Green Follies

Why German Farmers Are Protesting: They Refuse To Be The Government’s Cash Cow

The air is getting awfully thin for Germany’s Socialist/Green government. Never in postwar history has a ruling government been so unpopular, and there’s a reason for that.  The reasons tens of thousands of farmers and truckers have blocked major traffic arteries everywhere and paralyzed the country is because of the governments insatiable appetite for tax […]

From Now To 2100 Emission Reduction Policy Costs Greatly Exceed Any Net Benefit From Averted Warming

From Now To 2100 Emission Reduction Policy Costs Greatly Exceed Any Net Benefit From Averted Warming

The benefits of not meeting Paris Accord emissions-reduction targets outweigh the costs associated even with worst-case-scenario global warming throughout the 21st century. A new comprehensive analysis (Tol, 2023) weighs the cost-benefit of meeting Paris Accord emission policy targets to keep global warming in check, or under 2°C. The analysis reveals that even in the best […]

Oslo’s E-Bus Fleet Could Use Some Warming…City Paralyzed As Buses “Break Down” Due To Cold

This site here reports that Oslo, Norway’s new electric buses didn’t fare very well during the recent cold. The capital city’s public transport ended up “paralyzed”. The buses were advertised to have a range of 250 km…but then reality hit! “Oslo’s brand new fleet of electric buses is not designed for these temperatures – their […]

German Solar Bike Path Produced Green Power – For $1100 A Kilowatt-Hour!

We introduce the green boondoggle debacle of Erfstadt, Germany.  In 2018, with pomp and fanfare, the German town of Erfstadt opened a 90-meter test stretch solar bike path: Among those there for the grand opening was the German Minister of Environment, Svenja Schulze of the SPD socialist party. Little did the dignitaries in attendance know, […]

North German Green Hydrogen Project Halted Due To Lack Of Economy..."Major Economic Risks"

North German Green Hydrogen Project Halted Due To Lack Of Economy…”Major Economic Risks”

Never-ending green energy woes: high construction costs… uneconomical…”associated major economic risks” Source: westkueste100 Hydrogen will be the technology that will ultimately solve all the world’s energy woes, so claim those who are finally realizing that a lithium battery powered economy is a pipe dream after all. And, so must the green economy show go on. […]

EU Parliamentarian: 15-Minute Cities Will Be “Complete impoverishment”, “Enslavement Of All The People”

The real target isn’t your convenience or climate protection. Instead it will be the ability for them lock people down whenever they want. There’s a lot of talk about 15-minute cities. Everything you need will be located within a 15-minute walk from where you live. Who would not want that kind of convenience! Often shown […]

Green Bloodbath: Major Industries Closing Down As German Energy Prices Soar

Green Bloodbath: Major Industries Closing Down As German Energy Prices Soar

Germany’s “Blackout News” reports the destructive consequences of Germany’s soaring energy prices and unstable power supply.  Chart: BDEW German electricity 3 times more expensive Firstly Blackout News reports how Germany’s electricity price is three time higher than it is in USA: The German electricity price is three times as high as in the USA. Criticism […]

Green Economic Collapse: 1/3 Of Germany's Automotive Suppliers Considering Moving Abroad

Green Economic Collapse: 1/3 Of Germany’s Automotive Suppliers Considering Moving Abroad

No surprise: despite all the milk-and-honey promises of a green economy, Germany’s blind rush away from fossil fuel and over to “green energies” is turning into a nightmare of inflation and economic decline.  Today Blackout News here reports on how one third of all German automotive suppliers are considering relocating investments abroad. Germany is no […]

Experts Warn German Economic Decline Certain… “We’ll Soon Be Living In Trees Again”

Even federal economics minister Robert Habeck (Greens) warns of a loss of industry threatening prosperity: From Blackout News “Industries are being lost, and that means not only the loss of employers and sectors, but also of an important part of our prosperity,” explained Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck at the presentation of his detailed “industrial […]

Germany's "Green Craze" Is "Expensive, Destructive, Useless"... A "Total Failure"

Germany’s “Green Craze” Is “Expensive, Destructive, Useless”… A “Total Failure”

Germans are already completely fed up and frustrated with the costly transition to green energies, and the target remains very far off. Even Bloomberg calls it a “total failure” Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck, Green Party, has been called by many the most incompetent in modern German history. Public domain image.  Germany’s conservative Report 24 […]

Germany: Employer Now Docking Wages Of Employees Who Eat Meat, Drive Autos!

Eigengoal Not only politicians, but also companies are starting to get hysterical when it to comes to climate. There are now drastic wage cuts if employees drive or eat meat. Germany’s APOLLO NEWS here reports that soccer club VfL Osnabrück is now “penalizing its employees with climate fines.” “Based on an individual CO₂ footprint calculated […]

Winter Cold, Darkness Kill, While Summer Heat And Sun Save Lives Data Clearly Show

Winter Cold, Darkness Kill, While Summer Heat And Sun Save Lives Data Clearly Show

Cold and stupid policies are the real killers, not heat German data from ( show that far more people die from cold winter weather than they do from hot summer weather Lately in Germany there’s been a coordinated disinformation campaign by policymakers and the media. all aimed at getting people to believe that summer […]

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