One of the IPCC’s most dubious achievements is ignoring so many papers showing that the sun plays a huge role in our climate. The sun play a role? Yeah, right!
A reader brings our attention to some recent papers showing that the sun plays a major role on climate, not that the IPCC will be the least bit interested. Here are a few in case you may have missed any.
1. Variations in tree ring stable isotope records from northern Finland and their possible connection to solar activity; Ogurtsov et al, 2010, see abstract here.
Statistical analysis of the carbon and oxygen stable isotope recordsr eveals variations in the periods around 100, 11 and 3 years.A century scale connection between the 13C/12C record and solar activity is most evident.”
2. A possible solar pacemaker for Holocene fluctuations of a salt-marsh in southern Italy; Di Rita, 2011 abstract here.
The chronological correspondence between the ages of saltmarsh vegetation reductions and the minimum concentration values of 10Be in the GISP2 ice core supports the hypothesis that important fluctuations in the extent of the salt-marsh in the coastal Tavoliere plain are related to variations of solar activity.”
3. Solar and volcanic fingerprints in tree-ring chronologies over the past 2000 years; Breitenmoser et al, 2012
Results from wavelet analysis and SEA reveal significant periodicities near the solar DeVries frequency in the volcanic and residual ‘volcano free’ contributions during the LIA, making a clear separation of the solar and volcanic forcing signals difficult. Nevertheless, the ‘volcano free’ temperatures show significant periodicities near the DeVries frequency during the entire past 1500 years, pointing to a solar imprint on global climate.
4. Holocene hydrological changes in south-western Mediterranean as recorded by lake-level fluctuations at Lago Preola, a coastal lake in southern Sicily, Italy; Magny et al, 2011, see abstract here.
This major oscillation may be related to a non-linear response of the climatic system to the gradual decrease in insolation, in addition to seasonal and inter-hemispherical changes in insolation. Another major climate oscillation around 7500 – 7000 cal BP may have resulted from combined effects of a strong rate of change in insolation and of variations in solar activity.”
5. Variations in climate parameters at time intervals from hundreds to tens of millions of years in the past and its relation to solar activity; Raspopov et al, 2010, see abstract here.
Our analysis of 200-year climatic oscillations in modern times and also data of other researchers referred to above suggest that these climatic oscillations can be attributed to solar forcing. The results obtained in our study for climatic variations millions of years ago indicate, in our opinion, that the 200- year solar cycle exerted a strong influence on climate parameters at those time intervals as well.”
6. Climate patterns in north central China during the last 1800 yr and their possible driving force; Tan et al, 2011, see abstract here.
Solar activity may be the dominant force that drove the same-phase variations of the temperature and precipitation in north central China.
7. Multifractal Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis of sunspot numbers and river flow fluctuations; Hajian, 2010, see abstract here.
Our results show that there exists a long-range cross-correlation between the sunspot numbers and the underlying streamflow records.”
Doesn’t Hajian work for the Iranian gas and oil industry?
Thinking about the Schwab-Pohl-Ehrlich similarities (and one can add Silent Spring and Mead and Lovelock), and when you consider that CO2 warming catastrophe fears go back at least to the 1950ies, BEFORE the warming in the 80ies, one can say that that warming phase – which was exactly LIKE the warming phase in the 20ies to 40ies – came AFTER the invention of the scare story. No matter whether the late 20th century warming was in any way different from earlier warming periods, it fell on PREPARED GROUND – there were already flocks of alarmists in waiting! So the warming in the 80ies was used to run that racket.
I see CAGW as an entirely cultural phenomenon. Climate Science willingly played its part to give this new endtime movement a scientific facade. CO2 was assigned the role of the villain BEFORE the alleged CO2-caused warming took place. The script was already written.
Well, and it will all go downhill from here. Watch AMSU Discover plunge…
Thanks Pierre. I used this in my recent blog post on the subject,
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[…] And that’s just old stuff. Here are four random recent papers. […]