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Pachauri Should Step Down, Say Leading German Scientists

The German Readers Edition reports that 3 leading scientists, among them alarmist Stefan Rahmstorf, are calling on Rajendra Pachauri to step down as Chairman of the IPCC because of management errors and the recent attacks on the IPCC and climate science.According to Stefan Rahmstorf’s blog Klimalounge: I’m not calling for an end of Pachauri, but I could certainly imagine […]

Germany Guide: Who’s Who In Climate Science?

I) WHO ARE THE SCEPTICS IN GERMANY? The real “troublemakers” in Germany are: 1. Professor Hans von Storch of the GKSS (warmist, but scientific and welcomes debate). 2. Prof. Josef H. Reichholf of the Technical Univ. of Munich. 3. Hans H.J. Labohm (Dutch), journalist. 4. Prof. Augusto Mangini, U. of Heidelberg (maybe not a sceptic, but critical […]

NOAA's Overland Warns of Cold Snowy Winters !!

Remember all those reports about how snow in the wintertime would be so seldom that it would be exciting, permafrost would melt, and palm trees possibly spreading to northern Europe? This all due to AGW. Well, according to the prominent online Sueddeutsche Zeitung (South German News), there’s been some, errr, adjustments to climate models, or something. Forget all […]

129 Climate Scandals

94 climate-gates total 28 new gates 145 links to reports with details The new gates on the list are designated with “NEW!” to make them easy to spot. Thanks to a number of readers who have given me tips. © Copyright notice I’ve noticed some websites have cut and pasted entire lists of gates at their sites […]

Climate Scandals – More Than You Can Shake A Stick At

NEW, IMPROVED LIST OF GATES Some of you will recall a list of gates I complied not long ago. Well, now here’s the updated and improved list, which includes new scandals. It’s the science that never stops giving. In fact, the gates of today produce the gates of tomorrow. To say it like an old […]

Gate Blowup! Come On In Gate Lovers!

 UPDATED LIST:   !! CLICK HERE !! What follows is only the first orignal list of climate gates, click above for the newest list. Climate science has produced an entire warehouse full of scandals. In fact the scandals are in such big supply that you can now get them at the House of Climate Science for a dime a dozen. […]

Peak & Trade: German PIK Scientists Propose Per Capita Climate Quota

Rudolf Kipp of http://www.science-skeptical.de/blog/deutsche-klimaforscher-starten-neuen-rettungsversuch-fur-ein-globales-klimaabkommen-die-klima-kopfpauschale/002480/  reports on the latest German plan to save the planet: Peak and Trade. This is my summary in English. Without a doubt the Copenhagen Climate Conference last December was a major flop. A treaty for reducing CO2 emissions could not find the support it needed. The conference was such a disaster […]

Trenberth’s Hidden Heat

At the German Readers Edition, Rudolf Kipp has a short write-up poking fun at Kevin Trenberth’s missing heat. http://www.readers-edition.de/2010/04/18/raetsel-geloest-globale-erwaermung-versteckt-sich-in-den-ozeanen/. I’d like to build further on that. Kevin Trenberth is a devout believer in AGW. Unfortunately measurements haven’t been cooperating and they show the world hasn’t warmed up at all over the last years. Frustrated, Trenberth was […]

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