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Germany’s “Great Transformation” Rapidly Transforming Into The “Great Awakening”

Young Germans rebel… In response to draconian COVID lockdowns, censorship, media bias, economic collapse and infrastructure decay, Germany’s youth swings to the right.  Germany’s political establishment will soon pay dearly for its errors, arrogance and insolence.  A profound and accelerating mood swing is underway across Germany, and nothing is stopping it. And the more the […]

Studies That 'Confirm' Humans Cause Climate Rely On Imaginary-World Conditions In Their Calculations

Studies That ‘Confirm’ Humans Cause Climate Rely On Imaginary-World Conditions In Their Calculations

To claim that anthropogenic CO2 emissions drive global warming, radiative forcing modeling studies must assume 1) clouds do not ever change, 2) cloud albedo is constant, and/or 3) clouds do not exist. None of these are real-world conditions. The real atmosphere is what scientists refer to as all-sky, an atmosphere where clouds not only exist […]

September Snowmageddon… Winter Outbreak In Alps Later This Week…Up To 3 Meters Of Snow!

German online weather site Das Wetter here reports: “Up to 3 meters of fresh snow is possible at high altitudes in the Alps” and: “Even in Garmisch-Partenkirchen and Oberstdorf it could turn white beginning Friday.” Europe had been basking in late summer warmth, but the weather is now changing dramatically as a so-called Vb weather […]

Satellite Observations Confirm 2000-'22 Warming Has Been Due To An Increasing Solar Radiation Trend

Satellite Observations Confirm 2000-’22 Warming Has Been Due To An Increasing Solar Radiation Trend

“Earth’s energy imbalance has doubled from 0.5 ± 0.2 W/m² during the first 10 years of this century to 1.0 ± 0.2 W/m² during the past decade. The increase is the result of a 0.9 ± 0.3 W/m² increase absorbed solar radiation (ASR)…”  − Loeb et al., 2024 Satellite observations from CERES (Clouds and the […]

VW E-Car Sales Plummet...Socialists/Greens Insist The Way Forward Is More E-Mobility!

VW E-Car Sales Plummet…Socialists/Greens Insist The Way Forward Is More E-Mobility!

VW teeters on disaster. Germany’s socialists, greens propose solving the problem that they themselves have caused.  AI generated image.  By Klimanachrichten here. (Translated/edited by P. Gosselin) ====================================== The bad news about Volkswagen never ends, but neither do the clever tips from politicians. The strangest things come to light. Lower Saxony’s Economics Minister, of the SPD […]

Mysteries Surrounding The 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season. CO2 Definitely Not The Driving Factor

Mysteries Surrounding The 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season. CO2 Definitely Not The Driving Factor

A report from Germany by KlimaNachrichten Editors “Science is still far from reaching the end of its knowledge” Symbol image. Source: NASA According to the NOAA US weather agency, the hurricane season lasts from June 1 to November 30 of each year. During this time, the conditions needed for extreme areas of pressure to build up […]

New Study Finds CO2 Is Merely A Climate 'Spectator', A Non-Factor In Explaining Paleoclimate Changes

New Study Finds CO2 Is Merely A Climate ‘Spectator’, A Non-Factor In Explaining Paleoclimate Changes

“…sea surface temperature has been the primary determinant of baseline atmospheric P(CO2) across the entire Cenozoic” – Frank, 2024 A new study analyzes paleo atmospheric CO2 levels using the modern-day observation that oceans release more CO2 as they warm and less CO2 as they cool – a reference to Henry’s Law. “…ambient CO2 is released […]

Russian Natural Gas Junkie EU Imports More From Russia Than From USA Again

Green energies cannot liberate EU, which remains Russian natural gas junkie.  Showing support for peace initiatives to curb the Russia-Ukraine conflict quickly gets you labelled a Putin-appeaser here in Europe. And just imagine the reaction you might risk getting if you called on ramping up more gas imports from Russia, where the energy is cheap […]

New Study: Human Emissions 'Irrelevant' In Determining Changes In Atmospheric CO2 Since 1959

New Study: Human Emissions ‘Irrelevant’ In Determining Changes In Atmospheric CO2 Since 1959

“The main factor governing the annual increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration is the SST [sea surface temperature] rather than human emissions.” – Ato, 2024 Another day, another new scientific paper has been published reporting efforts to curb anthropogenic CO2 emissions are “meaningless.” In this study multiple linear regression analysis was performed comparing SST versus anthropogenic […]

Rising Global Temperatures Saving Millions Of Lives, Study Finds. Cold Kills 30 Times More!

By Dr. Peter F. Mayer – Hat-tip: Linke Zeitung here.  Over the past 11,000 years of the current interglacial period, phases of prosperity and cultural flourishing are clearly linked to warmer temperatures. A reduction in deaths with rising temperatures can also be observed for the last two decades. Fact: Cold kills nearly 30 times […]

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