
Hype Uncovered: ‘Nature’ Study Shows That Permafrost Is Not A Climate Tipping Point

Germany’s Klimanachrichten here presents peer-reviewed climate science that shows permafrost is not really a tipping point we need to worry about.  Here’s the text of what is reported on the video:  “Permafrost soils store a lot of CO2 and are often described as a critical tipping element in the Earth system, which suddenly and globally […]

Scientists: Greenland July 14°C Warmer With 35% Less CO2 250,000 Years Ago!

Scientists: Greenland July 14°C Warmer With 35% Less CO2 250,000 Years Ago!

CO2 theory called into question…inconvenient truths emerge A new study by Bierman et al titled: Plant, insect, and fungi fossils under the center of Greenland’s ice sheet are evidence of ice-free times, shows that “in the middle of Greenland, where a three-kilometer-thick ice sheet now sits, plants and insects once flourished and at CO2 levels […]

Central Greenland Was Recently Ice-Free And Covered With Plants When CO2 Was Under 300 ppm

Central Greenland Was Recently Ice-Free And Covered With Plants When CO2 Was Under 300 ppm

Today, with CO2 levels supposedly in the “dangerously high” range, Central Greenland has 3 kilometers of ice piled atop it. Scientists have known since the GISP2 borehole was drilled in 1993 that Central Greenland deglaciated at least once in the late Pleistocene (Bierman et al., 2024). Indeed, the Summit of the modern Greenland ice sheet […]

The Barents Sea Was Seasonally Ice Free For Much Of The Holocene...Today It's Ice-Covered Year-Round

The Barents Sea Was Seasonally Ice Free For Much Of The Holocene…Today It’s Ice-Covered Year-Round

More evidence has emerged suggesting there is more sea ice in the Arctic today than nearly any time in the last 8000 years. According to a new study, biomarker evidence suggests the Barents Sea (Arctic) was seasonally “ice free” from ~8000 to ~2100 years ago, or back when the CO2 concentration was said to be […]

New Study: Greenland Cooled by -0.11°C From 2000-2019 - Including All Ice Free And Ice Covered Areas

New Study: Greenland Cooled by -0.11°C From 2000-2019 – Including All Ice Free And Ice Covered Areas

Any 21st century ice melt across Greenland cannot be due to an accelerated warming trend, as the island as a whole has been cooling since the 1990s. New research analyzes two decades of Greenland land surface temperature (LST) data. Contrary to the popular narrative of a significant warming trend, Greenland has instead cooled from 2000-2019 […]

New Study Finds Arctic Warming, Declining Sea Ice May Be A 'Benefit' To Polar Bears And Ringed Seals

New Study Finds Arctic Warming, Declining Sea Ice May Be A ‘Benefit’ To Polar Bears And Ringed Seals

The polar bear plight has quietly disappeared from the catastrophic global warming narrative. According to new research, the body condition of polar bears and ringed seals (their prey) has been stable to improving from 2008-2022 despite Arctic warming and sea ice decline during this period. This is the opposite of what was predicted to happen, […]

Climate Researchers Warn: Warmer Climate Could Lead To "Cold Waves Across Northern Europe"!

Climate Researchers Warn: Warmer Climate Could Lead To “Cold Waves Across Northern Europe”!

In a recent open letter, researchers warned that a warmer Arctic could lead to cold waves across Northern Europe – due to “complex feedback mechanisms”. According to Forschung & Wissen here, an international group of renowned scientists recently published an open letter (PDF) stating that the melting of ice in the Arctic could disrupt ocean […]

Brown Bears Lived In The 73°N Siberian Arctic 3500 Years Ago...Today Their Northern Boundary Is 65°N

Brown Bears Lived In The 73°N Siberian Arctic 3500 Years Ago…Today Their Northern Boundary Is 65°N

A new study provides still more evidence the Arctic was warmer than it is today as recently as a few thousand years ago. In 2020 the well-preserved carcass of a Yakutian brown bear (Ursus arctos) was discovered buried in permafrost on the terrain of the treeless tundra Bolshoy Lyakhovsky Island in the Arctic Ocean, 73°N. […]

Summer Melting Has Plateaued: July Arctic Sea Ice Extent Hasn't Fallen In 17 Years!

Summer Melting Has Plateaued: July Arctic Sea Ice Extent Hasn’t Fallen In 17 Years!

July Arctic sea ice area has been stable for 17 years. Nothing is melting anymore.  Hat-tip: Snowfan here. Image: DMI Arctic Plots Sea Ice Extent The National Snow And Ice Data center (NSIDC) analysis of August 4, 2024 shows that the Arctic sea ice extent in July 2024 has been stable for 17 years, without any […]

Arctic Sea Ice 'Choke Points' Reducing NW Passage Shipping Season Length By 5-14 Weeks Since 2007

Arctic Sea Ice ‘Choke Points’ Reducing NW Passage Shipping Season Length By 5-14 Weeks Since 2007

Global warming was supposed to open up Arctic region shipping routes, making the Northwest Passage easier and less risky to traverse. Per a new study, the opposite has happened. As we reported earlier this year, while a declining trend in Arctic sea ice was observed from the 1990s to 2007, there has been no trend […]

New Study Finds An Extremely Low CO2 Climate Sensitivity For The Arctic And Antarctic

New Study Finds An Extremely Low CO2 Climate Sensitivity For The Arctic And Antarctic

The phenomenon of increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane) is assumed to lead to sharply rising temperatures in polar regions, or “polar amplification.” As it turns out, it doesn’t. Per a new radiative forcing model (Notholt et al., 2024), increasing CO2 from pre-industrial to present levels (278 to 400 ppm) […]

DNA Evidence Reveals Domestic Cats, Dogs, African Wildcats, Frogs Lived In The Arctic 9000 Years Ago

DNA Evidence Reveals Domestic Cats, Dogs, African Wildcats, Frogs Lived In The Arctic 9000 Years Ago

A new study finds warmth-demanding species could survive in the Holocene Arctic (northern Norway) hundreds to thousands of km north of where they reside today. This affirms temperatures were “higher than today” with much less snow and ice back then. DNA evidence from a site north of the Arctic Circle indicates African wildcat (Felis lybica) […]

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