Another paleo-climatological study reveals that the Mississippi river basin was 2°C warmer than today 700 years ago, another indication that the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was warmer globally than today.
This is bad news for the zealot backers of the man-made global warming hypothesis.
Today as atmospheric CO2 concentrations climb beyond 400 ppm, climate alarmists insist that the globe is hotter today than at any time in the past 1000 years, possibly even since civilization started 8000 years ago.
Yet, new studies increasingly show the claim to be false, and thus CO2’s impact on global warming has been hugely overstated.
2*C warmer 700 years ago
Die kalte Sonne’s 11th climate video looks at a recently published study by Munoz et al, where a team a researchers examined sediment cores extracted from Horseshow Lake (Illinois, USA) and reconstructed the climate going back 1800 years.
As the above charted results show, the region was some 2°C warmer than it is today, even though CO2 was more than 100 ppm below today’s level.
Also astonishing: the sediment-based reconstruction shows that today is the coldest it’s been in 1600 years!
The study found that the Mississippi saw more flooding during warmer periods, and less during cooler times.
Mystery why it’s cooler today
The German Die kalte Sonne says the study’s results “remind us of the importance of natural climate variability” and that it essential to take it into account over 1000 years or more when modeling climate.
“It’s still a mystery as to why it was warmer in the Medieval Warm Period than it is today in the Mississippi area.”
The study’s authors write in the abstract:
Our data show pronounced warming during the Medieval era (CE 1000–1,600) that corresponds to midcontinental megadroughts. Severe floods on the upper Mississippi River basin also occurred during the Medieval era and correspond to periods of enhanced warm‐season moisture. Our findings imply that projected increases in temperature and warm‐season precipitation could enhance both drought and flood hazards in this economically vital region.”
Warmer with lower atmospheric CO2 level and cooler with higher CO2 levels — how not very surprising. CO2 does not govern global temperatures or the climate. The world is far, far more complex than the IPCC’s simplistic supposition.
Pierre, care to explain how temperatures in the Mississippi Basin imply anything about global temperatures?
Didn’t think so. More of our lies.
Care to explain how the growth rings of a few deformed trees in the South West USA, imply anything about global temperatures?
I’ll wait for that one. In the meantime David can start here:
Explain the MWP? Mann ignored it because it was regional. He did not look at China’s history or any other region. He ignored it because it did not fit his money making hypothesis. Mann is the Guru of MMGW. He is a mathematical Statistician that can distort any facts to his hypothesis.
Explain the MWP? Mann ignored it because it was regional. He did not look at China’s history or any other region. He ignored it because it did not fit his money making hypothesis. Mann is the Guru of MMGW. He is a mathematical Statistician that can distort any facts to his hypothesis.
Wow, just how many studies have you read? The vast majority are regional because it’s virtually impossible to conduct an study since the number of variables are enormous. Additionally, we are talking about and therefore should recognize what we are really dealing with and that’s a coupled non-linear chaotic system. What does that mean, it means first that long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible and that there are as many unknowns as there are knowns.
My, gosh! They said it oblique terms. It’s not carbon but water. Water carried by the prevailing winds, more cloud,less heat, less heat, the corn crop fails to grow, towns then abandoned, then winter sets in.
Pierre blocks disagreeable comments.
All comments are accepted, as long as they toe thee party line.
(Shades of the 1930s.)
Pierre still won’t publish all comments. Afraid.
Here, one little region, warmer for a brief period of time, utterely unopposed to any laws of anthropogenic global warming, will instead be hawked as if it it completely disproves everything about the warming potential of CO2, and all the rubes who comment here, who will never see this blocked comment, will never know otherwise because they aren’t allowed to see contrary evidence.
Because NoTricksZone is propaganda, terrified to publish even this little comment.
So completely sad.
Why don’t we put the shoe on the other foot? If CO2 is indeed the control knob of climate, then why would it not be the control knob everywhere including the (“one little” – sneering unscientific qualifier) region of Horseshoe Basin in IL? When geologists perform isotopic studies on ice core samples, they are examining one location back through history. Explain scientifically how such an exception could exist instead of presuming that because it is only “one little location” it should be ignored as if it did not exist. Obviously, your comment is displayed.
It is winter, a season when not much growth takes place on the Northern Hemisphere northern land masses. CO2 concentration might be higher for that reason.
If you want oxygen in your atmosphere, you have to have plants galore breathing in the carbon dioxide and exhaling oxygen forming carbohydrates while they grow. If you want your crops to grow, you need an abundance of CO2, not a dearth of it. Too low of concentrations of carbon dioxide definitely inhibits plant growth, studies prove it.
Nature provides.
A reason for end the Medieval Warm Period, CE 1000-1600, could probably be explained by a volcanic eruption in South America.
The year 1600:
“February 19: Huaynaputina in Southern Peru erupted (exploded) as one of the largest eruptions affecting world wide climate for the next 4 years. It produced 13 cubic km of pyroclastics flows and mud flows to the Pacific Ocean some 120 km away. It continued to erupt into March. Ashfall was reported 250500 (sic) probably 25,500 km away. It ejected 16 million to 32 million metric tons into the atmosphere, notably sulfur dioxide.
It caused the coldest years in six centuries, in Russia (1601-1603) resulting in famine where over an estimated 2 million died.”
From: Canadian History A Distinct Viewpoint
The cause and the effect.
There is the Samalas eruption in 1257.
“Radiocarbon dates on charcoal are consistent with a mid-13th century eruption. In addition, glass geochemistry of the associated pumice deposits matches that of shards found in both Arctic and Antarctic ice cores, providing compelling evidence to link the prominent A.D. 1258/1259 ice core sulfate spike to Samalas. We further constrain the timing of the mystery eruption based on tephra dispersal and historical records, suggesting it occurred between May and October A.D. 1257.”
Volcanoes are the culprits.
Today’s low is at -20 degrees F this morning.
Record high and low temps for my location:
A difference of 95 degrees F. A chinook probably took place in 1906.
The date three days ago had a record high temp of 58 degrees F and a low of -35 F.
It is important to note that on June 6th in 1912, Nova Rupta exploded and became the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes.
“The Plinian style eruption at Novarupta on June 6-8, 1912 was the world’s largest volcanic eruption of the 20th century and one of the five largest in recorded history. No volcanic eruption since Tambora in 1815 has surpassed it.”
The evidence is clear, volcanoes cause some climate variability, cause and effect.
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I see David Appell has awakened (re: Rip Van Winkle) with still nothing to add to the conversation. Suggest he go back to sleep or just “resumes his usual idleness.”
[…] 11… […]
[…] Can’t Be CO2! Scientists Surprised, Discover Mississippi Basin Was Almost 4°F WARMER 700 Year… […]
[…] Another paleo-climatological study reveals that the Mississippi river basin was 2°C warmer than today 700 years ago, another indication that the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was warmer globally than today.» (notrickszone) […]