New Zealand Station Showed No Warming In 130 Years, Before Alterations To Show Warming

UPDATE: Here’s an even earlier version of the NASA GISS data plot of Hokitika station before all the data altering began (hat-tip Iggie). It shows temperatures had been COOLING:

Source: NASA

By Kirye
and Pierre Gosselin

We continue to hear warming horror stories coming from the island of New Zealand, and the socialist by sales pitch how “climate change is the biggest challenge of our time“.

Yet this doesn’t seem to be the case in New Zealand. For example, we learned from Electroverse here that the Pacific island country “just recorded its coldest June temperature in 5 years”.

Moreover, when we examine NASA GISS data, we uncover where all the warming rumors come from: alterations to the recorded historical data.

The following chart shows the data from Hokitika Aerodome, going back more 130 years (It’s the only NASA station that has data going back over 100 years). Plotted are the unadjusted Version 3 data and the Version 4 unadjusted:

Data source: NASA GISS V3 and V4

The old data set showed no warming, until NASA GISS went back and rewrote it Orwellian style, and made up a warming trend and called it Version 4.

Tony Heller also reported earlier: “NASA  didn’t like the fact that New Zealand wasn’t warming, so they simply changed the data.”

In summary: There really hasn’t been that much change at many locations around the globe. In fact the real changes are taking place in the NASA GISS datasets.

15 responses to “New Zealand Station Showed No Warming In 130 Years, Before Alterations To Show Warming”

  1. tom0mason

    Thanks again Kirye and Pierre Gosselin for getting the truth out again!
    So in reality it was cooler from about 1910 til just before the Little Global Warm Period of the 1930s.

  2. Aussie

    The NZ data set was also blatantly distorted when converting from Fahrenheit to Celcius. Prior to a certain date the warmists rounded down, and after rounded up, all to assist the false warming case.

    In finance such people would be jailed but with climate they are showered with praise by our dud media and careless politicians.

  3. iggie

    Here is GISS NASA v1/2 for Hokitika just before the adjustments started.

  4. Travis T. Jones

    A 1912 NZ news article ominously forecasted the catastrophic effects of coal on global warming went viral for the doomsday cult a few years ago –

    Wait. What?

    A NZ 1912 Century old map throws new doubt on global warming sea level claims-

  5. RoHa

    Good thing they made the alterations, then. Can’t have New Zealand lagging behind the rest of the world.

  6. bonbon

    Just curious. Is the NOAA data that GISS refers to above, “good”, unadjusted?

    So is it GISS that is fudging, even when we were told by Dr. Bates that NOAA is the culprit?

    The plot thickens.

  7. Nieuws 10.7.2020 -

    […] New Study finds no evidence of a ‘signal of human-caused climate change’ from weather extremes New Zealand Station Showed No Warming In 130 Years, Before Alterations To Show Warming Optimistic people sleep better Plant-based diet associated with healthy testosterone levels […]

  8. Guruchild

    Alarmists love to strum their harps about the data. THE DATA. Their holy grail of manipulation, fabrication by obfuscation, and plain old lies. Same with the fake covid pandemic. The data contradicts itself in every facet of these fake mob-mentality popularity contest “sciences” as to be meaningless. Just another reason for programmed millennials and gullible boomers to hate other people for reasons they don’t even understand.

  9. JCalvertN(UK)

    The township of Hokitika had an “aerodrome” 150 years ago?!

    I’ve long heard that NZ is an advanced civilisation (just ask one), but municipal aerodromes in the year 1870 stretches credibility too far.

    A little research reveals that an aerodrome was built there in the 1930s. It closed again in 1948, and a new one was opened in 1951.

    So in reality this is a classic case of a town where the original weather station was located within or close to the town itself at the time of the town was first founded. The towns fortunes waxed and waned – as did its urban heat-island effect.

    Then the weather station is moved to the airport (just a grassy field) and the temperature record undergoes a marked down-step.

    The avid adjusters correct this down-step by “cooling the past” (and not by up-stepping the present). In doing so they invariably ignore the growth of a UHI prior to the down-step.

    1. JCalvertN(UK)

      The present-day weather station siting seems to be quite heinous – sandwiched between an asphalt car-park, an asphalt airport ‘apron area’ and hard up against some airport buildings. But you can be sure that no adjustment has been made for these error sources.

      1. Yonason



        And wasn’t that one of their major excuses, uh, I mean justifications for “adjusting” the data, i.e., to correct for the UHI and related? Looks like they “corrected” for it, all right; because it doesn’t seem there was enough of it for them, so they added to it. Some “correction.”

        Paul Homewood has been on it…

        …as has Steve McIntyre.

  10. M Emberson

    New Zealand is several islands. Hokitika is on the West Coast of the South Island, a long
    island with a mountain chain from North to South. The sea off Hokitika is the Tasman Sea,
    while the East coast is bounded by the cold S.Pacific. Winds are often from the cold areas of sea to the south. The mountains influence the weather considerably. Fohn winds from the Tasman make parts of the S Island warm for a day with very cold Southerlies the next day. Look at weather maps.The Met Service have a selection

  11. Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #416 | Watts Up With That?

    […] New Zealand Station Showed No Warming In 130 Years, Before Alterations To Show Warming […]

  12. Klimawandel durch Datenmanipulation? (Eine Nuss für Faktenmörder) – EIKE – Europäisches Institut für Klima & Energie

    […] Gosselin hat gerade auf NoTricksZone für eine weitere Messstation auf Neuseeland den eklatanten Unterschied in den Datenversionen der […]

  13. Christoph Meyer

    Just found a interessting NIWA document from 2010:

    “Creating a Composite Temperature Series for Hokitika” starts on page 109.

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