Repulsive smear campaign by Big Media, German ARD public television
Like Wikipedia, German flagship ARD public television has maliciously accused outspoken microbiologist Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi of “being an anti-Semite” in a smear campaign against the renowned researcher and COVID-19 vaccine critic.
Smear campaign by Wikipedia, German ARD public television gets a harsh reaction from 33 Holocaust survivors who rally to defend “good man”.
33 Holocaust survivors/decedents rally behind soft-spoken professor
In a response, 33 Holocaust Survivors/Descendants have published an open letter in German to protest the vicious tactics. What follows is the open letter translated in the English (bold headings added by NTZ).
After the shocking news reached us that the state-funded media have accused Professor Sucharit Bhakdi of being an anti-Semite, we have decided to write this letter. We stand behind Professor Bhakdi because he speaks the truth.
“Media have lied”…”instrumentalized the Holocaust”
You, the media, have lied to the people for years by preaching false lessons from the Holocaust. That is not the lesson of the Holocaust, that Jews must not be killed or questioned. No human being should be killed! The lesson from the Holocaust is that you must not stand by and participate when a minority is persecuted. You have instrumentalized the Holocaust to achieve the opposite: to deprive people of the will to resist injustice. And in this godless way you have prepared a new Holocaust and are in the process of implementing it.
Again in Germany: campaign to “deny, injure and humiliate”
We expressly warn that another holocaust is unfolding, only bigger and more more sophisticated. The brutality with which you fight the opposition, both verbally and physically, deny, injure and humiliate, and serves to suppress the truth. Destroyed lives, apartment searches, occupational bans, forced psychiatric detentions, and worse – this could be the story of our lives, but this is the reality we observe in Germany.
“Dr. Bhakdi has done nothing wrong. He merely implied that the phrase “Vaccination Macht Frei” bears an uncanny resemblance to the slogan on the gate of Auschwitz, which is quite correct. Please stop attacking this good man, who is certainly not an anti-Semite.”
Rabbi William Handler
Brooklyn, NY
Born in Satumare, Romania
Holocaust Survivor
“I’m alive because my grandmother was disobedient when it was ordered that Jews should gather, like now to the vaccination centers by means of coercion and fear. I’m alive because courageous people were disobedient when they were forbidden to hide Jews Just as now Sucharit Bhakdi and other decent people are disobeying to save lives. To punish them for this with the term “anti-Semite” is an outrageous hypocrisy.”
Masha Orel
“My grandparents and my mother were in Bergen-Belsen because of their Jewish origin. I am not religious, but this heritage has accompanied me since my youth and I react very sensitively to anti-Semitism in any form. Whoever calls Prof. Bhakdi an anti-Semite because of an unfortunate formulation has never had anything to do with anti-Semites. It is probably done with the aim of discrediting this humane and emotionally committed scientist on a personal level. I would like to raise my voice against that.”
Andrea Drescher
“Immediately after the report by Mr. Wulf Rohwedder (ARD), in which Prof. Bhakdi was stigmatized as an anti-Semite, we wrote to several broadcasters. We set the record straight that the constant misuse of the term “anti-Semite” in no way serves the safety of Jews. The opposite is the case. No response came from any of those responsible, nor was there a public apology. Now those who know best how it feels to be stigmatized and persecuted are speaking out.”
Ruth Machnes and Arie Suchovolsky, lawyers, Tel-Aviv, Israel, +972 03-5663222.
I hope Pierre will post this.
Italian press has been forced to write only what the government wants. Therefore the news are in line with the official plot about covid, according to whitch mRNA vaccines would be safe and efficace, covid would be a terrible illness that kills even children and intensive care stations would be filled only with unvaccinated people.
How could it come to that? Why only minor newspapers post critical news?
Because the Italian government has granted 50 million Euro additional funds to public and private channels in order to help bear the additional burden of “keeping people informed during covid”. The portion of the fund will be payed only when a governmental board will have controlled that the requirements have been fulfilled. This means “either you say what I want or I don’t pay the amount”. Below I put the link to the official announcement.
Robert Jay Lifton is a retired psychiatrist whose specialty was studying evil, cults etc.
One can speak of the Nazi state as a “biocracy.”
And where are we now?
Has that German newspaper been broken up and its editor and writer of the article been fired and banned from journalism forever?
ARD is German public television. No one has stepped down. Rather it will probably even win some sort of award for it.
One doctor you can trust. Finally. Can’t trust Dr. Fauci, just can’t be done.
Every person alive needs to realize how profoundly sad all of this wicked evil definitely is.
How humans can be so cruel to the innocent non-vaccinated, it defies comprehension. Causes cognitive dissonance. Red flag time, something is not right about it all.
It is democide on a worldwide scale.
If there is any one nation of people who should speak out to end this evil, the people of Israel would be it.
If I were an Israeli, I would be very suspicious and very worried.
WXYZ-TV in Detroit, Michigan asked if those who were unvaccinated were becoming ill. There are 170K comments, high number of comments by people who lost loved ones after they were vaccinated.
Tells the real story. The page could disappear soon.
I don’t know if Dr. Bhakdi is right or wrong, nevertheless, trying to destroy this gentleman is truly disgusting.
I enjoy your blog, and this is a good entry. In the title, you say “survivors/decedents”. I think you mean descendants? Decedents comes from “deceased”, already dead.
Thanks for the work you do on your blog.
Oops – you’re right!