New studies identify sites in Portugal, southern Africa, and Arctic Svalbard that have not warmed in the last few centuries.
Daily temperature records in northern Portugal indicate no net warming from 1863-2004 (Nunes, 2022). Also, the Medieval Warm Period was warmer than the 21st century at this location.
Image Source: Nunes, 2022
Affirming this temperature record, documented northern Portugal grape harvest date records also show no net warming since 1855 (Moreno et al., 2016).
Image Source: Moreno et al., 2016
A 334-year coral record from southernmost Africa (Madagascar) indicates there has been no obvious long-term net sea surface temperature trend since the 1800s (Zinke et al., 2022).
Image Source: Zinke et al., 2022
Per another new study, a site in north Svalbard was 2-5°C warmer with much less sea ice cover than today throughout the first half of the Holocene, or from about 10,000 to 5000 years ago.
For the last 200 years (1800s to present) there has been no significant change in the temperature, increased sea ice, and glaciomarine conditions.
None are so blind as they who refuse to see. None are so evil as those how practice to deceive in the name of profits and control.
[…] Scientists Identify 3 More Regions That ‘Global’ Warming Has Not Touched Since The 1800s […]
That shows higher SST’s during low solar periods.
I just quickly compared the Grape Harvest temperature plot with the AMO plot.
Seems like a good eyeball fit. Hopefully, you can see the image by following the link:
The portuguese author wrote at the end of the paper:
“However, contrary to what occurred in the past, where the alternation of cycles had natural causes, the processes currently taking place are related to the effects of anthropogenic activity on the climate.”
I asked him for the data that supports that statement since the paper doesn’t have any.
Still watiting…
[…] Scientists Identify 3 More Regions That ‘Global’ Warming Has Not Touched Since The 1800s […]
[…] Scientists Identify 3 More Regions That ‘Global’ Warming Has Not Touched Since The 1800s […]
[…] Scientists Identify 3 More Regions That ‘Global’ Warming Has Not Touched Since The 1800s […]