Swiss Politician Calls On Making Climate Denial A “Criminal Offence”…Obstructs “Effective Measures”!

Alarmed Swiss green politician: Challenging  alarmist climate change claims and questioning the urgency to act drastically should be made a crime…

Saying “Climate change is mostly natural,” could be a criminal offence, if Swiss politician Valentine Python gets her way. Image: Swiss Parliament site

Climate change for some has turned into a real doomsday cult, where a small group of people has excessive control over its members and require unwavering devotion. The climate cult members are in fact so brainwashed that they are convinced it’s the Gospel Truth and that disagreement is heresy of dangerous criminals. So it’s not surprising some climate cult members are calling for a Catholic Church model Climate Inquisition to root out and punish the heresy.

Marcel Odermatt of Switzerland’s online WELTWOCHE reports on how one Swiss Green politician wants to make “climate-sceptic statements”, i.e. free speech, a criminal offence.

Green National Councillor Valentine Python, 47, is calling for “climate denial” to be declared a crime.

Ms. Python believes statements casting doubt on man’s dominance over the global climate hinders efforts to educate children on the dangers of climate change, and so obstruct adopting “effective measures”.

28% of youth ignoring climate alarm

Germany’s Pleiteticker elaborates on why Ms. Python is all agitated about people having other opinions and cites a recent French study that found 28 percent of young people consider climate change to be a natural phenomenon against which no special measures are necessary.

Based on such results, Ms. Python claims there’s been a “decline in the scientific understanding of the world” and that the state needs to take action against “climate-skeptical statements”.

“She compares these [statements] to calls for anti-Semitism and racism. Such calls could lead to violence and would violate human rights. The National Councillor believes that the ‘unrestricted dissemination of climate-sceptic views’ could fall under the same law”, reports Pleiteticker. “Python seems to consider herself in possession of an immutable scientific truth. Apparently, Python is not interested in convincing dissenters, but in banning their thoughts and imposing penalties on them.”

Another topic: Twitter lifts NoTricksZone permanent suspension

Almost one year of censorship comes to an end at Twitter.

Over the years of Corona madness from 2020 – 2022, Twitter had on several occasions censored my account. Then in early May, last year, after posting links to scientific studies challenging the COVID vaccine safety and efficacy, the account was “permanently suspended”.

Fortunately, Elon Musk, took over the platform last fall and made speech and dissent free again.

Over the past several days, I noticed some unusual activity happening at my account and so thought things may be finally getting taken care of. Lo and behold, yesterday, April 1st, the account was reinstated in full after having been silenced almost 1 year. Let’s hope the account and those of all who question things remain permanently unsuspended.

For those who still have suspended accounts, be patient. It’ll likely get activated over the coming weeks or months.

18 responses to “Swiss Politician Calls On Making Climate Denial A “Criminal Offence”…Obstructs “Effective Measures”!”

  1. dm

    What Ms. Python claims: “… statements casting doubt on man’s dominance over the global climate hinders efforts to educate children …”

    What she MEANS: ” …INDOCTRINATE children…”

    My perception: “…28 percent of young [French] people consider climate change to be a natural phenomenon against which no special measures are necessary…” indicates the realist case is more convincing than the alarmist case. Why? The young hear the realist case once for every 100 times they hear the alarmist case. An alternative explanation is: 28% of young French people have learned reality repeatedly refutes alarmist doom (ice-ball earth, global famines, drowned low lying islands …).

  2. Al D

    The EU is quickly turning into the USSR.

    On that Twitter suspension: I think the mRNA vaccines saved the lives of many older people and of people with preconditions when the original ‘killer’ strain first appeared. I’m in my 70s and got the first 2 Moderna shots. No harm done despite a high fever from the second shot. However, I saw no need for boosters after reading how much milder Omicron was and how ineffective the vaccines were against it. I also thought it was crazy to force healthy, young people to take the vaccines, which seem to have been more dangerous to them than Covid-19.

  3. Sean

    She says there is a “decline of scientific understanding in the world”. She’s got that right. She likely believes people need to be taught to have faith in science when the reality is science is about doubt and questioning dogma.
    Ms. Python studied history and geography before pursuing climate science. I wonder what she thinks of Eugenics.

  4. John Hultquist

    The lady is well educated and clueless.
    Therein is the mystery of cultism.

    1. Tom Anderson

      The world’s first essayist Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) commented that he preferred to talk to peasants because they had not been educated to reason wrongly.

    2. oebele bruinsma

      Well said, thanks

  5. Charles Wardrop

    Why does she value climate change propaganda more highly than free speech?
    Can she have prepared her utterances as a bad All Fools Day joke?

  6. Charles Wardrop

    Why does she value climate change propaganda more highly than free speech?
    Can she have prepared her utterances as a bad All Fools Day joke?

  7. JaKo

    This person is of the age — she could; and of the name — she likely is…
    Monty’s offspring!!! The jokes and their cruelty have become extreme, that’s how to see it, IMHO.
    Otherwise sharpen the pitchforks and the guillotine blades!
    Cheers, JaKo

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  10. Rehoboth

    Wonderful post

  11. drumphish

    She’s Swiss, she should be milking cows, making Swiss cheese and chocolate, not playing Chicken Little, that position is filled.

    Val should be out having some fun, drinking beer and hiking in the Alps.

    All she wants to do is point with pride and view with alarm.

    There is something better to do.

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