Extremist climatologists, with their wild global warming related doomsday predictions made earlier, are beginning to look more and more silly with every passing winter.
Remember when the once reputable CRU claimed that wintertime snow would be rare and exciting? Well, since that assertion was made, snows have been coming already at mid-autumn more frequently it seems, and winters have been increasingly harsher.
In fact Britain’s The Weather Outlook warned the UK is now being gripped by a bitter series of winters comparable with the harsh 1939-42 winters. Read more below.
Fall officially started only 3 weeks ago, and the official start of winter is still more than 9 weeks away. Yet, you wouldn’t know it looking at the latest weather forecasts throughout Europe which are calling for bitter cold and snow.
Germany’s online, English-written The Local reports snow forecast for the central and south Germany’s hilly regions for late this week:
On Thursday afternoon cloud cover will roll in, bringing rain to the north and the east – and possible snow in higher altitudes by Friday. Low-lying mountains in the Harz region, as well as the Fichtelgebirge in Bavaria and Saxony’s Erzgebirge, or Ore Mountains, are all likely to see snow fly…
Great Britain’s online Telegraph reports today that snow is also in the forecast. We’re not talking about snowfall at the summits of tall mountains here, but down in the low hills. The Telegraph writes:
Winter will come early to Britain next week as snow is forecast for the north while the south will shiver in frosty sub-zero nights.
Forecasters Positive Weather Solutions have already predicted a ‘white-out’ winter almost as harsh as last winter – with widespread snow, temperatures down to -4F (-20C) and transport chaos.
The Weather Outlook, which has an accurate seasonal forecasting record, warned the UK is now being gripped by a bitter series of winters comparable with the harsh 1939-42 winters which made conditions so horrendous during the Second World War.
This all flies in the face of the alarmist global warming forecasts made earlier. In 2008 the UK Telegraph reported that heat waves would become more common and kill more people.
…Britain was warned that climate change could lead to thousands of deaths during heatwaves and outbreaks of malaria.
A report said there was a “high risk” of a dangerously hot summer within five years that could kill 6,000 people. But these would be more than offset by milder winters leading to fewer deaths from the cold, currently 20,000 a year.
Germany’s Die Welt wrote just a few days ago that spring could start arriving already in late January in Germany by 2030, read here!
I’ll spare readers all the other loads of nonsense other major papers have written.
Perhaps journalists and AGW-believing climatologists will wake up some day and realise that climate is heavily driven by ocean cycles. For the first time in a long time, the PDO and the AMO are both entering in lockstep the cold phases of their respective 30-year and 60-year cycles. A low activity solar cycle on top of that could act to make it a triple whammy.
A number of scientists, yet a minority, have been warning of this leading to decades of harsh winters for some time now. But as science goes, the outsiders are usually right, and the “consensus” is often wrong. Indeed, science is about obliterating consensus.
And what does this coming winter look like for Europe and the world?
Note the cold Arctic forecast for 2011. Might want to hold off planting them tulips early next spring – at least until after late January.
Epic Fail Hanson Forecast 1988
“The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has adopted new guidelines on dealing with scientific uncertainties following criticism of its 2007 report.”
Rajendra Pachauri has no intention of resigning
“So I have every intention of staying right until I have completed the mission I accepted voluntarily to carry out, namely the conclusion of AR5 in 2014.”
AR5 should be interesting.
The best that could happen to the skeptics side.
German chemist shows that the Royal Society messed up the numbers on the residence time of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Roundup of the affair, good overview:
Dr. Kaiser himself, explaining the error:
Reply: That’s funny. Marc Morano has it up too. The whole science is one big joke that will be laughed at for generations.
What will be laughed at are the trillions dollars spend on “green sustainable energy projects like wind mills, solar panels and electric cars.
The climate science will only be the subject of shame.
Thanks to the greenies, the IPCC, William Connolly and all those other warmists, not to forget Rahmstorf and Schellnhuber, electricity prices for German households are predicted to raise about 70% next year for funding of clean energy…omg
I recently wrote an email to Dr. Christian Magerl, member of the bavarian congress (? / Landtag) and proud member of the green party….asking him whats he thinks about the 10:10 clip. Well, this is his answer (sry, only in German):
Sehr geehrter Herr Eickholt,
vielen Dank für Ihre Mail. Ihre Skepsis gegenüber dem prognostizierten und vom Menschen mit verursachten Klimawandel teile ich nicht.
Die verheerenden Waldbrände in Russland und die massiven Überschwemmungen in Pakistan machen deutlich, dass der Klimawandel bereits jetzt Realität ist und neue Fahrt aufnimmt. 2009 war global das zweitwärmste Jahr, 2010 wird vermutlich alle Rekorde brechen. Eine Untersuchung, welche in der Fachzeitschrift Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) publiziert wurde, zeigt, dass 97 Prozent aller Klimaforscher den Menschengemachten Klimawandel für real halten. http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2010/06/04/1003187107.full.pdf+html
Der letzte IPCC Bericht aus dem Jahr 2007 war wegen einiger Fehler in die Kritik geraten. Es wurde bekannt, dass eine Passage zum Abschmelzen der Himalaya-Gletscher nicht wissenschaftlich belegt ist. In dem IPCC-Bericht heißt es, die Gletscher seien mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit bis 2035 verschwunden – tatsächlich war aber das Jahr 2350 gemeint. Dieser Fehler ist bedauerlich, ändert aber nichts an den Kernaussagen. Die IPCC-Berichte sind meiner Überzeugung nach eine “einzigartige Sammlung des Klimawissens”. Allein in die letzte Studie sind 18.000 wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen eingeflossen. Als Biologe verfolge ich auch die deutlichen Veränderungen bei der Tierwelt, die auch klar auf klimatische Änderungen hindeuten.
Eine Radikalisierung der Debatte (in beiden Richtungen) bringt in der Sache nichts. Man sollte die Problematik auf der Basis der naturwissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse diskutieren und daraus die notwendigen Schlussfolgerungen ziehen. Ich bin zudem der Meinung, dass fast alle bislang diskutierten und eingeleiteten Maßnahmen auch aus anderen Gründen richtig und notwendig ist. So hat z.B. der Verband der chemischen Industrie (VCI) in einem Gespräch mit mir betont, dass es ein Wahnsinn ist, die Rohstoffbasis der Zukunft (Erdöl) einfach zu verbrennen. Kommende Generationen sind im chemischen und pharmazeutischen Bereich auf diese Rohstoffe angewiesen. Und bei der Stromerzeugung auf Kohlebasis fallen immer noch – trotz aller Fortschritte bei der Filtertechnologie – in erheblichem Umfang klassische Schadstoffe an, bei der Atomstromerzeugung ist es die ungeklärte Frage der Endlagerung. Diese Punkt sind für mich Grund genug die erneuerbaren Energie zu fördern.
Viele Grüße
Christian Magerl
A member of the Greens warning against radicalisation… very interesting. Probably that’s the reaction of a bolchevik when he’s in the defense.
Re the 70% prize hike. What will rise by 70% from 2010 to 2011 is not the end user tariff but the Feed In Compensation – ATM we pay 20 Eurocent/kWh, about 2 cent are Feed In Compensation transferred to Green Low Energy Solutions like wind and PV.
This compensation will rise by about 1.5 cent; so the end prize will probably go up from 20 to 22 cent or somesuch.
It is good to run the subject: “the harsh 1939-42 winters”. It is overdue for climatologists and for modellers. The AGU news letter No 38 (21.Sept. 2010) highlights in the section ‘research Spotlights’ the opinion:
___”Before a global climate model can be used by scientists to predict future climate patterns, it must first successfully predict the climate of the past as known by historical records or as inferred by proxy data…..”.
Although the three winters 1939-42 had not only been the harshest in Europe for 100 years, and also marked the beginning of the most remarkable climatic shift since the end of the Little Ice Age, science has shown little interest in the shift, and models (if undertaken at all) have proved nothing in this respect. How can they if they fail to recognise two fundamental aspects
__1st: Climate is ruled by the ocean ( see: http://www.whatisclimate.com/ ). To prove this, a lot of research has been done with regard to:
__2nd: That the naval war in European waters during WWII has significantly contributed to the extraordinary winters 1939-1942, http://climate-ocean.com/ , with wider implication in regard to the global cooling period from 1940 to about 1975, since the naval activities went global after the ambush on Pearl Harbour in December 1941.
A wake up of: journalists and AGW-believing climatologists who some day may realise that climate is heavily driven by ocean cycles, is urgently needed. But any believe that the matter is reasonably addressed with “ocean cycles” could quickly prove as much to narrow and partly very wrong. WWII does not belong to such cycles, neither does any other human activity since industrialisation, but any of them could have influenced weather pattern and “climatic conditions” since long. Investigation the reasons for the sudden arrival for the harsh winter 1939-1940 (http://www.oceanclimate.de/A_Large_Scale_Experiment_with_Climate/A_Large_Scale_Experiment_with_Climate.html ) could shed a lot of light on the relation between the oceans and regional seas towards the regional weather and climatic pattern.
Wicket winter expected Lower Mainland worst Nina since 1955
“And what does this coming winter look like for Europe and the world?”
Well, they have snow in Victoria and temperatures 15 degree below normal in Tasmania.