Hydrogen Not Likely A Feasible Alternative Energy…And: A Davos Lunatic Meltdown: “Boiling Oceans”

Al Gore’s Davos meltdown, and how feasible hydrogen as an energy source really is 

First here’s a look at how environmentally friendly, feasible and sustainable hydrogen really is, given that hydrogen fuel cells rely on supply of rare metals like platinum and iridium.

The following video presents all the relevant numbers for you:

Al Gore’s Davos lunatic meltdown

“Rain bombs” and “boiling oceans”…

The other story today is Al Gore’s lunatic rantings at the 2023 WEF meeting in Davos.

If you thought Greta had put on a show at the UN, look at the unhinged Al Gore in Davos, who is fundamentally calling for what amounts to a coup d’état led by the climate-apocalypse loonies.


In summary, Mr. Gore, and his Lord of the Flies-like radical followers at the WEF, are basically demanding a return to 18th century standards of living, but controlled by 21st century technology. They definitely would be happy with a year 1750 population, and even happier with a Big Brother tracking system watching your every move.

The alarmists are desperate, hysterical and it seems they’re sensing their cause is in reality unworkable and falling to pieces.

7 responses to “Hydrogen Not Likely A Feasible Alternative Energy…And: A Davos Lunatic Meltdown: “Boiling Oceans””

  1. John Hultquist

    It is rumored that all life in the oceans is crawling out because of the boiling.
    I’m planning a trip to the coast to check.
    I can’t trust Big Al.

  2. Petit_Barde

    “Rain bombs”, “boiling oceans”… and “billions of climate regugees” …

    no doubt that as a fairground huckster, Gore is in exactly the right place at the WEF.

  3. mwhite

    “18th century standards of living, but controlled by 21st century technology”
    The Hunger games comes to mind.

  4. Hydrogen Not Likely A Feasible Alternative Energy…And: A Davos Lunatic Meltdown: “Boiling Oceans” - Climate- Science.press

    […] From NoTricksZone […]

  5. dm

    H will end the climate crisis!! REALLY?

    Reacting H with O creates water VAPOR, and water vapor is THE MOST POWERFUL GREENHOUSE GAS. So, switching to fuel cells from internal combustion engines risks warming the planet.

    We have suffered this hype & folly before. In the 1960s, environmentalists promised converting harmful CO emissions from vehicles into BENEFICIAL CO2 would save the planet. Now, environmentalists claim CO2 threatens to boil the oceans and steam cook terrestrial life.

  6. Climate Marketing – Newsfeed Hasslefree Allsort

    […] Related: Hydrogen Not Likely A Feasible Alternative Energy…And: A Davos Lunatic Meltdown: “Boiling Oceans… […]

  7. pochas94

    Of course recovery plants will be built to recover PT and IR from used fuel cells. But let’s not rush into Hydrogen until economic applications are found and the infrastructure is in place to support it.

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