I expected this video to have a few dozen, or maybe a few hundred viewers at most, but surprisingly already more than 25,000 have watched it so far – not bad.
Too bad there isn’t an English version, or at least English subtitles. (I’ve provided a translation of the lyrics below).
It is titled: Kilez More – Climate Change (Climate Lies, Climate Swindle…)
This video is the work of Kilez More, see http://www.kilezmore.com/. The politically misfitted rapper in the video tells us that warmist climate science is a hoax, is all about money and control, and that the science is cooked up at the CRU and other institutes. I don’t know who is behind the video – could even be some renegade fringe types, who knows.
So are the youth turning against the Great Hoax? Looks that way.
I took a shot at translating the German lyrics in English below (first 2 parts only!). Of course you lose some doing that, and you can’t get the rhymes in. My English version below is only to give non-German readers and listeners the gist of the lyrics. Readers are welcome and urged to improve it.
Kilez More – Climate Change Lyrics in English)
You thinking of climate change and you’re screaming for laws
You’re thinking about CO2 and saying “let’s stop it”
Global catastrophes happening all because of man
We did too much driving, now the planet is too warm
If we don’t do something soon then the ice will melt
A flood is gonna kill us and the future’s gonna fall
No it aint…I’m telling you you’re off the wall
Man aint causing climate change, yeah you
think I’m crazy and making no sense
But just look at the climate institutes and you’ll see
what they do, they’re fudging the data making it hot
We just found out…their studies are made up
A hacker got in the computer and the database
Now read the mails from the CRU – they’ll make you laugh
They’re cooking the numbers, the temperature is up
Listen to me! It’s all a fraud and enough is enough
Climate change was not made by man
No… It’s only to keep the world in fear
All those who are pimpin it are being called experts
And the brothers who diss it are getting labelled sick
Climate change was not caused by man
No…it’s only to keep the world in fear
But I don’t believe it, and so I’m getting labelled sick
But it’s the price you pay when you think for yourself
Climate change is normal, it’s always been around
We aint done a thing, history shows us so
History books show in 1100 the planet was warm
In North England people were pickin grapes and making wine
And that wasn’t because of factories run by knights and
The shield industry driving the climate up
Then in sixteen hundred the Baltic froze over and it
Wasn’t because they stopped CO2 with ‘reform’
That’s pure arrogance when man thinks he’s got the power
To control the whole climate on the entire globe
Truth is only 1 to 3 percent comes from man
Comes from processes that are natural – so they’re lying
Inside the brainless walls of these fear-mongering crackpots
They want more power, more money, more control, more global tax
And every skeptic is getting branded by them
Being defamed and compared to Holocaust deniers
Climate change was not made by man
No… It’s only to keep the world in fear
All those who are pimpin it are being called experts
And the brothers who diss it are labelled sick
Climate change was not caused by man
No…it’s only to keep the world in fear
But I don’t believe it, and so I’m getting labelled sick
But it’s the price you pay when you think for yourself
Really this is a great way of raising the AGW issue to the younger generation. Reading the likes of WUWT for example is daunting for young adults with very little experience in the matter (I can vouch for that) but this rap keeps it simple.
Good tune too 😉
What’s good is that it makes young people take another good look at the science and the system. It helps plant the healthy seeds of skepticism. It really upsets me that the other skeptic sites are so weak that they abandoned video as soon as they saw the first strands of non-conformity. Phooey!
We REALLY NEED an English version!!!
Good video; tells the essential plot of the global power grab. German media have cemented the dogma of “man made global warming” so much that they now use it as basic unquestionable fact (just like the BBC journos were instructed to do).
Kids just love to topple an orthodoxy like that. It’s like MADE for toppling it! This will sooo kill the MSM they don’t know how much it will cost them… their existence!
you removed my comment
why the censorship
there was no foul language
whats up here?
Sorry – just a snafu. I’ll see if I can get it back up.
Need this in English. Should be distributed to Rush Limbaugh and other talk show hosts. Send copy to Senator Inhofe. This is just
great, and would speak to the younger folks, and I am 72 and agree with this totally.
Thanks Hank,
The German lyrics are posted at Kilez’s website, but only the first two parts. The song in the video is longer, and it would be nice if someone finished writing the text in German. The last text is equally interesting and in your face, etc. I could then translate it in English. Eventually a good rap writer could clean it up.
[…] translated into English by NoTricksZone (do click over and see their whole post): Kilez More – Climate Change (Climate Lies, Climate […]
[…] to Pierre Gosselin and Marc […]
Brilliant and about time. Today’s youth needs to realise Climate Action is not them rebelling against the big business, it’s them subjecting themselves to the big police state.
I hope all young people watch this and start thinking about the facts. The science is not “settled” and there is no “consensus”. Science is not about consensus. It is about questioning and proving or disproving theories. Man made global warming is a theory not a proven fact and I suspect it was conceived by Al Gore as compensation for never cracking the US Presidency. It has become a run-a-way con now involving banks and financial institutions around the globe.
As nice as it would be to blame Mr Gore, he was not the one to invent AGW as the scare it is. He was just a high profile individual with cash and backing from issue motivated groups to do what he did. Poorly at that, when you see his lies and deceit exposed. I recommend you check out a documentary run by the BBC in 2007 (?) called The Great Global Warming Swindle’. You’ll find it on YouTube.
Ausgezeichnet! It is good to hear that young Germans are questioning the superstitious, mythic nonsense that is CAGW.
I hate rap, but this one………… I’ll buy in a minute!
Does any one know how to order this?
Love it! Go viral with it!
Sehr gut!
[…] No Tricks Zone translates: Kilez More – Climate Change Lyrics in English) You thinking of climate change and you’re screaming for laws You’re thinking about CO2 and saying “let’s stop it” Global catastrophes happening all because of man We did too much driving, now the planet is too warm If we don’t do something soon then the ice will melt A flood is gonna kill us and the future’s gonna fall No it aint…I’m telling you you’re off the wall Man aint causing climate change, yeah you think I’m crazy and making no sense But just look at the climate institutes and you’ll see what they do, they’re fudging the data making it hot We just found out…their studies are made up A hacker got in the computer and the database Now read the mails from the CRU – they’ll make you laugh They’re cooking the numbers, the temperature is up Listen to me! It’s all a fraud and enough is enough […]
Looks like he accepts donations and sells his music here.
He doesnt sell his Music. You can get if for free.
Load as u wish – pay as u wish 😉
It is wonderful to see that there are people there who refuse to be brainwashed by the neo-marxist green fascist.
If only enough people commenced asking themselves why all that propaganda and witch hunts against anyone daring to question Al Gore’s evil religion, the battle against this totaliarian Orwelian new world order could be won.
Hi everybody
I´m from Germany, and i know this Song.
You asked for the missing german lyrics, so I write it for you.
Sorry my englisch isnt very well, so I´m not able to translate it for you 🙁
So, here are the missing Part 3 and 4 😉
Part III
Der sogennante Konsenz ist ein wohlbekannter Nonsenz für die globale Kontrolle
So getarnt als wollen sie den Mensch vor dem Ende der Welt nur bewahren
eine mächtige Pharse vod dem Weltklimarat
mit der Klimahisterie schon wieder ziehen sie an demselben strang – und Weltregierung ist das Ziel
mit der Klimareligion, CO² Abgashandel, Industrialisierung, in das Gegenteil abzuwandeln
der Mensch ist der Feind, den zu bekämpfen es heißt
und nur kinderlos als Klimatrop, bedenke es gleich wenn du schwängerst dann schreit die Erde kränklich und weint
was du willst das nicht glauben?
doch man hämmerts Dir ein!
DU – produzierst nur Schaden
DU – machst die Umwelt nieder
DU – machst die Erde krank
DU – bist das Ungeziefer
und es gibt nur einen Weg die Welt hier zu bereinigen
das Klima noch zu retten, heißt Menschen zu beseitigen
Part IV
Vorallem werden alle Menschen bald merken, dass derren Konstrukt zerfällt so wie damals wie beim Waldsterben
und jetzt sieht man, es geht nur ums Klima was nen Unterschied macht, denn ich rufe niemals:
macht die Wmwelt nieder.
mit all den Milliarden die sie gerade in die Sparte Klima jagen könnte man soviele Klagen leicht und intensiv
Hilf den Armen – Hilf auch gerade den die keine Hilfe haben
kein Dach, nichts zum schlafen, kein Essen, nichts im Magen
und man kann die Erde schützen, Flüsse schützen, Meere schützen
schaun dass die Konzerne nicht mehr Gifte in die Meere schütten
Wälder schützen, Tiere schützen, Labore verbieten die Horden von Tieren ermorden, für ihre Horrorspiele
so wie Massentierhaltung oder GMO-Felder
es gibt sovieles auf dieser Erde was wir noch verändern müssen
doch wenn man mich fragt, ob ich hier Beschützer sei, sag ich: Umweltschützer – JA, Klimaschützer – Nein !
Greetings J.S.
Thanks J.S. for your kind efforts. I’ll translate them and post it in English soon.
Maybe u´ll like also: Hassgesang – Leben
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVU97518ovw
He is singing about our lives and our planet, and that we are destroying our enviroment.
I translated 3 sentences for you:
Environmentally friendly fuel, new energy
In fact only helps the industry,
Food more expensive sedans in the tanks,
because where they can earn more
continues as to people who are hungry, their fields
Oil palm trees instead of wheat – a modern genocide!
I wonder sometimes if these politicians and crackpot scientists know what seeds they are sowing.
“Think for yourself!” What a revolutionary concept! Be afraid, you lying National Socialist warmist freaks! Be very afraid.
Thank God the energy of youth is addressing this hoax!
Video is available at youtube – NOW with english subs !