Cold Grips Globally: Alaska’s 4th Cold Winter… Record Cold Down Under…UK’s Delayed Spring…

Excerpts from EIKE here.

1. Alaska’s fourth cold winter in a row

Alaska was once seen as a beacon of hope in the AGW coal mine: but after four cold winters in a row, culminating in a historically cold winter season in 2022-23, The Last Climate Frontier has certainly lost that status – the catastrophists will now have to look elsewhere to bolster their narrative.

According to NOAA’s data, and despite the agency’s official forecasts that consistently heralded “warmer than average” seasons, the last four winters in Alaska have shown a strong cooling trend.

The Old Farmer’s Almanac is also off its rocker. It predicted a “much milder than normal winter” for 2022-23 with below average snowfall. That was wrong on both fronts. Historic snowfall totals of more than 250 cm fell across much of Alaska, and Anchorage set a new record for leftover snow that stayed on the ground well into April.

April was also a historically cold month across Alaska, with an average temperature of -8.7 degrees Celsius, which is 5.5 degrees Celsius below the multi-decadal norm and the fourth coldest April in 99 years of NOAA records.

The snow has now continued into May, tumbling even more records.

There’s a Twitter video to go with it.

2. More and more new cold records “Down Under”

Icy polar air masses continue to dominate large parts of Australia – most recently in the west. Moreover, a continent-wide cold air outbreak from Antarctica is expected in the second half of this week.

Australia is cooling, and the proof is in measurements: For the past six years, it has been colder than average Down Under, and the list of cities that have recorded the coldest seasons since records began is growing (such as Brisbane last winter).

May 2023 continues this cooling trend, with the lowest May temperatures on record already recorded in a number of locations early in the month – including Cooma, Omeo, Bombala and Canberra. In Sydney last Sunday, the lowest temperature recorded at the start of autumn in 85 years (since 1938) was 7.1°C.

Over the weekend, it was the West’s turn to freeze.

Large parts of Western Australia just experienced the coldest May morning in at least two decades. On both Sunday and Monday morning, the temperature in Broome, for example, dropped to 11.5 °C, the lowest autumn reading since 1999.

3. May snow in Europe – even in Spain

Meteorological summer may be just around the corner, but Europe’s higher altitudes are seeing further and unusually heavy snowfall – and the media have been characteristically silent despite all their clamouring for “snowless winters”.

In the French Alps, Tignes and Les 2 Alpes received huge amounts of snow at the beginning of May, and accumulations have continued to rise since then. More recently, it was Austria’s turn to experience a late winter onset, with Hintertux, for example, reporting half a metre of new snow in the last few days alone.

4. The heavy May snow in Europe not limited to Alps

Large parts of Scandinavia have been buried in the recent off-season, as have the mountains of northern Spain, where several centimetres of snow have accumulated in recent days – following absurd MSM warmth reports of an early season heatwave.

Parts of the Iberian Peninsula have recently been hit by a polar cold snap that has led to “unusual snowfall” in La Raya, a mountainous region in the Principality of Asturias in northwestern Spain, Reuters reports.

See Twitter-Video.

5. The year without spring in the UK

The year 2023 has been cold and wet in the UK so far, and spring still refuses to start in mid-May.

Even mainstream meteorologists can’t explain why winter’s grim conditions are still dragging on, and are themselves shocked by “all the severe frosts we’ve had this spring”.

BBC meteorologist Tomasz Schafernaker said that people approach him in the street and ask when spring will finally arrive. What have we done to deserve this cold, gloomy weather dragging on for so long?

According to Schafernaker, the answer lies in the history books, particularly the weather conditions of the 1970s and 1980s.

The BBC meteorologist actually explains it in terms of global warming: “From time to time we revert to previous weather patterns, and that’s what we’re experiencing this year … But thanks largely to climate change, temperatures have been creeping up – snow has become less frequent, and spring has occasionally brought very warm weather. And we have got used to that.”

6.Surprising May snow in the Gulmarg region of Kashmir

The Indian region of Kashmir is still experiencing wintry conditions in June.

The ski resort of Gulmarg in the Kashmir Valley continues to surprise tourists with massive snowfall and freezing cold. In Apharwat, there is still 30 cm of snow on the slopes, attracting thousands of tourists every day.

“We are experiencing a winter season in the middle of summer; I did not expect such severe cold,” said one tourist.

In May, there was a dramatic change in the weather, and the higher elevations of the Kashmir Valley saw rare off-season snowfall. Temperatures also remain well below normal, allowing the ski season to be extended all around.

7. Frost hits Europe
In large parts of Europe it is freezing cold. What’s more, despite the mainstream’s cries of “No snow!”, the continent’s higher elevations have continued to receive copious amounts of late spring snow.

Much of central and eastern Europe has been exceptionally cold over the past few nights, and despite “The Science” predicting an impending devastating drought, rain has returned (in the form of heavy snowfall in the Alps and Pyrenees).

A recent Reuters article says there is little chance that the rains will address the underlying drought: “At this time of year we can only have spotty and localised storms that will not address the rainfall deficit,” said Jorge Olcina, professor of geographic analysis at the University of Alicante, a mouthpiece for the AGW and darling of the MSM.

Well, the rains are here, Olcina, and they are proving to be heavy, persistent and widespread – especially in the regions that “The Science” claims to be most concerned about: Spain, Portugal and southern France.

Getting back to the cold records: Low-lying areas of France and Germany have been experiencing frost lately, which was not in keeping with the season. In the small town of Wittingen (71 m above sea level), for example, a new May record of -1.6 °C was set. At least 16 low-lying stations across Germany, including the metropolis of Hanover, also experienced rare late frosts.

Snow is predicted for Scandinavia, the Alps and the Pyrenees into June – amazing!

8. Deadly snowstorm in Mongolia

Mongolia endured a brutal and deadly winter of 2022-23 that resulted in massive livestock losses and the suffering of 212,000 people, according to Save the Children. Now, in late spring, the country continues to be battered by deadly snowstorms.

Currently, 13 of Mongolia’s 21 provinces are experiencing a “dzud” – a natural phenomenon unique to Mongolia in which heavy snowfall and extreme cold lead to a shortage of grazing land for livestock. Between 1940 and 2015, official “dzud declarations” were made twice a decade. In recent years, however, dzuds have increased in frequency and now occur annually.

As with the increasing “cold waves” in India, the AGW party has no answer to this phenomenon.

As Xinhua reports, the return of winter in the country has also caused extensive damage to buildings and infrastructure such as roads and power lines.

The cold and snow have also killed many animals, NEMA added, contributing to the huge winter losses.

“The climate is very different from when I was a child,” Delgerbat said in early May. “When I was young, the snow had melted around this time and it was already spring, but now spring comes so late.”

10 responses to “Cold Grips Globally: Alaska’s 4th Cold Winter… Record Cold Down Under…UK’s Delayed Spring…”

  1. voza0db

    They will blame it all on Umanity’s CO2 emissions! After all Climate Change is changing!

  2. Australia headed for a ‘real crisis’: James Morrow – Newsfeed Hasslefree Allsort

    […] Related: Cold Grips Globally: Alaska’s 4th Cold Winter… Record Cold Down Under…UK’s Delayed Spring… […]

  3. John Hultquist

    Two weeks ago the wind blew an average of 30 mph for three days, with gusts to 54 mph.
    Last week thunder and lightening storms crossed the area.
    The coming week appears to be “mostly sunny” with moderate wind.
    I enjoy watching the atmosphere** but not so much trying to predict what it will be like here next April.

    **Do an image search for “lenticular clouds Mt. Rainier”

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  5. Alaska’s 4th Cold Winter… Record Cold Down Under…UK’s Delayed Spring… – Watts Up With That? - Lead Right News

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  6. Alaska’s 4th Cold Winter… Record Cold Down Under…UK’s Delayed Spring… – Watts Up With That? – The Insight Post

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  7. Alaska’s 4th Cold Winter… Record Cold Down Under…UK’s Delayed Spring… – Watts Up With That? - USA weather forecast

    […] From the NoTricksZone […]

  8. Lawrence Ayres

    None of the above information has hit the MSM in Australia however long piece last night talked of the extreme heat in the Siberian Arctic. I looked it up and it refers to a story posted in 2020 and even relates to Arctic ice extent in 2012. They are getting desperate.

    The Siberian Arctic region has less ice being naturally formed and it is melting faster than any year in the past four decades, data from a US-based research centre has shown.
    American climate scientist Zack Labe shared data over the weekend that shows the amount of ice that has currently formed near the North Pole throughout 2020, but also how fast it is disappearing and regenerating.
    READ MORE: The Arctic is on fire and record temperatures have scientists worried

    In one graphic produced by the University of Colorado’s National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC), ice sheets that are more than four years old currently only exist north of Canada and Greenland.
    On the other side of the North Pole however, countries such as Siberia and Russia are experiencing an unprecedented heatwave experts have said would only occur every 80,000 years if not for human interference.
    That area has little to no new ice that has formed within the last year, the graphic shows.

    Another comparison released by Mr Labe and the NSIDC shows that in 2020, the Siberian Arctic’s sea ice mass is lower than any year since 1979 and has never dropped so low so early, based on natural freezing and melting cycles.
    Those cycles, depicted by the NSIDC, typically show the Arctic ice to melt away between July and November however this year’s ice began to drop away as early as late May to early June.
    “On July 15, Arctic sea ice extent stood at 7.51 million square kilometres, 330,000 square kilometres below the record for July 15, set in 2011,” the NSIDC says on its website.

    The land surface temperature in the Siberia region of Russia soared to the high 30s earlier this year. (AP/AAP)
    “This places extent at the lowest level for this time of year on the satellite record.
    “Through the first half of July 2020, sea ice extent declined by an average of 146,000 square kilometres per day, considerably faster than the 1981 to 2010 average rate of 85,900 square kilometres per day.”
    The research centre has attributed the record-low ice levels to vast areas of open water caused by already-melting ice, as well as “unusually high” air temperatures of up to 10C in the middle of the Arctic.

    Parts of the Siberian Arctic coastline near the North Pole have dropped to close to zero per cent ice levels. (NSIDC)
    The data comes just days after international scientists released a study that showed the greenhouse effect had multiplied the chance of the region’s prolonged heat by at least 600 times, and maybe tens of thousands of times.
    The study, which has not yet gone through peer review, looked at Siberia from January to June, including a day that hit 38C for a new Arctic record.
    Scientists from the United Kingdom, Russia, France, Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland used 70 climate models running thousands of complex simulations comparing current conditions to a world without man-made warming from the burning of coal, oil and gas.
    They found that without climate change the type of prolonged heat that hit Siberia would happen once in 80,000 years, “effectively impossible without human influence,” said study lead author Andrew Ciavarella, a scientist at the UK Met Office.

  9. Yonason

    As much a joy it is to see the warmunistas debunked, I will NOT take any pleasure in any significant cooling go do so.

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