The last two posts were getting a lot of traffic, and so yesterday I decided to take the day off and let them run. Today I’m back with the next post, which is also about the wind energy folly.
Resistance to the junk green energy is growing in Germany.
Last month a print edition of Germany’s Braunschweiger Nachrichten featured a commentary by the head of a German wind protest organization, Dr. Thomas Carl Stiller. The title:
Hat-tip K.E. Puls, European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE).
In the commentary Stiller says that Germany’s once highly ballyhooed Energiewende (transition to renewable energies) “cannot and will not function“, and what was once only a few single protesters voicing opposition to wind parks, is now an entire nationwide umbrella organization of protest groups against the “subsidy-robbing empire” of wind energy industry.
Stiller describes a technology whose produced energy cannot be stored and which depends on random, unpredictable winds. The technology is so inefficient that builders are now forced to erect 800-foot tall monster size machines in a desperate effort to extract real power. He also writes that “wind energy has done nothing to combat climate change”.
Despite increased wind energy installation, CO2 emissions in Germany have risen. […] Climate protection and reliable power supply by wind turbines installed on the land is thus a lie.”
Stiller also writes that the maximum output of a wind turbine “is far below its rated capacity” and that the German citizenry is paying 20 billion euros annually for a “misconception“. To illustrate the folly of wind energy, Stiller writes that Germans are paying 20 billion euros a year for a commodity that gets sold on the power exchange for only around 2 billion euros.
What’s encouraging is that Stiller writes: “German citizens are waking up to this insanity“. He comments that “wind energy would not be able to supply the country even if the entire country were covered with wind turbines“.
Stiller also calls for more research for the health impacts that wind turbines are having and that the energy source has got to be for the good of the public and not profit a few opportunists. He adds:
Us organized citizens are demanding independent feasibility studies and calling for more transparency during the planning process and that man and nature be put back in the focus.”
“Germany’s Anti-Wind Energy Elements Morph Into A Massive Network Of Protest Groups”
Well and imagine that, reported in a paper in Braunschweig, my hometown, which just recently fell into the claws of the Red-Green coalition socialists again, so, that city is more than 50% politically correct like the entire West, if you account for the fact that Merkel’s CDU is conservative-in-name-only and de facto just another red-green concoction on the market , supporting ALL the red-green policies (while claiming to still be conservative), probably to 90%… and take into consideration that German journalists get brought up on a red-green syrup replacing mothers milk… and they STILL can’t help but report it… while not understanding a WORD about electricity production or consumption or storage… quite astonishing that this gets reported by these people.
Not that I ever heard of THIS particular paper, the normal MSM paper of Braunschweig is the Braunschweiger Zeitung, which looks like an SPD affiliate these days, but I will just assume that the writers are of the normal German journalist breed. I apologize in case these writers actually have brains.
This may add some useful quantified information to this article
One of the charts showed Installed MW per million people – Germany is a close number two to Denmark there, however, at 795MW per million people in Germany (I’m assuming the chart means nameplate capacity at 100 percent usage) even if the sun shone all day and all night, no clouds/etc. disturbed the solar input to the panels, and wind blew consistently and uninterrupted 24 hours per day on perfectly functioning turbines, there would only be 795 watt-hours (assuming again here, sorry) maximum available for each person.
Despite the energy industry’s, erm, optimistically low estimates of how much energy we all use, even 795WH is nowhere near enough to keep the people and the country running even under the best of circumstances.
And the presstitutes and the politicians blithely blather on.
Great infos there… thanks.
Well actually total primary energy consumption adds up to about 1 kW continuously per person in Germany. Rule of thumb, it’s 7 times the electricity consumption.
So if all the whirlygigs and solar panels WOULD produce nameplate capacity all day and night AND we would be able to run heating, transportation and electrical appliances with it that would be only a 20% reduced standrd of living, but it’s of course , as you say, pure fantasy.
Funny how people like sod keep telling us how great wind and solar energy are, yet keep using the fossil fuels.
Those graphs are horrible. The price comparison is reduced to capital costs, which gives a massive disadvantage to solar and wind and favours gas and coal.
That is a really bad trick and i am surprised that i can find this kind of things on “no tricks zone”.
What? Some guy posts a link and you accuse Pierre of playing tricks? Hey we even have a warmunist dimwit posting bullshit links here all the time.
i did not accuse Pierre of anything. edmh gave the link to his webpage and i commented on his post.
Could you please admit, that only looking at capital costs of a power source makes not the slightest sense?
many good news for wins summed up in one article:
“Wind turbines in Germany generated 32.5 TWh of electricity in January-May, up more than 8 TWh from a year earlier”
Spot price for electricity fell to nearly half the price in the UK.
The spot price for electricity is of course entirely irrelevant for a German citizen as he pays a tariff to a provider he has a contract with.
But thanks for playing tricks, trying to awaken the false impression that anyone here but the warmunist scoundrels and cronies profit from the enforced subsidation.
Which reminds me, the spot price you mention becomes so low only BECAUSE it is subsidized by the money stolen from me and 80 million other citizens.
It is your luck that most people in Germany have far bigger problems with the crazy lunatic policies of the German traitor government than the electricity price; the wholesale destruction of the country by opening the borders and giving all authority to the EU Kommissariat.