Best wishes for a Happy Easter to Christian readers.
Celebrating the return to life. Public domain works; source Wikipedia.
For Germany, this is the 2nd coldest Easter Sunday in the last 50 years. Many parts of the country woke up this morning with freezing temperatures and snow even down in the lowlands. Hat tip: Casper.
The other cold Easter was in 2008.
Happy Eastern.
One for Mindert:
Thanks, Dirk and happy Eastern too. You see, this kind of windmills is the future energy supply of Amsterdam.
Had a few spare minutes to read some local papers and discovered the 21st century definition of thrift:
I guess boarding school enrolments will be down next year. 😉
Merry Xmas
In der Nacht zum Ostersonntag war es selbst in den Niederungen bis zu minus sechs Grad kalt. Kälter war es an einem Ostersonntag in den vergangenen 50 Jahren nur 2008 – da fiel der Feiertag aber auf den 24. März, berichtet der Deutsche Wetterdienst (DWD). Auf die Kälte folge nun deutschlandweit Regen.