Even federal economics minister Robert Habeck (Greens) warns of a loss of industry threatening prosperity:
From Blackout News
“Industries are being lost, and that means not only the loss of employers and sectors, but also of an important part of our prosperity,” explained Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck at the presentation of his detailed “industrial strategy”.
As Habeck pushes through his version of the green new deal, spiraling inflation continues to erode wages and new housing construction has plummeted 31.6% in October.
Moreover, Co2 taxes and more highway tolls are going into effect next year and they certainly will not help the inflation situation. Also tsunami of refugees is causing an ever greater demand for affordable housing, which today no longer exists.
Emails show government knew nuclear shutdown would be costly
Blackout News here reports how Germany daily, BILD, “obtained an internal email exchange from 2022 between the press departments of the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economic Affairs.””It shows that the Ministry of Economic Affairs recognized early on that nuclear power plants would supply cheaper electricity if they continued to operate.” But the information was never made public.
The emails contain the following statement: “The continued operation of the nuclear power plants brings two further advantages in addition to the (small) gas savings: electricity prices fall and grid stability improves. As Neckarwestheim and Isar2 are located in the south of Germany (and are constantly in operation), they significantly reduce grid bottlenecks.”
German nuclear power plants, deemed by the Socialists and Greens as a threat to the environment, were shut down on April 15, 2023, and the country is now importing more expensive nuclear power from abroad.
“Germany will be buying more electricity from abroad in 2023 than ever before.”
Decline is certain
Germany’s economic situation is worsening and at a worrisome rate. Renowned economist Prof. Clemens Fuest, head of the ifo Institute in Munich, sees Germany’s economic decline as a certainty: “It makes no sense to reduce the supply of electricity and then counter this with subsidies when you consider the effects. That only harms us,” said Fuest in an interview.
“Destroying our prosperity”
Energy expert Michael Kruse of the FDP liberal democrat party told BILD: “This is destroying our prosperity. If we carry on like this, we’ll soon be living in trees again.”
“After the first three quarters of 2023 , Germany has paid over five billion euros for imported electricity this year,” according to Blackout News.
“Nuclear power would have been the cheaper choice.”
No one will be living trees. They’ll all be cut down for firewood. I expect there’ll be fighting over the best snug caves.
“Industries are being lost, and that means not only the loss of employers and sectors, but also of an important part of our prosperity,” – Habeck said
I don’t know how many times I’ve heard sane people saying that for more than 2 decades. Heck, I’m no economic genius, and it’s been obvious to me for quite a while.now.
Better late than never, I guess ? …as long as enough people listen to him.
They have all been clear-cut to make room for wind turbines
It just gets worser and worser, doesn’t it?
And no one saw this coming! Right.