
You are browsing the search results for "Rahmstorf"

Unfit For Debate – Rahmtorf’s Flies Off – Unleashes Tirade Against “Conspiracy Theororist” Skeptics

I’ve been wondering when the PIK would take off the muzzle they seemed to have put on Rahmstorf after a German court fined him for spreading untruths about a journalist who dared to contradict his science. On that read: Lubos here, court-certification here, and here. Using the occasion of low Arctic ice, Rahmstorf now comes out […]

Data From Leading IPCC Scientists Show Global Temps Have DROPPED Unprecendented 1°C Since 1990!

Data From Leading IPCC Scientists Show Global Temps Have DROPPED Unprecendented 1°C Since 1990!

If you ask renowned IPCC scientists what the mean global temperature is today, they tell you it’s 14.5°C. And if you ask them what it was 20 years ago, you would expect the answer to be about 14°C. Surprisingly, their literature from 20 years ago tell us unanimously that in 1990 the global temperature was 15.5°C, one […]

Now Backyard Barbeques Are Destroying The Planet – Leading German Alarmist Site Frets

The demonization of the outdoor barbecue has begun – expect it to be banned soon in our lifetime. I like visiting the German alarmist websites. Among my favorites is klimaretter “climate rescuers”, a leading alarmist site run by a gaggle of tree-hugging, panic-spreading kooks who insist the end is near. They’re aligned with Joe Romm, Bill McKibben […]

Temperature Charts Reveal Astounding Cluelessness Among Top Scientists On Real Global Mean Temperature!

We’ve got to keep the planet from warming 2°C since industrialization began, the AGW alarmist scientists warn us. So far we are told that manmade greenhouse gases have warmed the planet 0.8°C since about 1880, which means it must not warm more than another 1.2°C. Hoffmann’s video shows that nobody has a clue as to […]

Hockey Stick Was Refuted Before Its Fabrication – Study Ignored – IPCC And Mann Took World On 10-Year Joyride

Geologist Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt found a Japanese tree-ring temperature reconstruction from 1995, one that should have been heeded by the IPCC and Michael Mann before they took the world on a 10-year joyride in the stolen car of “climate science”. Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age found far, far away from the […]

Mama Mia! Italian Paleoclimatologists Discover Little Ice Age Extended Well Beyond North Atlantic Region

Dr. Sebastian Lünning’s and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt’s climate website Die kalte Sonne, has a report on a paper on the Maunder Minimum in the Journal The Holocene. What follows is a translation in English: Study by Diodato and Bellocchi show that Little Ice Age was not restricted to North Atlantic region (Painting by Hendrick Barentsz) The […]

German Insurance Industry Fanning The Fears Of “Climate Change” – Takes Over At The IPCC To Cash In

The insurance industry is one of the primary beneficiaries of the climate change panic. The more people fear climate-related disaster, the more inclined they’ll be to buy up insurance or to pay higher premiums. No industry has a a greater interest in fanning climate panic than the insurance industry. Hat-tip: a reader. German insurance industry moves to […]

Klaus-Eckart Puls: Sea Level Rise Is Slowing Down – “There’s Going To Be No Acceleration”

Veteran meteorologist Klaus-Eckart Puls made a presentation on sea level at the 4th climate conference in Munich at the end of last year. The data are clear: sea level rise is slowing down. Here are the data Puls presents: 0:35 – Not everyone is convinced sea levels will rise quickly. Qatar just built a stadium […]

Max Planck Institute Director Admits "Physical Causes Unclear...Models Inconsistent With Observations"!

Max Planck Institute Director Admits “Physical Causes Unclear…Models Inconsistent With Observations”!

More cracks like never before are appearing in Germany’s climate alarmism. Not long ago global warming science was considered settled here. So much so that climate protection has long since been institutionalized. Now it’s all starting to look like a very expensive mistake. The threat of a spectacular crumble is becoming real. Michael Odenwald of […]

Veteran German Meteorologist: “Nature Journal Has Become A Comic Book”…Climate Modeling A Playground

There has been a rash of dubious papers published lately. Many of us suspect that the IPCC is desperate for science that can serve to prop up the ailing global warming science of its upcoming 5th assessment report. The most recent include papers by Jeremy Shakun et al, who attempt to put CO2 back into […]

No Sea Level Rise Acceleration – Study Shows “Similar Rates Could Also Be Identified Earlier In The Record”

How often do we hear screams “head for the hills, sea levels are rising fast!” from alarmists like James Extreme Hansen of GISS and Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)? Yet, study after study show that there is no evidence of accelerating sea level rise. All sea level fluctuations are […]

Emphatic Blow To CO2 Warmists - New Study Shows A Clear Millennial Solar Impact Throughout Holocene

Emphatic Blow To CO2 Warmists – New Study Shows A Clear Millennial Solar Impact Throughout Holocene

A new paper titled High-resolution sea surface reconstructions off Cape Hatteras over the last 10 ka appearing just recently in the AGU Paleoceanography Journal authored by Caroline Cléroux et al provides further, clear evidence of a major solar impact on climate during the Holocene. Hat/tip: http://kaltesonne.de/. According to the paper’s abstract, the study presents high-resolution foraminiferal-based sea surface temperature, […]

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