it’s cooler. You cannot use the argument that we use for warm eddies, and hurricanes where we see some blow up over the warm eddy. You can’t use that with these.”
Falsehood 3: Two times higher water vapor in the air
At the 5:45 mark the veteran Penn State graduate meteorologist shows the water vapor situation in the region where the storm developed:
During this time of the snow blitz over New England, the mixing ratios, which is the water vapor, is below normal! It’s below normal! It’s not above normal! In the area that we’re targeting, this period that we’re looking at, that had all this snow, is below normal.”
Snow (surprise!) is due to cold
The reason why water vapor is so low is “because it’s so darn cold”. The heavy snowfalls are related to the extreme cold, and not the unrelated warm patch 2000 kilometers “off Cape Cod” (6:10).
At the 7:47 mark Joe summarizes on warmist climatolgists’ claims:
If they’d looked at this, they would have seen how bogus their argument is. There is nothing above normal in that area. What happened was that it was so darn cold that it creates a very strong horizontal temperature gradient. […] It’s not because it’s so much warmer and humid off the eastern seaboard; it’s the exact opposite reason in this particular case. […] It’s because it’s cold.”
At the 9:30 mark Joe shows a chart of the AMO which that he says “has major implications“. The AMO has dipped sharply downwards, and although the current PDO is warm, it will turn colder within a couple of years. Implication: don’t expect global warming anytime soon.
Also Joe explains how cold winters across the United States are predominantly dependent on the ENSO. In years of El Nino spikes, US winters do greatly tend to be colder.
In summary this year’s brutal New England winter has nothing to do with the bogus, made-up explanations being served up by climatologists who are desperate to salvage their disgraced science.
IPCC and other climate scientists predicted shorter winters and no snow due to warming. Now they claim big snowstorms “prove” global warming. Isn’t regional snowstorm just weather?
So, where does “11.5C above normal” come from? +3C is warmist shown on the map.
Last year the AGW excuse for extreme weather was that the lack of Arctic ice was causing the polar vortex to wave.
This year with arctic ice recovery they have abandoned that meme.
Cant the media audit stupid claims ?