-80°C: Antarctic Vostok Station Records “Extreme Winter Cold”…Not Even Winter Yet!

German weather site wetteronline.de reported “extreme winter cold” in Antarctica as the mercury plummeted to “almost minus 80 degrees Celsius” on April 29, 2024.

Image: NASA

And it’s not even winter yet.

Hat-tip: Heinz

“On April 29, almost minus 80 degrees were measured at the Russian Vostok research station. Such extreme cold is rarely reached this early in the year,” reported wetteronline.de.

The record, -89.3°C, was recorded in the middle of winter, on July 21, 1983, thus making the last week’s late April reading very unusual.

“Values below minus 80 degrees in April are also extremely rare at the Earth’s cold pole and have only been recorded three times in the last 60 years,” wetteronline.de adds.

10 responses to “-80°C: Antarctic Vostok Station Records “Extreme Winter Cold”…Not Even Winter Yet!”

  1. Heinz

    (TYVM, Pierre! Best regards!)

    Sinking islands: Annalena Baerbock’s propaganda South Seas climate show

    As always, our Green Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is cruising around the South Seas and making herself an advocate of the “Blue Continent” https://t.ly/KvRrM. On the Fiji Islands, she speaks of the “brutality of the climate crisis” https://t.ly/ZqqTn and refers to the sinking islands that are falling victim to rising seas. The press accompanies her climate trip with corresponding articles.

    What is the problem? Quite simply: islands in the sea rise and sink. This is due to tectonics, earthquakes, plate shifts and volcanoes. In Japan and Indonesia, new islands are constantly being created on an assembly line.

    Many islands in the ocean are just the tips of huge underwater mountains. And their flanks are constantly slipping away, like landslides in high mountains.

    And lo and behold: as early as 2012, SPIEGEL https://t.ly/b_aGb reported on research from the South Seas, which came to the conclusion that 3/4 of all sinking islands are not sinking because of climate-related sea levels, but because of the Australian Plate, which is sliding under the Pacific Plate and pulling parts of it down with it.

    Earthquakes in particular cause islands to rise and sink. For example, a quake a few years ago caused Samoa to sink https://t.ly/xCcWb. NASA is also investigating the sinking of islands due to tectonic events by observing them from space https://t.ly/nnvHz.

    Coral islands grow upwards with the rising sea level due to the growth of the reefs. Their structure is constantly changing due to floods, storms, hurricanes/typhoons https://t.ly/YKXCC.

    Sea coasts are constantly changing. The German North Sea coast has been constantly changing for centuries. The Netherlands has adapted to this development over the last few centuries by building dykes.

    Studies have repeatedly shown that islands are sinking due to tectonic shifts and the erosion of soil by ocean currents or submarine landslides https://t.ly/hO9I8.

    As early as 2017, the British Guardian pointed out that many press reports exaggerate the effect of rising sea levels on the sinking of islands in order to promote the climate change narrative https://t.ly/hHM5M.

    Does Baerbock care about such differentiations? In any case, she has once again succeeded in making a name for herself in the media and promoting her climate policy. Once again, the truth has taken a back seat.

  2. Heinz

    (ps: plz correct my “h-slip of the key” in “regards”, thx)

    1. Heinz

      Dear Pierre, subsequent correction request could be deleted, if you like, as you have fulfilled it. I should probably have “authorized” it right away. But many thanks for your tactful courtesy. Do not publish this comment. Best regards

  3. -80°C: Antarctic Vostok Station Records “Extreme Winter Cold”…Not Even Winter Yet! – Watts Up With That?

    […] From the NoTricksZone […]

  4. Antarctic Vostok Station Records “Extreme Winter Cold”…Not Even Winter Yet! – Watts Up With That? – The Insight Post

    […] From the NoTricksZone […]

  5.  -80°C: Antarctic Vostok Station Records “Extreme Winter Cold”…Not Even Winter Yet! - Climate- Science.press

    […] From NoTricksZone […]

  6. Richard Greene

    Vostok has a permanent temperature inversion

    That means more greenhouse gases cause COOLING there, and also for most of the continent, excluding two ice shelves and the small peninsula, mainly affected by ocean currents and underseas volcanoes.

    Cooler in Vostok is evidence of an increasing greenhouse effect. I doubt if the author knew that.

    1. John Brown

      Richard Green is sure more cold is increased greenhouse effect?

      This weird, more warm should be.


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  8. sports111

    The claim of -80°C temperatures at the Antarctic Vostok Station is likely referring to an extreme cold event. Vostok Station, operated by Russia, is known for some of the coldest temperatures ever recorded on Earth. The all-time record low temperature recorded at Vostok Station is -89.2°C (-128.6°F) on July 21, 1983. Such extreme temperatures, even before the official start of the Antarctic winter, are indeed noteworthy.

    However, interpreting the significance of this temperature requires understanding Antarctic weather patterns. The continent experiences its coldest temperatures during the polar night, which occurs during the Southern Hemisphere winter (June to August). Therefore, if temperatures are reaching -80°C before this period, it indicates an early onset of severe cold, which could be influenced by various atmospheric and climatic conditions.

    It’s also important to consider the broader context of climate patterns and trends. While a single extreme weather event, like the one described, can provide insights into short-term atmospheric conditions, it doesn’t necessarily reflect long-term climate trends. Antarctic climate patterns are influenced by complex interactions between oceanic currents, atmospheric conditions, and polar ice dynamics.

    For a more comprehensive understanding of this event, including its causes and implications, it would be helpful to look at detailed meteorological reports and analyses from sources like the Antarctic Meteorological Research Center or national weather agencies that monitor Antarctic conditions.

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