Merkel Joins Trump In Blowing Off “One Planet” Climate Summit …German Leftists/ Greens Fume

The extreme German leftists Die Linke (The Left) Party in Germany issued a press release blasting Angela Merkel’s decision not to personally attend the “One Planet Summit” in Paris.

Apparently climate change is not an issue important enough for the German chancellor to devote her time to.

Merkel “a total no-show”

German Leftist Party climate and energy politician Lorenz Gösta Beutin said:

Climate-politically Merkel is a total no show: In Paris the head of the German government could have sent a powerful signal in support of implementing the UN Climate Treaty, and against the unspeakable anti-climate protection course of President Donald Trump, who announced the USA’s withdrawal from the Climate Accord and requested renegotiations. Instead the federal government sent Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks, who had to explain that Germany would resoundingly miss its self-stated climate targets.”

International “faux pas”

The “One Planet Summit” in Paris was held by France, the United Nations and the World bank. Reutin commented further:

That Angela Merkel did not attend the climate conference – where over 50 state and government heads from all around the world wanted to push ahead the historic Paris climate protection accord from two years ago – is a disgrace par excellence. After an embarrassing appearance at the UN climate conference in Bonn, where the chancellor only delivered empty words instead of concrete measures, the self-proclaimed climate chancellor demonstrated a faux pas on the international stage.”

The neoliberal belief held by French President Emmanuel Macron that the free market and private capital would put the brakes on global warming and remove the damage to climate change caused by man and nature is faulty. Capitalism functions only through unbridled growth and the profit of a few. It is the cause, not the solution, of humanity-problem climate change.

The LINKE (LEFTISTS) demand the introduction of a financial transaction tax, whose revenue would in part be allocated to southern countries as climate change support funds. Also the industrialized countries must meet their obligations and pay 100 billion dollars annually  into the Green Climate Fund beginning in 2020, and do so without offsetting already existing development aid funds.“


9 responses to “Merkel Joins Trump In Blowing Off “One Planet” Climate Summit …German Leftists/ Greens Fume”

  1. Mack

    Perhaps Merkel has suddenly realised that breezes and sunshine can’t power a modern, industrialised economy…..if you want to keep it modern and industrialised, that is.

  2. clipe
  3. AlecM

    Being as the planet controls to a fixed surface temperature (mean set point set by minimising radiation entropy production rate, as is is usual for the equilibrium state of open thermodynamic systems, we do not have climate change more than a variation about the mean(± 3K deviation over the past million years).

    Therefore, ‘Climate Change’ is really irrelevant barring external factors like the Sun heading into a new LIA, and continental drift.

    But don’t expect non-engineers to understand that a particular system parameter interacts with the rest to minimise average radiation entropy production rate. That is far too difficult for ‘Climate Change Mantra Pushers’!

    1. tom0mason


  4. Jeff

    Have to love it that “Mutti” is leaving Hendricks to twist in the wind (if there is any) 🙂 That’ll give the flaming watermelon a taste of defending the indefensible…

  5. yonason (from my cell phone)

    SAY WHAT??!!

    “Capitalism functions only through unbridled growth and the profit of a few. It is the cause, not the solution, of humanity-problem climate change.”

    It isn’t clear to me from the way the article is written who is making that erroneous assertion.

    1. John F. Hultquist

      Perhaps German Leftist Party climate and energy politician Lorenz Gösta Beutin [ spelled Reutin, later ]

  6. oebele bruinsma

    I hope the tide is turning; as has been indicated above,Germans are likely to follow a leader. In addition the increasing kWh price der Energie will help as well.

  7. clipe

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