Wall Street Journal Makes Fun Of German Energy Policy. “Hilarious Green Irony” As Coal Rescues

Irony: Coal kept the lights on in Germany this winter

Germany’s Blackout News reports how the global media is making fun of the clown show that’s become Germany’s energy policy.

Incompetent hands

For decades, Germany’s energy policy has been overtaken and revamped by green environmentalist and pacifist politicians who have little or no technical competence at all in the fields of energy engineering. They promised it would be cheap, clean and plentiful. The sun and wind, after all, are free for the taking!

Today, the German public is painfully starting to find out that solar and wind energy indeed do send bills, and quite large ones at that. And if you think Germany’s energy policies sound really dumb, then come out and see how they feel! One single grandmother I know recently got her new natural gas prices: 600 euros a month!

“World’s dumbest energy policy”

So it’s little wonder that not long ago, the Wall Street Journal called Germany’s it: “The world’s dumbest energy policy.”

Now the famous, renowned financial journal is back again with a follow-up  article: “Coal keeps Germany’s lights on“.

First the WSJ reports how Europe managed (ironically) “to avert an energy-shortage recession this winter”, by using “evil coal”, citing recently released data. This past winter, without coal stepping up to the plate, the natural gas shortages would have left a number of German households out in the cold.

Coal is doing the job, according to the WSJ, because “wind and solar don’t work when the winds are still or the skies are cloudy” and “when the weather doesn’t cooperate” – which is often the case in Germany in the wintertime.

“Another explanation for coal’s resurgence is the political hostility of Germany’s green left to nuclear power” and to its shale-gas reserves,” comments the WSJ. “So in an hilarious green irony, coal is keeping the lights on.”

The WSJ keeps the hope alive that “Berlin will catch up to what the market already knows: Fossil fuels remain indispensable for powering modern economies.” My message to the WSJ editors: Don’t keep your hopes up. The “world’s dumbest energy policy” is being run by the world’s dumbest energy politicians. So don’t expect them to solve the huge mess they themselves have created.

11 responses to “Wall Street Journal Makes Fun Of German Energy Policy. “Hilarious Green Irony” As Coal Rescues”

  1. mwhite
  2. Why Did Joe Biden Snub His Climate Change Allies and Approve a Massive Alaskan Drilling Project? – Newsfeed Hasslefree Allsort

    […] Related: Wall Street Journal Makes Fun Of German Energy Policy. “Hilarious Green Irony” As Coal Rescues […]

  3. RoHa

    I’m pretty sure we in Australian can give the Germans some pretty good competition in the dumbest energy policy stakes.

  4. Luigi

    The Germans have the bad attitude to be sensitive to ideology (and ideology is often far from reality). So when you give them a war to fight they fight bis zum Sieg (oder Untergang).

    In general the second one is the outcome.

    The point in my opinion that should let think is how a 80 mln population can be so arrogant to think that it can change the course of humanity (when for instance 1,5bln Chinese build coal power plants). So it’s the green party’s fault? NO it’s the voters’ fault, because ultimately they choose.

  5. Mr Robert Christopher

    In Britain, we are saving the Planet, and that means NET Zero policies, because the BBC says so.

    Or they mention the Precautionary Principle:

    Unfortunately, instead of hesitating to implement these policies, they hesitate to remove them. It must be because the BBC has made them true.

  6. Senex

    Same in Canada

  7. oeman 50

    Now that the weather is warming going into spring, the Germans can finally shut down those dastardly nukes that saved their bacon this past winter. So what are
    they going to do next winter? They’ll figure out something…..

  8. Al D

    What’s scary is the dimwitted greenies in the U.S. seem to believe Germany has the best energy policy ever devised.

  9. T Gibbons

    The German people will ultimately decide to change their green government perhaps next winter when the collection trucks come around to pick up the bodies of people who freeze in the dark.

  10. Rehoboth

    Awesome post

  11. Common Sense Revisited: Coal-Fired Power Saving Germany From Calm-Weather Blackouts | ajmarciniak

    […] The WSJ keeps the hope alive that “Berlin will catch up to what the market already knows: Fossil fuels remain indispensable for powering modern economies.” My message to the WSJ editors: Don’t keep your hopes up. The “world’s dumbest energy policy” is being run by the world’s dumbest energy politicians. So don’t expect them to solve the huge mess they themselves have created.No Tricks Zone […]

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