German Government Views Phantom Sea Level Rise As More Dangerous Than Terrorism, Extremism, Iran…

German public radio Deutsche Welle here informs us that Germany has taken over the rotating chairmanship of the UN Security Council.

Hat-tip: reader J. James

You’d think the Council would have its plate full with all the unrest in the Middle East, the real threats of terrorism, Iran, Afghanistan and global financial crises. Not Germany. The country prefers not to deal with these pressing problems, and chooses to ignore reality and make believe it is rescuing the planet from a fantasy destruction hundreds of years in the future, and hopes the world will regard it as some kind of action hero for it.

I’d regard such behaviour as not that of a hero, but of a mental patient. Worse, the lives of millions is in the hands of that mental patient.

Germany last held the Chairmanship in 2003 in the run-up to the Iraq war. So what urgent topic of debate has Germany decided to focus on in the midst of all the other world’s real crises? Sea level in the year 2200 of course! Deutsche Welle writes.

Every presidency holds an ‘open debate,’ and Germany has selected climate change as the topic of their debate. It will be about the security implications of climate change, said Ambassador Wittig.

“Key points of the debate will be about the rise of sea levels and the disappearance of entire states,” said Wittig. “From the United Nations 192 states, for the first time several states could completely disappear,” he added.

The issue is not exactly new, but fits in with Germany’s profile within the United Nations as a pioneer of environmental and climate protection.

Seriously, if you look at the sea levels, you see it would take hundreds of years before some coastal countries would begin to disappear. In fact sea levels are dropping at many locations.

Chart above shows regions with sunken sea level (blue) for the period 1958-2007 (in cm) in the tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean. Graphic from IFM-GEOMAR.

Meanwhile terrorists are plotting now, today. Fortunately the chairmanship gets rotated to saner minds from time to time, and as Deutsche Welle writes:

Only a small portion of time will actually be dedicated to the issues specifically put forward by Germany.”

9 responses to “German Government Views Phantom Sea Level Rise As More Dangerous Than Terrorism, Extremism, Iran…”

  1. Robin Pittwood

    Greetings Pierre,
    Could I suggest your leaders take a day off. And go to the beach where they played as children. Then look around – and allow their memories of their childhood to return.
    To take their shoes off and go for a paddle in the water.
    Maybe they’ll see that while they might have changed a lot, the sea has not.
    They’ll enjoy the sand and the sea, and realise the sea is no big threat.
    Cheers, Robin

  2. DirkH

    Looks like Merkel has been hypnotized by Schellnhuber.

    Predicts 6 deg C warming and “many meters” of sea level rise.

    “Wenn ich zwei Grad Erderwärmung sage, muss ich fragen, wie viel Treibhausgase weltweit noch ausgestoßen werden dürfen. Das können wir Physiker berechnen.”

    “When i say 2 degrees warming, i must ask how much GHG may still be emitted. We physicists can compute that.”

    “Wer sind die größten Klimasünder und wie steht Deutschland bisher da?[…]Doch auch Kanada und Australien, deren Industrien durch fossile Energien groß geworden sind, gehören auf die Anklagebank.”

    “Who are the biggest climate sinners[…]?” “[…] also, Canada and Australia belong into the dock.”

  3. DirkH

    In 2007, the UK called for an Open Debate in the security council “ON IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON PEACE, SECURITY”

    So this is a déjà-vu for the Global Warmist Movement.

  4. R. de Haan

    Facts don’t count, political agenda’s do.

    German politics, once again has adopted an evil ideology that allows them to adapt laws and regulations at the expense of it’s people and the world.

    We all know how this will end.

    So please stop this ASAP before the body counts start.

  5. R. de Haan

    This is “The First Global Revolution” taking place as we speak.

    All the chaos is part of the strategy.

  6. R. de Haan
  7. Jimbo

    Now back to the real world.

    Scenarios V Observations. Observations are winning. 😉

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