German Authorities Open Investigation Into Wind Energy Corruption …”In Part A Criminal Business”…Only A Few Profit

Yesterday I wrote about how wind park planners and the city councilmen who recklessly approve them may be held personally liable for damage to health that they cause, primarily through infrasound.  With locals wind parks, too often crony deals are involved and legitimate opposition gets brushed aside or squashed. The result is often a select few end up lining their pockets while the rest are left to suffer.

A few days ago the German language NWZ mobil here reported on a heated wind park controversy that is boiling over in northwest Germany, writing that “state attorneys are now opening investigations on the profiteers of big money wind energy and how planned wind parks are dividing communities“.

The NWZ mobil writes:

Wind energy makes some rich, the others sick, as tensions peak at the North Sea coast.”

The controversy swirls around opposition to a planned wind park expansion near the home of Wolfgang Mänzel in the village Stedesdorf.

NWZ mobil reports Mänzel at first was enthusiastic about wind parks near in his community, and even invested in the nearby “Citizens’ Wind Park Stedesdorf” nearby, with the hopes of reaping returns. But all that has since changed.

The returns on the investment have been disappointing and investors such as Mänzel have since realized that the business opportunity was never meant to make them rich at all, but rather was set up “to help raise the acceptance for wind energy out in the countryside by using financial incentives,” The NWZ mobil writes. In reality the terms of the investment scheme were all along designed to make a select group of planners and councilmen rich, but not the small investors.

Its no surprise that in Stedesdorf those really profiting the most are now trying to expand the wind park by another 5 turbines. But Wolfgang Mänzel and others feel they were misled by some of the councilmen. It turns out three of the them have a direct stake in the expansion project and stand to profit even more handsomely.  Now there are growing accusations of corruption and the town stands bitterly divided amid a thickening atmosphere of distrust and deep suspicion.

The NWZ mobil writes that wind energy critics and opponents now live in an atmospheres of threats and hostility. The NWZ mobil reports:

Wind energy is a multi-million euro business: high state subsidies, guaranteed for years, paid for by the power consumers.

Wind energy is in part a criminal business. Not only local politicians are profiting. The mafia launders money by investing in wind parks.”

To protest the seemingly self-serving projects, in October 2015 Mänzel and others founded a citizens initiative against the wind park expansion, and published an open letter to make the affair more public. The recent accusations of corruption have since led to authorities launching an investigation of the “Stedesdorf Wind Park”.

The NWZ reports:

At the state prosecutor’s office in Osnabruck, two anonymous reports of wrongdoing have been filed at the end of January against five partners. Now the state attorney’s office in Celle is investigating for possible bribes to parliamentarians.”

Welcome to the real world of German “green energy”.

In the meantime there has been some good news. NDR television here reports that the additional 5 turbines that had been planned to be added have been overwhelmingly rejected by local citizens, with 80% voting against them – though the vote is non-binding.


17 responses to “German Authorities Open Investigation Into Wind Energy Corruption …”In Part A Criminal Business”…Only A Few Profit”

  1. yonason

    “…a select few end up lining their pockets while the rest are left to suffer.” – P.G.


    Everything about AGW and it’s attendant “solutions” has been a scam all along.

    It involves the world’s governments, scientists, media and businesses, with useless self-serving activists as their cheerleaders, which makes this is the biggest con job in history.

    Even when exposed, as in this case less than 6 months ago
    it’s momentum remains intact.

    I would have thought that with all the real problems in the world, we would have our hands full. But then, there’s so much less money to be made on fixing what’s broken. Better to sell new and useless junk at inflated prices, then skip town.

    On the bright side, since this is a worldwide phenomenon, when it does come crashing down around it’s perps, there will be nowhere to hide from their victims.

  2. yonason

    Here are a few of the “winners” in the AGW scam.

    They are near enough to the top of the pyramid that they become wealthy by it. The rest of us, not so much. Even those of us not directly invested in it are impoverished by it, by taxes, wasted fuel mileage due to ethanol, higher prices, and in worst case scenarios food shortages and power outages, just to mention a few.

  3. John F. Hultquist

    Wolfgang Mänzel in the village Stedesdorf

    For me it is a bit of a reach to muster sympathy for Wolfgang and his past dealings. His choice was to take other people’s money, was it not? He, then, would have more and others less.
    I do hope the current process works in his favor.

  4. yonason

    “…Authorities Open Investigation…”

    As many crooked authorities as there are, I do hope that investigation isn’t a sham, or that so much pressure isn’t brought to bear on them that they shirk their duty. It’s massive, fearless and unrelenting, as anyone opposing them knows all too well.

    When the investigation wants to get at the facts it usually does. But when, from the outset, has as it’s goal the clearing of the one(s) investigated, it might as well not have been done.

  5. boyfromtottenham

    Hi from Oz. Great news! As Charles Mackay said in his book ‘Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds’ in 1841: ‘Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.’

  6. boyfromtottenham

    Hi from Oz. This is great news! It seems to prove what Charles Mackay said in his book ‘Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds’ way back in 1841: ‘Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.’ Some of our German friends seem to be recovering their senses.

  7. DirkH

    “Wind energy is in part a criminal business. Not only local politicians are profiting. The mafia launders money by investing in wind parks.”

    There’s a bit of redundancy in the last two sentences.

    “Now the state attorney’s office in Celle is investigating for possible bribes to parliamentarians.”

    It should be noted that the SA is not independent in Germany but bound by government commands. Maybe the government is pissed that they didn’t get their share.

    1. yonason

      “Maybe the government is pissed that they didn’t get their share.” – DirkH

      Could be. And an “investigation” is just one way to bring pressure to bear. Another is not passing them on inspections, or delaying permits, etc.

      My Dad once did some wiring in his house. He called an inspector to pass it, which is the law. It “failed.” One of my cousins was an electrician, so my Dad asked him to look at it. He said it was done correctly, so he put his official seal on it. On re-inspection, it was approved. No changes had been made, except the certification of my cousin.

      In short, governments have their ways of keeping us in line.

  8. sod

    I am glad, that such corruption did never exist with coal or nuclear plants.

    It was a great planet, until the greens and wind power did invent corruption 5 years ago.

    Come on folks. If there was corruption in this case, let us punish the criminals. But let us not pretend that this is a unique thing about wind power!

    1. DirkH

      “It was a great planet, until the greens and wind power did invent corruption 5 years ago. ”

      You do realize that the FIT law was enacted by the red-green Schroeder government, right? I mean, you’re probabaly 11 years old so 5 years must seem like half the universes age for you, but for Lenin’s sake, can’t you just look up the wikipedia? 15 years.

      1. yonason

        “…you’re probabaly 11 years old..”

        LOL. That’s what I was thinking, as well.

    2. Analitik

      sod, why don’t you post your conspiracy drivel about coal and nuclear energy corruption and subsidies on Energy Matters and Brave New Climate. The experts there will take you apart.

  9. Oswald Thake

    Ah, but sod – those who developed coal and nuclear, probably employing bribery and corruption en route, didn’t so under the guise of ‘saving the planet!’

  10. Ed Caryl

    No, sod, it isn’t unique to wind power. Solar power is also infected.
    The unique thing is the extent to which government and politicians are involved. If you wish to learn about it (which I doubt) just Google green power corruption. Excusing this cr@p because it’s “Green” doesn’t cut it.

  11. yonason

    “…let us not pretend that this is a unique thing about wind power!” – sod

    What’s unique is the extent of the corruption, and the number of fools who think it’s normal.

  12. German Authorities Open Investigation Into Wind Energy Corruption …”In Part A Criminal Business”…Only A Few Profit – sentinelblog

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