By Kirye
and Pierre Gosselin
Today we plot NASA Version 4 data for 19 Antarctic stations going back to 1988 (including volcanoes areas of West Antarctica and Peninsula), see map below.
The 19 stations were chosen because they have both Version 3 and Version 4 data available.
We plot the data on 4 different charts for the purpose of clarity. Included are also the volcanic areas of West Antarctica and the West Antarctic Peninsula.
Of the 19 stations plotted, 9 show no warming using NASA GISS Version 4 data. Version 3 the number is 10 not showing any warming. The stations that are cooling/stable are underlined in blue on the map above.
What follows are plots of the first 7 (warmest) stations:
The above chart shows the data for the stations located at the West Antarctic peninsula. The data over the past 30 years show no unusual changes happening.
The next chart depicts 8 additional stations whose mean annual temperature is around -10°C.
Also here we see no unusual activity from the NASA data. Most are cooling a bit, or near stable.
Above Halley shows a cooling trend, while the fragmented data from Mcmurdo Sound show warming, though nothing out of the ordinary.
Finally plots of the 2 remaining (coldest) stations, Amundsen and Vostok, are shown:
As you can see, the incomplete data of these two frigid stations suggest some moderate warming. But at those ranges, even slight atmospheric perturbations can have notable effects on temperature there.
At -49°C and -55°C respectively, they are pretty much stuck at rock bottom and suggest no sign of any unusual warming. For those waiting for signs of global climate change coming out of Antarctica, you might be waiting quite awhile longer.
As I understand it, Antarctica is the largest desert on earth. Negligible precipitation falls due to the extreme cold of the region.
That said, wouldn’t a rise in temperature be likely to increase humidity resulting in more snowfall and the GROWTH of ice in the region?
here is a start.
See point #7 when you scroll down.
Antarctica’s climate
[…] Fonte: No Tricks Zone […]
Note: as you can see from the map, I checked those 19 Antarctic region stations (including volcanoes areas of West Antarctica and Peninsula) which have temperature data going back to Dec 1970 or more.
9 of 19 stations have had no warming trend or a cooling trend since 1988, according to GHCN V4 Unadjusted data.
I added the info in the post
[…] few days ago we looked at 19 stations scattered across Antarctica and found no unusual climate trends taking […]
[…] few days ago we looked at 19 stations scattered across Antarctica and found no unusual climate trends taking […]