German climate and weather analyst “Schneefan” (Snow Fan) here writes a summary of the first half of 2018 thus far. All data show that the surface temperature of the globe has been cooling strongly over the past months and polar ice mass growing.
He writes that in the first half of this year we have seen weak solar activity and La Nina conditions acting to cool the globe’s surface. Moreover Arctic and Antarctic ice mass have grown in comparison to the previous years.
Surface temperatures cool
The 2-meter surface temperatures have reached there lowest levels so far this year:
Source: Karsten Haustein, NCEO GFS.
Further, July mean surface temperatures are expected to ease further. GISS adjusted data show greater warming.
Huge sea ice surprise
Arctic sea ice area remains within the normal range at the start of July 2018, and according to the University of Bremen and the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), it is even higher than the previous years:
Though sea ice area being within the normal range may not sound impressive at all, it is yet remarkable in light of the fact that just ten years ago some scientists warned that there would not be any Arctic sea ice left come late summer!
“Especially amazing” Arctic ice volume
Schneefan reports that what’s “especially amazing” is the “powerful growth” in Arctic sea ice volume, which has surged well above the mean of the previous years, according to the data from the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI):
As of July 5, 2017, Arctic sea volume (black curve) is at the highest level in 5 years: 15,000 cubic kilometers. Source: DMI.
Japanese climate skeptic Kirye at Twitter confirmed the growing Arctic ice volume, as she has produced and posted a wonderful GIF graphic animation showing the course of Arctic sea ice volume for the past weeks compared to the past 16 years:
Currently sea ice volume is at the 4th highest. Source: Kirye.
Super-cooled Antarctic: ice grows significantly
Antarctic sea ice area has also grown significantly since last year and has rebounded to a normal level. As of July 5, sea ice extent was just under 12 million sq. km.
Source: AWI, University of Bremen
Currently tremendously cold conditions are gripping the vast majority of the Antarctic continent. The 7-day forecast issued on July 5 by NCEP CFS shows much colder than normal conditions taking hold over the vast majority of Antarctica.
Source: NCEP CFS, Karsten Haustein
Greenland ice mass balance surges
Recently NASA expert Jay Zwally confirmed that Antarctic ice mass was on the increase.
Schneefan also reports that Greenland ice mass balance grew for the first time in the current century, and was just recently (July 1st) some 75 billion tonnes above the WMO 1981-2010 climate mean.
Cooling troposphere
Also the mid troposphere at about 7500 meters altitude (400 hPa) shows a very cool temperature level compared to the other years since 2002:
DMI Ice volume has certainly been interesting to watch.
Here is my latest rendition of the current data
We see that 2018 is above every recent year except 2014, , also above 2003 and 2004.
In the next couple of days, it will probably cross above 2003.
Where it will bottom out is anyone’s guess. Depends of the weather. It looks like somewhere just around the +1sd mark, but it could have a late season drop like 2003 and 2014 did.
Time will tell.
Certainly the “Arctic Sea Ice death spiral” of AGW alarmism is dead, and as the AMO starts to turn we will probably see a gradual increase in Arctic sea ice over the next several years
Looking at NSIDC Arctic, we see that while it was low for a while because of the early melt out side the main Arctic, and up through the Bering Strait, the melt has been quite slow, and the current extent is in 4th place since 2006.
Barring late season storms, minimum is looking like it could be around 5.5 Mkm² or even above.
If you read the WMO link you will see that they are sticking to 1961-1990 are their standard reference period.
If you were intentionally selecting the coldest 30 years of the AMO cycle, you would be a hard time selecting a better 30 year period. (maybe moving 5 years later would have a colder mean)
If you were going to have a “standard reference period”, wouldn’t it be far more logical and scientifically supportable to use the full cycle of one of the main drivers of temperature cycles??
If they insist on a multiple of 10 and ending with a zero, that would be 1950-2010, and much of which would now be positive temperatures anomalies, would become pretty close to normal or below.
Standard practice for reporting weather items is currently 1981-2010; 30 years. This was set up in the mid-1930s, before computers, and was not interpreted as “climate.”
The idea was to give adults something to relate the daily reports in newspapers to their own experiences.
This “climate normal” thing has become a big deal, but should not have.
At some future date, the ice will break up and get flushed out of the Artic area, as it has before.
I think it was in 2007 via the Fram and Davis straits.
Storms, not CO2
Not just 2007 but 2012 as well. It was sustained long-fetch winds which pushed out large amounts of thick Arctic sea ice through the Fram Strait that led to 2012’s record low extent – certainly not because temperatures were remarkable. But winds are uncontrollable and nontaxable, so they don’t get the press coverage they deserve.
“Storms, not CO2”
but.. but.. all storms are caused by CO2 aren’t they !
I’m sure human CO2 must have been involved somehow. 😉
I wonder how easy it is to earn the title or job description of “scientist”. Given their reckless predictions based on no more than extrapolation of data, without an ounce of understanding, you have to say they are next to worthless.
[…] 8.7.2018: Ein anderer Blick auf das arktische MeereisVOLUMEN zeigt das ungewöhnliche Wachstum im Vergleich zu den meisten […]
Slightly OT – snow in S.A.
Their children finally know what snow is.
The DMI keeps a chart on the rate of melt. It maxes out by the third week of July.
The SMB chart shows a seasonal low in the middle of August.
The DMI chart on Arctic temp goes back to freezing at about August 23rd.
James Hansen’s forecast for the Arctic to be ice-free this summer ain’t working.
The snow cover extent for the Northern Hemisphere was above the standard deviation band last August. Then, on the high side through November.
And above the band since early May.
If it stays above through this August, it will be year-2 on the start of the next Little Ice Age.
All that is needed is net accumulation of snow from one year to the next.
Bob Hoye
It would appear Bob, you and I are of the same opinion — that we are currently in a climatic cool down. I would say it may be as cool as the 1960s/1970s, or perhaps we’ll go as deep as the Dalton minimum.
What are your thoughts on the extent?
Big time fake news. This is not even close. Here is the real data from DMI:
and here is the data from NSIDC:
“Schneefan” is doctoring the data and duping a lot of apparently smart people.
BTW, reading the post, there are lots of date errors too…clues that there was a lot of cut and past and not much real effort other than to deceive and get on a news roll of fake news.
Czech yr facts people!
I don’t trust them.
Either they are lying, or just incompetent. But the end result is the same.
Don’t trust Tony Heller, he is definetely lying. If you think he speaks the truth, then at least be skeptical about what he has to say and don’t repeat everything this “software expert” tells you to believe.
Don’t trust seb
He is one of the most deceitful zero-evidence trolls on the web.
Not once has he ever been able to show where TH has been incorrect.
Understand that seb never has anything to back up anything he says.
Golem doesn’t like those who want to steal his precious warming, like Tony Heller, …or Paul Homewood who also brings data.
Golem wants us to trust his friends, like carbonbrief…
…or skepticalscience…
No thanks!
Oops, last was @spike, not Andy. Sorry.
And then there’s Steve McIntyre, who cuts even deeper, exposing yet more of the slovenly ENRON accounting of the warmunistas.
It’s a national disgrace that NASA has so devolved as to become a haven for incompetent activists.
Oh come on spikey, ignoring what I write to make your silly points and place some creative insults doesn’t make it so. I’ve shown this plenty of times. If you listen to Tony Heller, you are the one who gets deceived. You could as well tune in some flat earther channel, talk about contrails or something like that. No difference.
Again you dishonestly reply, seb
You HAVE NOT shown anything wrong with TH’s science or data anytime.
You have shown it is different from your wacko anti-science, anti, reality fantasies and lies, but that is YOU that is wrong, not Tony.
Only in your most fetid imaginings have you come close to countering anything TH says.
You in, fact usually adopt the headless chook routine of running around making mindless cackling noises whenever asked to substantiate any of your anti-science anti-fact claims.
It what you do
It who you are
Lets try again with those two questions..
Q1.. In what way has the climate changed in the last 40 years, and how are those changes scientifically attributable to human activity ?
Q2. Do you have ANY EVIDENCE that humans have changed the global climate in ANYWAY WHATSOEVER?
and add a third,
Q3. Where have you ever countered anything TH has put forward with anything remotely resembling actual science, rather than your usual baseless, mind-numbed opinion.
Warmists DO lie.
They lie about their data, and about those skeptical of their data. They have to lie, because they have nothing else.
I have many times tested Tony Heller’s data and graphs, and have never found anything but very minor errors.
You, on the other hand, produce ZERO evidence at all most of the time, and when you do it is so mathematically inept as to be basically meaningless or totally irrelevant.
Do you suppose he gets paid a flat rate, or is it piecework or by the hour? I’m guessing one of the latter given the shear volume of disinformation he spews. Apparently carbonbrief (the warmist rag he loves so much) employs an army of trolls to drown out skeptics on social media.
“The Carbon Brief is backed by the European Climate Foundation and it appears to me to be a PR machine specifically designed to counter any scepticism and it has the funding, resources, political backing and contacts to do just that.”
I wouldn’t be surprised if he was their dedicated representative to NTZ.
“specifically designed to counter any scepticism”
If they are paying them, its been a monumental waste of money.
He is basically unable to counter ANYTHING with anything remotely resemble science.
Mindless arrogance, zero-science self-opinionated BS, and juvenile attention-seeking… is NOT evidence.
But its all he has.
And more conspiracy talk … who would have thought. Who are you representing Yonason? The retired angry people group?
And more conspiracy talk FROM seb.
Who are you representing, seb?
The semi-educated, regressive, self-unaware, juvenile SJWs of the inner-city far-left latte café set?
Or do you have a favourite chicken coop of blind chicklets that you are trying to impress with your headless chook evasion routines?
“Big time fake news”
Yes, yours is.
The data is DMI volume
At least do the courtesy of sticking to the same data.
The graphs are CORRECT.
Day 187 NSIDC sea ice extent is above 2006, 2007,2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2016.
Yes it started a bit low because of the early melt in Bering Strait and outside that end of the Arctic, but the region inside is melting quite slowly.
Again how about you look at the ACTUAL DATA.
Or you could look at MASIE sea ice extent
Beaufort see is above every year except 2006 and 2013
Baffin Bay is above EVERY year back to 2006
Hudson Bay is above EVERY year back to 2006
Canadian Archipelago is above all years except 2012, 2013
There is still ONE HECK OF A LOT of thick, slow-to-melt sea ice up there. !
““Schneefan” is doctoring the data and duping a lot of apparently smart people.”
That is a LIE.
I call on you to look at the same data he is using.
DMI Volume, and Bremen ice data
and once you have found he is correct…
… to RETRACT that statement
I see, and that’s why we have reports of record temperatures everywhere, month after month being the 2nd or 3rd warmests ever recorded. It surely is cooling fast …
Have they? Not even in the skeptics darling temperature record UAH6 have the temperatures dropped to their lowest level this year …
According to … yeah, according to another source it’s like this: (e.g. not at all in normal range)
And no, spike55, the data is extent. Look at the unit and Pierre using the word “area”.
At this point I must wonder if you freaked out about sea ice volume in 2014 in a similar way. Declaring cooling to commence immeadiately because “strong sea ice volume growth”. Do you remember what you did when that didn’t happen? What will you do this time? Rinse and repeat everytime we have a slightly “normal” year instead of another record breaking one?
And you even cite Kyre the Japanese skeptic that climate change is not a thing while Japan is drowning in not before seen floodding?
Again, what did you do in 2014 when it was around 15 million sq. km at this time of year? Did you do a victory dance that cooling is finally here? Only to be crushed by 4 years of record warmth?
Some simple minded folks in the skeptic community might read that as “the Greenland ice sheet is growing” … you should tell them that the balance doesn’t include the runoff. As the DMI website states very clearly:
P.S.: The ENSO outlook is currently on “El Nino Watch”. Just saying … doesn’t look like cooling to the rest of us. And all the accumulated heat content needs a release from time to time.
“and that’s why we have reports of record temperatures everywhere”
Except we don’t.
“And no, spike55, the data is extent”
NO seb, the data is VOLUME in the DMI graphs. The units are cubic, anyone can see that.. (poor seb, caught ignorant yet again)
Area is the Bremen graphs, seb.. your lack of comprehension of basically everything is continually highlighted by your comments. You are ignorance personified.
Japan hasn’t had any warming in decades, you are MAKING THINGS UP yet again seb.. LIES and DECEPTION, the seb way.
At least you don’t DENY that Antarctic sea ice his catching back up to average quickly just go on a yapping rant instead.
Your utter DESPERATION is showing, seb
Anyway, there is ZERO EVIDENCE that man has any influence of ANY of this natural variability.
You STILL keep running away from those two questions, little coward..
Let’s try again.. see if you go with your usual headless chook routine this time.
Q1.. In what way has the climate changed in the last 40 years, and how are those changes scientifically attributable to human activity ?
Q2. Do you have ANY EVIDENCE that humans have changed the global climate in ANYWAY WHATSOEVER?
I don’t want to reply to you directly anymore because of things like this. No, the guy you replied to means the extent graph and I do to. You are imagining up things so you can “argue” against them … that’s silly. Have a fish, troll.
No seb , you are being deliberately deceitful again.
Rick used the DMI extent to say the author was doctoring data, when the author was talking about volume.
You are WRONG as always, seb.. is it deliberately WRONG or ignorantly WRONG. ??
And I notice you yet again, adopt the “headless chook, run away in panic” routine whenever those two questions are posted.
So hilarious to watch. 🙂
As for the Japanese floods, perhaps you ought to do some research before believing the far-left press.
Look around 1889, 1938, 1945 – 1959(several bad floods), 1972, 1982
Then perhaps you ought to look at the geographic landscape and figure out how it might have formed..
But I guess that is beyond you to comprehend as well.
Are you suggesting the record rainfalls in Japan aren’t record rainfalls? Is that a similar act as declaring temperature records invalid and go around screaming that Australia experienced its 10000th warmest whatever?
Records in some parts, sure.
Let me guess, you didn’t even bother looking.
But absolutely NOTHING to do with any human cause.
You didn’t even understand the bit about geographic formations, did you ! Just remain DUMB, seb.
If you have any REAL evidence that humans were in any way responsible for this random weather event..
While you are at it, you could try to answer one of these simple questions
Q1.. In what way has the climate changed in the last 40 years, and how are those changes scientifically attributable to human activity ?
Q2. Do you have ANY EVIDENCE that humans have changed the global climate in ANYWAY WHATSOEVER?
.. OR you could just rant mindlessly yet again.
And no, I am not making light of the tragic flooding and loss of life in the Japanese flood (before you deceitfully accuse me of that.)
Just don’t try to link it to anything to do with any human cause, because you KNOW you have absolutely ZERO-EVIDENCE for that.
That would be a truly slimy and despicable act if you did that, wouldn’t it seb.
8th July, NSIDC has NH sea ice above that of 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2017
DMI sea ice volume is in 4th place since 2003, behind 2004. 2014 and 2003. Sitting ‘close as’ to +1sd above the average for 2003-2017
MASIE has NH sea ice above every year except 2008, 2013 and 2015 and well above the 2006-2017 average.
Did you perform a similar act in 2014? What did you do when you realized the comming ice age would not manifest itself?
Your dishonesty to yourself in replying to my posts, says all there is to say about you, seb
A LIAR even to yourself.
Can you argue one little bit about a straightforward list of data??
Or do you have to put in yet another childish plea for attention??
You know what spike55, you could have just answered this question, but no … you had to do what you always do. Your silly replies aren’t helping anyone. I wonder why your buddies here don’t try to contain your nonsense and on top seem to find it funny when you annoy any opposition that found this blog and made the mistake to try to argue with you people.
So one more time: what did you do in 2014? Clearly a record year in sea ice extent. Did you celebrate in a similar fashion? Do you remember what happened in the years since then? Why is 2018 different in your opinion?
Still EMPTY cackling from seb.
Your EMPTY replies are helping the realist side (that’s us) of the argument a HUGE amount.
You don’t even realise what a moronic brain-hosed oaf you are looking.
Thanks for proving time after time that you cannot even substantiate the most basic meme of the AGW cult-scam.
The Sword of Damocles hangs over your head, as you lie faceplanted in your own BS..
.. but you dare not respond to two simple questions.
Q1. In what way has the climate changed in the last 40 years, and how are those changes scientifically attributable to human activity ?
Q2. Do you have ANY EVIDENCE that humans have changed the global climate in ANYWAY WHATSOEVER?
It is yet again note that you cannot even be HONEST to yourself, by not replying.
You are like a puppet on a string.
Can’t help yourself, no self will, just baseless arrogance and a childish need for attention.
No wonder you are so mind-numbingly GULLIBLE
Yep, I made that mistake in this thread. I usually intend to follow a thread to its end, so deal with me replying further to you in this short instance.
It’s impressive how you can come up with these kind of creative insult replies that say nothing and are pure trolling though. Have fun in the future. Your fellow comment author buddies seem to be ok with your lies and insults and generally annoying behaviour 😉
And STILL the headless chook routine of mindless evasion, mixed in with a pathetic “I’m the victim” plea.
You know your soulless intention here is as a disruptive attention-seeking troll
I can deal with you any day seb, you are an evidence free scientific non-entity.
I can also except that all we will get from you in baseless opinion, lies, deceit and dishonesty.. we picked the nature of you personality ages ago.
Q1. In what way has the climate changed in the last 40 years, and how are those changes scientifically attributable to human activity ?
Q2. Do you have ANY EVIDENCE that humans have changed the global climate in ANYWAY WHATSOEVER?
MASIE, Day 189, NH Arctic sea ice extent above every year except 2008 and 2013.
Poor seb, DESPERATE that the LIE that is AGW is being exposed.
But then, you never could back up even the most basic of its lies with any actual empirical science, could you, seb
It was always just a figment, a myth, a FAIRY-TALE.
The countering arguments are replete with
apples/oranges comparisons. The dueling arguments
bear strong similarity with skew lines that never
meet but tantalize the casual observer.
But are we to seriously concede the claims of successive
“warmest years (months) ever” as the unassailable bulwark
for the warmist arguments?
A fibration of projective space by skew lines on
nested hyperboloids.
Countering arguments? There is nothing that could counter skeptic beliefs and their imaginations are too ridiculous to require any countering. And somehow they feel validated when nobody cares to explain it to them anymore after the million-th time they ignored any explanation … because hey, nobody countered what the skeptic wrote, so it must be true (finally).
Poor seb
You can’t even support your own arguments with anything resembling real science.
You constantly present NOTHING that needs countering, just wild headless chook non-science
All you have is your IMAGINARY CO2 warming and your ridiculous fantasies about humans causing weather events and changes to the climate.
I’ll ask, yet again, in the vain hope of you acquiring the guts to attempt an answer that is supported by scientific evidence
Q1.. In what way has the climate changed in the last 40 years, and how are those changes scientifically attributable to human activity ?
Q2. Do you have ANY EVIDENCE that humans have changed the global climate in ANYWAY WHATSOEVER?
So seb,
“There is nothing that could counter skeptic beliefs and their imaginations are too ridiculous to require any countering.”
No seb, we real skeptics do not have ‘beliefs and their imaginations’, we ask only for observed, verifiable evidence. Thus far YOU and other cAGW prognosticators have provided nothing.
The whole cAGW movement has nothing to show that atmospheric CO2 levels, and its increase, affect the climate or, at current levels (or higher levels), is dangerous. There is however much propaganda on the topic, much coming from you at this site. 😉
Yes you do. You guys regularly display it. Or are you saying that you aren’t “real skeptics”?
Umm, climate science provides nearly everything. You chose to interpret the few junk science papers in your favor to justify your “skepticism”. That’s all that is happening.
Why would the current levels be dangerous? You’ve missed the entire discussion, haven’t you? It’s about future CO2 concentrations and the warming that this will cause (or hopefully won’t when mankind wakes up and curbs its emissions).
Propaganda … you really are living in another world. Don’t even realize what you guys are doing 😉
Yet another EMPTY self-opinionated load of BS from seb.
All you have left, isn’t it little trollette.
>”and the warming that this will cause”
Again with the anti-science BS.
There is ZERO EVIDENCE that CO2 has, or ever will, cause any warming.
Stick to your manic little fantasy world, seb.
Its all yours. LIES and DECEIT and all.
Let us see you provide answers to these two questions, seb, instead of your CONTINUED headless chook evasion routine
Q1.. In what way has the climate changed in the last 40 years, and how are those changes scientifically attributable to human activity ?
Q2. Do you have ANY EVIDENCE that humans have changed the global climate in ANYWAY WHATSOEVER?
Funny I was just thinking the same thing about countering warmists. So I guess if you believe in global warming, it’s all good. Catastrophism has an allure to certain mentalities. And they certainly have a willing power block supporting their delusion. So when the next ice age gets here, we are to believe it was caused by global warming. Got it.
Anyone who believes that CO2 which constitutes 0.04% of the atmosphere and does not undergo any phase change and has zero latent heat capacity controls heat transfer in the atmosphere or anywhere else for that matter is quite simply ignorant and deluded.
Nothing else needs to be said.
You are completely ignoring how radiation works, Rosco. You can begin learning about that stuff by googling “radiative heat transfer”.
Seb , you have ZERO EVIDENCE for any sort of radiative warming from CO2….
It is YOU that is ignorant about how radiation works in out atmosphere.
And you have shown that you incapable of learning because you just DON’T WHAT TO KNOW..
[…] monitoring sources across the spectrum of opinion on climate change. The other day I happened upon this piece, which describes recent measurements of ice mass and ice extent gains in the Arctic, Antarctic, and […]