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Huge Jump in Ocean Acidification Research – Science Assisted by Greenpeace!

35 scientists from 12 countries led by the Leibniz Institute for Ocean Sciences (IFM-GEOMAR) studied for 6 weeks the effects that increasing CO2 concentrations would have on life in the sea. Read here (German).Human emissions of CO2 lead to higher concentrations in sea water and thus lower its pH value. The study is led by marine […]

NEW Scare Replaces UN's Now Defunct AGW Scare. Biodiversity And Species Are Dying 100 Times Faster Than Previously Thought!

 There’s been talk recently about a new scare that environmentalists have come up with to replace the all-but-defunct AGW scare.  The evil villains are, again, the very thing that have made our lives immensely better: INDUSTRY. The new scare is: industry is destroying biodiversity.    Today at least two of Germany’s leading online news outlets are reporting […]

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