Pfizer warned the EU that its mRNA vaccine had been “rapidly developed” and that its side effects were “unknown”. Yet, the EU went ahead and sold it to the European public as “safe and effective” anyway.
In his latest YouTube video, already with 200,000 views, bestselling German author Marc Friedrich reports how the recently leaked mRNA vaccine MANUFACTUURING AND SUPPLY AGREEMENT between Pfizer and the EU show that the EU grossly misled its own citizens”.
The claim that the Pfizer and Biontech vaccines were “safe and effective” was totally made up by the EU.
“Rapidly developed”, unknown adverse effects
On page 48 of the Manufacturing and Supply Agreement – which had been kept hidden from the public – Pfizer warned Europe that its “Vaccine” had been “being rapidly developed” and that it would be up to the EU Member States to study the vaccine effects once provided:
Excerpt, page 48 of the Manufacturing and Supply Agreement with the EU.
The text continues on the next page, where Pfizer explicitly warned that as a result, “the long-term effects are not currently known” and that it was not known if the “Vaccine” would have any “adverse effects”.
Excerpt, Manufacturing and Supply Agreement with the EU.
Marc Friedrich calls the whole affair a huge scandal and “a pandemic of lies”.
The manufacturing and supply agreement made with the EU is similar to the one between Pfizer and South Africa, which also was leaked to the public. The Purchaser (South Africa) “acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known.”
Excerpt, Supply Agreement with South Africa
The question now arises: If Pfizer did not know how safe and effective the vaccine was, and told the EU it was impossible to know, then why did the EU go ahead tell the public it was safe and effective? There was no way of knowing.
This is nothing too difficult to understand. Imagine Boeing warning airlines that it’s new plane had been “rapidly developed” and so it was unknown if the plane would stay intact in midflight. At the same time regulators would simply give it the green light, and then tell the public the plane was safe and people should have no worries boarding it. Even worse, the government and employers would even mandate flying in it.
Later, after crashing multiple times, government regulators would then not keep safety statistics and just claim that the events were “extremely rare” and that overall the product rendered more good than harm. The shoddy planes would also be used in place of all other transport.
It’s little wonder that governments around the world are in no hurry to investigate the millions of COVID vaccine deaths and injuries. You can’t expect the guilty to prosecute themselves.
They lied and people died.
And no-one will be held to account…
The Truth About Viruses
Remarkably, despite the aura of modern space-age medicine — not one childhood vaccine of the 72 that are recommended in the US — has ever been subject to a long term pre-licensing placebo controlled safety trial. Kennedy knows, because he took legal action to get Anthony Fauci to supply one study. After a year of litigation, they admitted they could not provide a single study.
[…] Scandal: Leaked Pfizer Supply Agreement Shows EU Was Fully Aware Vaccine Was Unsafe Tagsέγκλημα fotios Send an email 6 δευτερόλεπτα πίσω0 0 2 λεπτά διαβάστηκε Facebook X LinkedIn Pinterest Skype Messenger Messenger WhatsApp Viber Μοίρασε το με Email Εκτύπωση Μοίρασε το: Facebook X LinkedIn Pinterest Skype Messenger Messenger WhatsApp Viber Μοίρασε το με Email Εκτύπωση […]