Less Extreme Pacific Weather … Number Of Typhoons Trending Downward Over 70 Years!

Charts by Kirye

Pacific typhoons forming in the month of July have been trending downward for 70 years 

The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) presents the latest data for Pacific typhoons — going back to 1951.

Although bad weather happens all the time, climate alarmists are desperate for weather extremes, searching across the internet in order to produce some headlines – thus hoping to keep the hoax going. Unfortunately they won’t find much in terms of typhoons forming in the Pacific.

July trend down

Today we look at the data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) for the number of typhoons formed in the Pacific in the month of July, now that the July data are available:

Data source: JMA

The world has warmed somewhat since 1951, but contrary to what climate bedwetters like to claim, the trend in typhoons has been downward – suggesting that a warmer climate leads to less Pacific storms in terms of typhoons formed. This is the opposite of what climate “experts” said would happen.

January to July trend down

Next we look at the number of typhoons formed in the Pacific from January to July, going back to 1951:

Data source: JMA

Annual typhoon trend down!

Though the data for 2024 are not yet complete,  we look as a reminder at the number of typhoons formed each year up through 2023:

Data source: JMA.

The climate experts have been wrong, yet the media continue to mislead us. Typhoons are not intensifying and becoming more frequent. These extreme weather events have in fact become less frequent.

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