Mann, Rahmstorf Struggle To Defend: Flawed Hockey Stick Chart Under Fire (Again) In Germany

Rahmstorf writes to Bojanowski (see above):

Needless to say – the hockey stick curve is well confirmed by hundreds of scientists after more than two decades of further research – also by the latest data shown above. Its authors have received many awards.
And I’m going swimming now!

Bojanowski reply (in English):

Hello Mr. Rahmstorf, it is a pity you cannot admit a mistake, but even have to put one on top.

In my article, I quote four experts with comments on your curve, which has not been published in the technical literature, all of whom make a highly critical judgment.”

Mann jumps in

Even Michael Mann, the creator of the false hockey stick, jumped in as well in typical hothead fashion, offering to “fix” Bojanowaski’s Twitter account:

Like Rahmstorf, Mann too avoided criticizing the four scientists underpinning Bojanowski’s comment, instead resorted to throwing insults and name-calling.

Kachelmann: “potsdumb unscientific nonsense of Rahmstorf”

Moreover, warmist (but non-alarmist) high-profile Swiss meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann got into the fracas, taking a hard shot as well, but at the alarmist camp, tweeting (English below):

Kachelmann’s tweet above in English:

A #thread from @Axel_Bojanowski on the pots-dumb unscientific nonsense of @Rahmstorf
and his press spokesman @terliwetter, who misuse broadcaster @zdf as an outlet for the regular secretion of bullshit.

How much longer? No more journalistic standards @zdf?”

In summary, there seems to be some progress being made on how science gets conducted in Germany. Increasingly dissenters are seeing victories and the public is growing weary of all the arrogance from certain scientists – especially in the fields of climate, COVID-19 and energy.

But it remains to be seen whether or not this long overdue trend gathers steam.

8 responses to “Mann, Rahmstorf Struggle To Defend: Flawed Hockey Stick Chart Under Fire (Again) In Germany”

  1. Yonason

    “Even Michael Mann, the creator of the false hockey stick, jumped in as well…”

    Oh, yes. Michael Mann and his voodoo scienciness.

  2. Chris Hanley

    “… the hockey stick curve is well confirmed by hundreds of scientists after more than two decades of further research …”.
    Indeed, those ‘hundreds of scientists’ employed the same flawed sample screening process viz. ‘ex post screening’, a process that more or less guarantees a hockey stick shape even from white noise as satirized by Josh (re: Gergis et al 2013):
    There is a discussion of the hopelessly biasing process here:

  3. tom0mason

    Mann and Rahmstorf attempt to defend the indefensible — and fail!
    This is sad, a miserable obvious fiction that is supposed to represent the work of honest ‘climate scientists’. But it is not scientific and certainly not honest, as acknowledged by the sane and knowledgeable majority of the scientific community. It’s currently disregarded by the IPCC as it is too embarrassingly flawed even for them.

    No, that Mann made hokey-stick graphic is utter nonsense from a world-class, ever deceptive, climate clown, and defended by his European propagandist oaf Rahmstorf and his coven of 10th rate apostles at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).

  4. bonbon

    I must say Twitter encourages extreme Bad Mann-ers, but some hilarious comments.

    Potsdämlich – LOL!

  5. Roger Higgs (geologist)

    Search ‘Rahmstorf’ here (22,000 viewings) …

    If you follow the link to ‘Sources’, you’ll find him mentioned again, several times, exposing his version of ‘science’.

    Money distorts everything.

  6. Georg Thomas

    “Dämlich” means in German “daft”, “stupid”, “dumb”. Referring to the city of Potsdam or someone/something belonging to or hailing from the place, the proper term to use is “Potsdamer”, like in “Ich bin ein Berliner/Hamburger/Potsdamer”.

    Thus, you would not say “der potsdämliche Bürgermeister”, but “der Potsdamer Bürgermeister”; however, the local rivalry between Berliner and Potsdamer inspired the former to use the term “potsdämlich” as a derogatory pun, first in the 19th century, I believe, insinuating that their neighbours from Potsdam are daft.

  7. Faktenmörder: „Globale Erwärmung“ durch Datenfälscher – wobleibtdieglobaleerwaermung

    […] Zum Vergrößern anklicken. Quelle: Hockeystick under fire […]

  8. Yonason

    I like “Faktenmörder,” myself. It suits the violence they wish to perpetrate against humanity. First they came for the facts, then those for whom facts were important.

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