Alasan Bermain Bandarqq Online Terbaik

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17 responses to “Alasan Bermain Bandarqq Online Terbaik”

  1. M White

    Walrus beach

    “The annual walrus gathering on Wrangel Island”

    Annual or yearly is a word often used to describe something that happens once a year.
    Reply: Thanks – confirmed by the Beeb and Nature. What more proof does one need! – PG

  2. Quixote

    The Global Warmers have gone totally “over the edge” in their quest for “legitimacy”… the end they will be considered one of the most foolish “gangs of folly” ever to exist!

  3. R. de Haan

    Keep them coming.
    German media are terrible and the continue to support the hoax because the German Government, EU and UN are still on the track to send the Western civilization back into the stone age.

    Although AGW/Climate change has been debunked this is not over and I expect more outrageous propaganda for a few years to come.

    Fortunately the upcoming cooling phase will provide us with a big help.
    It’s hard to maintain the propaganda claims when your ass freezes off and energy bills go through the roof.

  4. Walrus Desparatus By Medius Doofus – The Latest Media Hoax | Media Point - O Ponto de Encontro de todos os interessados nos Media!

    […] the rest here: Walrus Desparatus By Medius Doofus – The Latest Media Hoax Posted in Comentário, Media, TV | Tagged alaskan, beaches-because, every-major, german, […]

  5. R. de Haan

    Geo Engineering: Killing off the useful eaters, all evil madness.

    Also read about evil madman Holdren, US Government Science Czar at

    I really hope they are all burned out of office by the Tea Party Wild Fire that has started to rage.

  6. R. de Haan
  7. R. de Haan

    And for those who are in love with the peak oil scare, read this:
    Reply: There’s still lots of oil and coal out there – enough for centuries. It’s just that there are people out there who are simply against progress, and in favour of going back to the Stone Ages.
    BTW: Check this out:,1518,717845,00.html

  8. Tweets that mention Walrus Desparatus By Medius Doofus – The Latest Media Hoax --

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ole Heinrich, P Gosselin. P Gosselin said: Walrus Desparatus By Medius Doofus – The Latest Media Hoax: Walrus "forced to flee" to Alsaka beaches due to melti… […]

  9. anon

    Wow, even for a hardened cynic like me this is pretty shocking. Most claims are just exaggerated, this one is completely inverted.

    They really did just take the true proposition that Walruses migrate away from ice when it gets cold and inverted it to Walruses migrate to ice and away from heat. It is, in a sense, a perfect lie.

  10. R. de Haan

    Drought and Air Quality in August 2010

    Nice to see the demonized industrialized Western civilizations and the ice caps seems to be doing fine.

  11. Joe Geshel

    I too have read the Holdren article. It is amazing that anyone can believe him ever again, much less out President. Whew!

  12. William Teach

    I love the part about walrus’ being timid. Even polar bears are careful around them, since they are typically outweighed by the walrus males by over a ton.

    You just have to wonder how they media came up with this bit of derangement. Was probably one idiot, followed by the rest who Wanted To Believe, and, therefore, did no research, which would have taken about 5 minutes on the Internet.
    Reply_ They’re all pretty lazy nowadays.´ They all write the same crap. There’s no real investigative reporting anymore. -PG

  13. R. de Haan

    The problem is that these kind of evil’s are now in power.

  14. Charles Higley

    The video is good, but they make it sound like a risk to haul out on rock. They do this all of the time, depending on the season.

    I believe it’s in the Hudson Bay area where the walrus haul out on the beaches regularly. Hunting polar bears hide behind the rocky berm until there is a lot of walrus hauled out and then they stampede them into the water, causing some to be injured. They attack the injured. It appears that they really cannot overcome a healthy adult on land.

    The recent problem was that the bear population became too large, with the young, hungry bears, ignorant of the established hunting strategy, patrolling the shore line for prey (they’re hungry and amateurs) and preventing the walrus from coming ashore. So, the walrus go to other haul out sites and all the bears starve. I believe that the Canadian government has been working to thin the polar bear herd to alleviate this problem.
    Reply: Too many polar bears? that’s a problem alright. Especially for the warmists. -pg

  15. Alan D. Smith

    The problem is that mankind’s leaders are humanity’s only true enemy. They have us divided and conquered. The solution is real democracy. But, that’s impossible in our competitive paradigm, since it’s the ultimate form of collective cooperation. My great hope is that when we get our genetic upgrade in 2012, the banksters and bleedership will be upgraded, too, and become illuminated to the fact that humanocide is a bad idea.

  16. JJ

    Here is the US version of this “Hoax” on you tube – I saw it and asked myself – Where is the truth?

    Here is something I never see in the MSM:

    Every where I look there are indications that we’re heading towards a Dalton minimum and perhaps worse but all we see in the MSM is articles like this…

    The mantra needs to be:
    Global warming is not your fault
    CO2 is not a pollutant; it’s plant food
    Climate change happens with or without you
    Reply: Propaganda at is best…factually inaccurate and emotional. Ignore the MSM – PG

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