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Global Temps Plunged 1-2°C Within Decades 8.2 K and 4.2 K Years Ago - And It Could Happen Again

Global Temps Plunged 1-2°C Within Decades 8.2 K and 4.2 K Years Ago – And It Could Happen Again

In direct contrast with CO2-centric climate modeling, extensive paleoclimate evidence affirms that the Holocene climate has been far more variable in the past 12,000 years than during the relatively quiescent period we’ve enjoyed since the mid-19th century. In the absence of CO2 concentration changes or human interference, abrupt global cooling episodes led to agricultural collapse, […]

A Research Associate Despairs Over Bleak Visions From The Prophets Of Potsdam: "A Catastrophe Is Rolling Our Way!"

A Research Associate Despairs Over Bleak Visions From The Prophets Of Potsdam: “A Catastrophe Is Rolling Our Way!”

Chronic climate anxiety. A Potsdam research associate writes how she copes with the psychological despair and distress she suffers because of her perceived approaching climate catastrophe. Distressed Potsdam IASS research associate Irene Müller. Image cropped from: IASS. Over at the blog site of the Potsdam Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), research associate Irene Müller writes […]

Another Warming 'Hole'? Observations Show The North Atlantic COOLED By -0.8°C/Century Since 1800s

Another Warming ‘Hole’? Observations Show The North Atlantic COOLED By -0.8°C/Century Since 1800s

In a new paper, scientists document another long-term cooling trend, this time in the North Atlantic’s sea surface temperatures.  Characterized as yet another stubborn “warming hole” in the anthropogenic “global” warming (AGW) narrative, the cooling trend amounts to “0.8 K century-1” and does not follow expectations outlined in models of  global-scale warming. The portrayal of a […]

Climate Scientists “Gone Astray”…”Climate Alarm Bubble Gradually Rupturing”, German Scientists Say

At the Wall Street Journal, Steven F. Hayward penned a great summary on the current state of the climate movement, telling us the CO2 climate change issue is quickly running out of oxygen. Comparing the movement to earlier environmental movements, Hayward tells us that such movements can be broken down into 5 phases: Bring attention to the problem […]

Climate Heresy…German DLF National Public Radio Reports Observed Hurricane Changes Are Natural!

Here’s something you don’t witness very often…German national public radio telling listeners that natural factors are behind observed changes in something related to climate. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard the German media claim storms are linked to our disdainful energy gluttony. So it comes as quite a shock when you hear […]

600 Non Warming Graphs (2)

600 Non Warming Graphs (2)

  Anderson et al., 2018 “We estimate that air temperatures were 2.5–3.0 °C higher during the Holocene Thermal Maximum than the local 1960–1990 average. … Between 1700 and 1925 CE temperatures were likely 0.6–0.8 °C lower than the 1950–2015 reference temperature.“ Wu et al., 2018 McFarlin et al., 2018 (Greenland/Baffin Bay) “(Greenland)  Early Holocene peak warmth has been quantified […]

Skeptic Papers 2018 (2)

Skeptic Papers 2018 (2)

2. Natural Mechanisms Of Weather, Climate Change (153) Solar Influence On Climate (104) ENSO, NAO, AMO, PDO Climate Influence (22) Modern Climate In Phase With Natural Variability (8) Cloud/Aerosol Climate Influence (4) Volcanic/Tectonic Climate Influence (3) The CO2 Greenhouse Effect – Climate Driver? (13) Solar Influence On Climate Alekseev, 2018     Having calculated the frequency […]

Skeptic Papers 2018 (1)

Skeptic Papers 2018 (1)

1. Climate Change Observation, Reconstruction (190) No Net Warming Since Mid/Late 20th Century (36) A Warmer Past: Non-Hockey Stick Reconstructions (77) Lack Of Anthropogenic/CO2 Signal In Sea Level Rise (16) Sea Levels Multiple Meters Higher 4,000-7,000 Years Ago (18) A Model-Defying Cryosphere, Polar Ice (34) Mass Extinction Events Caused By Glaciation, Sea Level Fall (3) […]

IT'S-THE-SUN Climate Science Steamrolls Into 2018

IT’S-THE-SUN Climate Science Steamrolls Into 2018

‘Strong Influence Of Solar Activity’ On 1850s-2014 Ocean Temperatures, ‘Small Contribution From CO2’ According to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN-IPCC) and computer modeling, the Sun’s role in modern-era climate change checks in at somewhere slightly above nothing. Image Source: IPCC AR5 (2013) And yet it is increasingly evident that more and more scientists across the […]

Surprise! Spiegel Online Slams Profiteering From Climate Alarmism... Munich Re Admits: "No Climate Signal"

Surprise! Spiegel Online Slams Profiteering From Climate Alarmism… Munich Re Admits: “No Climate Signal”

Spiegel Online published two days ago an excellent article by science journalist Axel Bojanowski on the widespread “disinformation surrounding climate change” and the profit made from the hyping and exaggeration of weather extremes. Examples cited are the Deutsche Bundesbahn (German Railway), the reinsurance industry, foremost Munich Re, and alarmist climate scientists such as Potsdam Institute’s Stefan […]

Europe Facing Coldest March In Years, Global Surface Temperatures Cool..."Bad Times" For Warming Alarmists

Europe Facing Coldest March In Years, Global Surface Temperatures Cool…”Bad Times” For Warming Alarmists

Here at NTZ we are glad to see that German weather and climate blogger Schneefan is back from his hiatus and this week he presents a couple of interesting posts, here and here. Cold to grip Europe for rest of month First he writes that the latest weather models and patterns are now pointing to an extended winter […]

Bewildered Scientists...A Global Warming Crisis Fails To Appear: Sea Level Rise Grinds To A Crawl

Bewildered Scientists…A Global Warming Crisis Fails To Appear: Sea Level Rise Grinds To A Crawl

Over the past months a spate of scientific papers published show sea level rise has not accelerated like many climate warming scientists warned earlier. The reality is that the rise is far slower than expected, read here and here. Alarmist bedwetting by scientists over sea level rise proving to have been needless. Photo: PIK climate […]

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