New Study Finds East And West Antarctica Have Profoundly Cooled By -2.8°C And -1.68°C Since 1979

From 1979-2018 East Antarctica cooled -0.70°C/decade (-2.8°C), West Antarctica cooled -0.42°C/decade (-1.68°C), but the Antarctic Peninsula warmed 0.18°C/decade (0.72°C). Thus, as a whole, the Antarctic continent has cooled by about -1.5°C to -2°C during the same period CO2 rose from 337 to 410 ppm.

Zhu et al., 2021

“The temperature trend from ERA5 is consistent with that from observations, in which a cooling trend dominates East Antarctica and West Antarctica, while a warming trend exists in the Antarctic Peninsula except during austral summer.”
“The trends in ERA reanalyses and observations are all negative in East Antarctica in all annual and seasons, and the fastest cooling trend appears in MAM, and the cooling rate of this season is more than 1 °C per decade. In West Antarctica, the ERA5 trends are similar to observation trends, whereas there is a difference between ERA5 trends and ERA-Interim in SON, as reflected in a warming trend in ERA-Interim while a cooling trend is observed in ERA5. ERA5 exhibits a significant cooling trend in annual data, MAM, and JJA, and the trends from ERA-Interim always fail to pass the significance test.”
“It is also worth mentioning that the ERA5 shows a faster cooling rate than ERA-Interim and observations in West Antarctica. Over the Antarctic Peninsula, trends of annual and seasonal temperature means in ERA reanalyses and observations are not significant. ERA5 presents a warming trend with the exception of DJF, as is the case for ERA-Interim and station records.”

20 responses to “New Study Finds East And West Antarctica Have Profoundly Cooled By -2.8°C And -1.68°C Since 1979”

  1. Hatter Eggburn

    Where Antarctica 🇦🇶 goes, the world tends to follow.

  2. Interested

    In 2017, scientists at The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, discovered the world’s largest volcanic province under West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula – with over 90 volcanoes detected, ranging in height from some 100 metres up to nearly 4000 metres.
    It’s surely safe to assume that enormous quantities of heat must emanate from it and thus help to mitigate cooling in that region of the continent.
    Presumably, West Antarctica would also have cooled by -2.8°C if not for the natural ‘underfloor heating’ provided by Mother Nature!

    The north polar cap is only 3 million years old in its current incarnation, and it’s a transient thing. It increases and decreases in accordance with our planet’s orbital status, our axial tilt, and with periodic changes in the Sun. And CO2 – natural or manmade – has little to do with it.
    But the south polar cap is over 30 million years old and is probably a better bellwether for global trends. The fact that Antarctica’s temperature’s dropped so much lately, in such a relatively short time, may be telling us something very important about where Earth’s climate is going … and how fast it’s going there.

  3. Colin Smith

    It’s worse than we thought!

  4. DMA

    One of the things about Antarctica is the lack of water vapor in the air making it the best environment to test CO2 warming theory. The increased CO2 doesn’t seem to have warmed it up at all. This is enough evidence to falsify the hypothesis that adding CO2 to the atmosphere will warm it.

  5. New Study Finds East And West Antarctica Have Profoundly Cooled By -2.8°C And -1.68°C Since 1979 – Watts Up With That?

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  6. New Study Finds East And West Antarctica Have Profoundly Cooled By -2.8°C And -1.68°C Since 1979 - TIMES NEWS UK

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  7. New Study Finds East And West Antarctica Have Profoundly Cooled By -2.8°C And -1.68°C Since 1979 |

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  8. New Learn about Reveals East And West Antarctica Have Profoundly Cooled Through -2.eight°C And -1.68°C Since 1979 – Watts Up With That? – All My Daily News

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  9. New Study Finds East And West Antarctica Have Profoundly Cooled By -2.8°C And -1.68°C Since 1979 – Climate-

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  12. Adam Gallon

    I assume there’s still no sign of Zwally’s new paper on Antarctic ice?

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