
April 2023 In Central Europe Cooler And Wetter Than Normal...Like The 1960s

April 2023 In Central Europe Cooler And Wetter Than Normal…Like The 1960s

Germany April 2023 was the wettest in 15 years, 1.5°C cooler than mean Symbol photo by P. Gosselin According to the preliminary data gathered from the German DWD National Weather Service’s 2000 surface stations, April ,2023, was the first to be wetter than normal in 15 years. Over the past decade and a half before […]

Irony: German Bundestag Admits Conversion To Heat Pump Systems For Its Own Buildings Not Possible!

Irony: German Bundestag Admits Conversion To Heat Pump Systems For Its Own Buildings Not Possible!

Yet, expects its own citizens to convert their homes beginning next year! Critical website Pleiteticker.de here reports on how the buildings of the Bundestag (Federal Parliament) will not be able to convert over to heat pumps without comprehensive renovations that would run well into the millions. Currently the Bundestag is predominantly heated with oil and […]

Loony Science: German Mainstream Media Blame Riots At Public Pools On Climate Change

By Die Klimanachrichten If there’s any any doubt, then it’s climate change. Not only more home runs in baseball, but now also more rioting at German public swimming pools in Berlin – due to climate change. The Berliner Zeitung on a report in the WDR. The massive riots in Berlin’s open-air swimming pools last summer […]

Review Of Koonin's "Unsettled"...Government, Scientific Institutions As "Instruments Of Hostile Forces"

Review Of Koonin’s “Unsettled”…Government, Scientific Institutions As “Instruments Of Hostile Forces”

A German scientist asked if I would post the following text on behalf of William Walter Kay =================================== Koonin’s Sociology of Climatology   By William Walter Kay BA JD Although focused on hard science, Koonin’s Unsettled broaches Sociology of Climatology in Chapter 10 (WHO BROKE “THE SCIENCE” AND WHY); commencing: Can it really be that […]

Tropical Paradise Islands Are Not Sinking And Shrinking...Most Are In Fact Growing!

Tropical Paradise Islands Are Not Sinking And Shrinking…Most Are In Fact Growing!

Because of global warming, tropical paradises are said to be shrinking. In reality, however, most of them are actually GROWING, as extensive long-term studies have shown. By Wolfgang Kaufmann (Editor. PAZ*) On 17 October 2009, the then President of the Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed, convened a cabinet meeting six meters below the surface of the water […]

Expert Warns: Cars Soon Unaffordable To 50% Of Germans! "Huge Social Conflict"... Idiotic, Singular Policy"

Expert Warns: Cars Soon Unaffordable To 50% Of Germans! “Huge Social Conflict”… Idiotic, Singular Policy”

Ideological green policies are tearing Germany’s economy apart In an interview, Prof. Kurt Lauk, former economic council head and automobile manager, warns half of Germans “will no longer be able to afford a car.” Socially explosive…”a disgrace”. Green policies are currently driving German industry into a wall at 300 km/hr. Image cropped here.  He also […]

Germany's Renewable Heating Plan To Cost Many Times More Than Expected: 776 Billion Euros!

Germany’s Renewable Heating Plan To Cost Many Times More Than Expected: 776 Billion Euros!

Germany’s heating debacle takes on even greater dimensions The Federal Ministry of Economics, headed by Robert Habeck (Green party) has “GROSSLY MISCALCULATED” the cost of removing oil and gas heating systems from homes and buildings, and installing heat pumps in their place by 2045. Germany’s heat pump cost estimate is spiraling out of sight! Instead […]

Green Aviation Remains Pie-in-The-Sky Illusion…”Enormous Development Challenges”

The German news show Tagesschau reports that climate-neutral flying likely will remain “an illusion” for the foreseeable future. Hat- tip: Klimanachrichten The Tagesschau reports: But the development challenges are still enormous. It is also unclear where the gigantic amount of renewable energy needed will come from. Just to cover the current demand for paraffin synthetically, […]

Deforesting To Save The Planet? Europe's Forests Shrinking As Wood Used For "Green" Energy

Deforesting To Save The Planet? Europe’s Forests Shrinking As Wood Used For “Green” Energy

How wood pellet power plants are fueling climate change By Klimanachrichten (Translated/edited by P. Gosselin) German public broadcasting show SWR3-Wissen had a podcast about burning wood in Europe. In Germany’s forests, less wood is taken than what grows back, but in Europe it’s different. Here, the forest is losing total area, which also means that […]

Surprise: “Coal Became Most Important Energy Source For Electricity In Germany” In 2022

The more Germany tries to wean itself off fossil fuels, the more it seems to rely on them – especially coal.  Germany’s online Blackout News here reports: “Coal again the most important energy source in power generation”. As Germany continues to move ahead and shut down its nuclear power plants, leaders are realizing that coal […]

Berlin’s March 26th Climate Referendum… Berlin Leaders Could Have Immediate Dictatorial Powers

The road to tyranny begins in Berlin as climate gets framed as a state of emergency A new, radical climate amendment that will be voted on on March 26th in a referendum that could change Berlin’s climate targets to enforceable obligations, thus clearing the way for radical CO2 reduction measures by an unelected council. Draft […]

German Mainstream Media: "Serious Flaws In Pfizer BioNTech Vaccine Study"..."Many Irregularities"

German Mainstream Media: “Serious Flaws In Pfizer BioNTech Vaccine Study”…”Many Irregularities”

Studies, trials by Pfizer Biontech were “seriously flawed” and fraught with “many irregularities” German journalist finds. It’s all beginning to dawn on the media… Emergency approval based on sloppy and deceptive  trials and studies? At Germany’s flagship daily Die Welt, journalist Elke Bodderas recently penned an investigative article: The Many Irregularities In The Pfizer Approval […]

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