
German Professor: Part Of Warming Last 150 Years Due To Measurement Station Siting Changes

Urban regions a good 2°C warmer than rural regions Among other factors, German professor Fritz Vahrenholt looks at the urban heat island effect. ============================================== By Fritz Vahrenholt In August 2023, the deviation of the global temperature from the 30-year average of the satellite-based measurements of the University of Alabama (UAH) continued to increase slightly compared […]

It’s The Asphalt, Stupid! New Study Suggests Global Warming Mostly An Urban Problem

A new study published in the scientific peer-reviewed journal, Climate, by 37 researchers from 18 countries suggests that current estimates of global warming are contaminated by urban warming biases. Press release from CERES Science, hat-tip: Klimanachrichten The study also suggests that the solar activity estimates considered in the most recent reports by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel […]

Offshore Wind Farms Altering Marine Ecosystems: “Sufficiently Potent To Redirect Existing Currents”

Wind Turbines are causing climate change Hat-tip: Klimanachrichten here It’s ironic: Man is changing the environment and climate in order to prevent change. Atmospheric wakes extending from the bottom to the top of the picture [contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (Sentinel 2A-MSI 29/03/2021), processed by ESA & Hereon/ Dr Martin Hieronymie] Researchers from the Hereon […]

Oceans Retain Methane: New 'Nature' Study Finds Very Little Danger Of Methane Reaching Surface

Oceans Retain Methane: New ‘Nature’ Study Finds Very Little Danger Of Methane Reaching Surface

A Nature study finds there’s very little risk that global warming would lead to more methane escaping from the oceans into the atmosphere. Hat-tip: EIKE here. Global warming alarmists have often used the scenario of increased methane in the atmosphere accelerating warming and climatic change. But a recent study appearing in Nature, Negligible atmospheric release […]

CO2 Plant Transpiration Reduction Is a 9.1 Factor Larger Global Warming Driver Than CO2 GHG.

CO2 Plant Transpiration Reduction Is a 9.1 Factor Larger Global Warming Driver Than CO2 GHG.

CO2 is not the big driver. Solution: Increase Ocean Evaporation (<4% of CO2 Reduction Cost) By David R. Motes Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is real and caused by increasing CO2.  However, it is not driven by the prevailing CO2 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) theory, but rather by a much larger CO2 induced Plant Transpiration Reduction (PTR). […]

German DWD National Weather Service Declares Near Normal July As "Too Warm, Wet And Sunny"

German DWD National Weather Service Declares Near Normal July As “Too Warm, Wet And Sunny”

Comparing July. 2023, data to the up to dat6e 1991-2020 reference period, July in Germany was practically dead normal in terms of temperature, sunshine and precipitation. But that’s not what the DWD national weather service wants the media and public to hear.  The latter part of July in Germany was wet and cool, thus putting […]

Germany’s Leading Fitness Influencer Dies Suddenly At Age 30…4-Times COVID “Vaccinated”

Substance abuse… The long-term shadow cast by the COVID mRNA vaccines may be worrisome. German fitness guru and bodybuilding influencer Jo Lindner has died, this coming just weeks after admitting in a Bradley Martyn Raw Talk podcast he had been injected FOUR times with the COVID mRNA “vaccine”. In the podcast, Lindner expresses how he […]

Private Jets Keep Green Light As WEF Pushes To Remove 75% Of All Cars In Just 27 Years

The Central Europe News here reports on how the WEF wants to reduce the global car fleet by 75% while WEF members crank up their private jet flights. What follows are some excerpts. Chart: Greenpeace Switzerland Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) is calling for a reduction of private motor vehicles to a quarter of […]

Expert Prof. Gerd Ganteför Calls For More Studies On The Regional Climate Impact By Wind Turbines

Expert Prof. Gerd Ganteför Calls For More Studies On The Regional Climate Impact By Wind Turbines

Countless wind turbines…Northern Germany drought may in part be caused by efforts to prevent drought (climate change)! More wind parks means less wind, which means less precipitation, which in turn means more drought and warmer temperatures.  Image: P. Gosselin German online Reichschuster.de here reports on Gerd Ganteför, a German professor of experimental physics who taught […]

Aarhus University Researchers Find Arctic Warmer, Ice-Free In Summertime 10,000 Years Ago!

Aarhus University Researchers Find Arctic Warmer, Ice-Free In Summertime 10,000 Years Ago!

Moving goalposts Sediment samples show Arctic was warmer 10,000 years ago and was ice free in the summertime. Moreover, the researchers say “it’s uncertain” if Arctic sea ice will disappear in the summertime before 2063. Image: NASA (public domain)  The Aarhus University conducted a study that confirms sea ice disappeared from the Arctic during the summer […]

Germany's Federal Network Agency Plans To Ration Electricity As Electric Power Crisis Heightens

Germany’s Federal Network Agency Plans To Ration Electricity As Electric Power Crisis Heightens

The greatest energy folly of all time… Germany restricts electricity supply while ramping up demand! Rationing unavoidable Nowadays it seems Germany is doing everything possible to warp-speed ruin itself. If today’s German leaders were driving a car and wanted to go faster, they would ease off the gas pedal and slam on the brakes  – […]

NASA Data: Southern Hemisphere Cooled Over Past Decade...Northern Hemisphere No Rise!

NASA Data: Southern Hemisphere Cooled Over Past Decade…Northern Hemisphere No Rise!

NASA data show no planetary warming over the past decade. Are we heading for cooling?  Twitter account Zacki here tweeted on the northern and southern hemisphere sea land land surface temperature trend over the past decade, using NASA GISS data. First lets begin with the northern hemisphere for the past 9 years: There’s been no […]

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