In yesterday’s post I wrote about Deutsche Welle’s letter to European Institute for Climate Energy (EIKE). where it denies being one-sided in holding an alarmist conference for journalists called: The Heat Is On – Climate Change and the Media, which has workshops like: How to professionally deal with climate scepticism. The conference’s own stated objective:
This workshop aims to point out what journalists must know about climate change policy, whom to trust and when to question their own professional procedures.
And the panelists at the conference warn:
Falling back on a “neutral” journalistic position can mean playing into the hands of the skeptics at the expense of the basis of life.
Despite the obvious one-sidedness of the conference, Deutsche Welle’s Intendant Erik Bettermann sent a letter to EIKE denying it completely. Remember that Deutsche Welle is a publicly funded broadcaster that is required by law to remain fair and balanced.
Now here’s a translation of EIKE’s response to Deutsche Welle’s denial:
Dear Herr Bettermann
Thank you for your reply dated 9 June 2010. You state at the start of your letter concerning the conference that:
“…Deutsche Welle neither influences the global discussion on climate development in a one-sided manner, nor does it intend to, through its reporting or through the international convention: Global Media Forum..”
However your website announcement itself states:
“Global warming presents grave problems for the world. Climate change not only has impacts on geo-political peace, regional conflicts, social well-being and human rights, it also impacts our very existence – whether or not the planet will be a hospitable place. Starvation, mass movement of refugees, flooding, lost harvests, extreme storms, droughts and pandemics weaken the foundation of our collective home. The Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2010 will put the main topics concerning climate change at the centre of focus and search for a practical way out of the current situation, whereby the role of the media at the international, national and local levels are considered. To prevent the catastrophe, drastic instruments and measures are required.”This is indeed state doctrine that DW is describing. But it is factually false and moreover it involves the massive, forbidden influence of public opinion. Furthermore, you deny influencing of participants with seminar speakers. But the web announcement itself states, for example: “For journalists it is almost impossible to check over each and every statement for factual accuracy…,“ and: “Falling back on a “neutral” journalistic position can mean playing into the hands of the skeptics…This workshop aims to point out what journalists must know about climate change policy, whom to trust and when to question their own professional procedures.“ And further: “That’s why it simply cannot be said that Deutsche Welle is promoting in any way, within the framework of the Global Media Forum, a one-sided view on the problem of climate development.”
That the single pages of the seminar cannot be called up does not change in any way the publicly made Deutsche Welle objective of influencing public opinion.
In addition you write: “…through presentations, discussions and debates, the Global Media Forum is a conference for journalists, politicians, scientists and many others in dealing with the question of what role the media have in sharpening people’s awareness regarding the complex topic of climate change.”
Yet, to the contrary, the stated objective of the conference is to sharpen the fear of climate catastrophe. That’s a big difference.
You further confirm your denial of public fact, and contradict your own website announcement:
“Deutsche Welle offers a forum for these discussions , and as a publicly funded broadcaster, does not represent a pre-decided opinion in one direction or another…”For any normal German reader, it is obvious that the statements made in your letter are in direct contradiction to the publicly stated objective of the forum. The forum Deutsche Welle is conducting does not in any way comply to the requirements for publicly funded media outlet, paid by the German taxpayer.
Thus we request once again that you cancel this one-sided, catastrophe-promoting conference. The public will be kept informed by us in the appropriate ways.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. H. Thuss, Dipl. Ing M. Limburg,
Präsident EIKE Vizepäsident
Of course the conference began yesterday, and ends tomorrow. No word if some of the conference’s content has been removed in order to comply with the law. Don’t hold your breath. One can now safely say that one publicly funded media arm in Germany has officially gone from journalism to state-sponsored propoganda.
That it would go ahead was a foregone conclusion. Documenting the series of events and the content is valuable, though. It provides a complete “life-cycle” demonstration of journalistic slanting and bias and gatekeeping in operation, for future reference.