Oimjakon, Siberia Sees “Extremely Low Temperatures” As Mercury Plummets To 65 Below!

UPDATE: December 5, 2022… now -57°C

Unusual temperatures for early December…knocking at energy-deprived Europe’s door 

German meteorologist Dominik Jung of wetter.net says, after having reported yesterday of -50°C in Oimjakon, Siberia: “-54°C were measured there this morning.”

-54°C is 65 below Fahrenheit.

“For early December, these are extremely low temperatures there, which are normally expected only at the end of December or beginning of January,” says Jung.

Moreover, Jung reports that all weather models are on an early winter course for Europe and that there is more winter than in the December months of the past 12 years.

“For the 3rd Advent, fresh snow is expected down to low altitudes. Winterly it goes on.”

There’s a real threat the extreme cold may spill over Europe, which is energy deprived. This could spell disaster. Let’s hope the model forecasts for more cold, like today’s GEM output of -16°C for Düsseldorf on December 14th, don’t turn into reality.

12 responses to “Oimjakon, Siberia Sees “Extremely Low Temperatures” As Mercury Plummets To 65 Below!”

  1. RoHa

    Not a problem. Europe only needs to burn more coal, oil, and gas to produce that magic CO2 and everything will warm up again. And they’ve got plenty of coal, oil, and gas, haven’t they?


    Wind and solar are expensive stupidity, let’s hope that Europe doesn’t have to have to pay in lives lost. How is their energy policy even vaguely reasonable. The Politicians are the ones that should be paying a price.

  3. John Hultquist

    At those low temperatures, when a person breathes out the water vapor freezes, and the tiny particles will fall in still air. In sufficient quantity, these falling particles sound like tiny crystal chimes. It is called whisper of the stars.


    Nice photos at this site.

  4. Oimjakon, Siberia Sees “Extremely Low Temperatures” As Mercury Plummets To 65 Below! – Watts Up With That?

    […] From the NoTricksZone […]

  5. Richard Greene

    As a teenager I wanted to see a Saturday afternoon ski race at the ski resort in my hometown in New York. You had to ski to the bottom of one hill to see the race from the bottom of another hill. It was -10 degrees below zero — the coldest day I had ever experienced at that time (about 1970). It had touched -20 degrees F. below zero that morning. I skied down the first hill and then was so cold that I went back up on the ski lift and sat in front of the fire in the ski lodge during the race. It was not on TV, so I never saw the race. I think it did not last very long, because the racers couldn’t tolerate the temperature either.

    I can not even imagine -65 degrees below zero.
    Amazing what extreme weather that pesky global warming causes!

  6. drumphish

    The coldest winter day I have ever experienced was in February of 1997 when the low temp hit -42 degrees F.

    You know it is cold. Fact is, most winters end up kind of bad, some maybe not so much. It can become bleak and dreary, cheer up with something to drink. Can’t hurt that bad.

    9/5(-55) + 32 = -99 + 32 = -67 degrees F.

    The high temp for yesterday’s date at my location was 58 degrees F in 1979, the low temp for the same date in 1905 was -22 degrees F.

    It’s a continental climate, cold dry winters is what you get. Sometimes a Chinook moves down the eastern flank of the Rockies and it gets warm for a few days.

    In 1976, on December 8th, it was 48 degrees F and rain fell.

    Carbon monoxide can leak into living spaces, a low grade headache and eczema are symptoms of low concentrations of CO indoors.

    Just so you know.

  7. voza0db

    It would be FUNNY to see those -50ºC in Europe!

  8. Sibirien -54°C 4/12, -57° 5:e | KLIMATSANS

    […] registrerades -54°C den 4/12 och -57°C den 5/12 enligt den tyske meteorologen Dominik Jung . Han ser det som synnerligen ovanligt för början av […]

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    […] Oimjakon, Siberia Sees “Extremely Low Temperatures” As Mercury Plummets To 65 Below! […]

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  11. Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #532 – Watts Up With That? - News7g

    […] Oimjakon, Siberia Sees “Extremely Low Temperatures” As Mercury Plummets To 65 Below! […]

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