Survey Shocks Swedish Defence Research Agency…”70% Of Sweden’s Local Politicians Don’t Believe In The Science”!

Thank you Sweden for not acting like duped, non-thinking zombies, blindly marching behind activists who claim to be cool, educated and hip. Thank you for exercising critical and open thinking.

Sweden’s English language The Local  has a report titled: Swedish politicos ‘don’t buy climate change’. What on Earth happened to politically correct Sweden? Are they getting tired of enduring bitter, long winters and have they given up hope on the warmer times that were once promised? The Local starts with:

Six of ten local politicians in Sweden doubt whether human activity is to blame for global warming, a new study has found.

In addition, one out of ten municipal politicians and local government managers totally deny that the phenomenon of global warming even exists, according to a survey carried out by the Swedish Defence Research Agency (Försvarets forskningsinstitutet – FOI).

‘This is clearly not good. These people feel like they don’t have to take responsibility for environmental work in their municipalities,’ FOI’s head of climate and energy research, Annika Carlsson-Kanyama, told the Dagens Nyheter (DN) newspaper.

The findings come from a survey carried out by FOI looking into how local decision-makers in Sweden view the issue of climate change.”

Continue reading here.

Don’t expect the rest of the western media to even mention a peep about this survey, which completely embarrasses climate science. Note how they make belief in climate change sound like a part of our “environmental responsibility”.

But what about our responsibility to truth and reality? Oh, I forgot. There’s now a Ministry for Truth and Science for that!

The Local goes on to quote the Defense Research Agency: “It’s a threat to national security” and that the results of the survey “took them by surprise”. Such is the life of those who live in climate-catastrophe fantasyland. Annika Carlsson-Kanyama, head of climate and energy research, says:

It makes me angry that there are groups that spread the idea that research on the climate can’t be trusted.

In essence, the survey indicates that 70 percent of Sweden’s local politicians don’t believe in the science.”

There goes Ms Carlsson-Kanyama’s obsession – up in smoke. The fact is that much of the science has long been revealed as a hoax – a fraud that never held water. I can see the Agency trying to load the survey questions to get the answers they want, and getting all frustrated. Next time they’ll be wiser and just make up the results. That’s what everyone else involved in the climate-catastrophe science does. But it’s the reason no one takes it seriously.

Now comes the funniest part. According to Carlsson-Kanyama, “climate change-doubters are often men from small, conservative-leaning municipalities, while it is often women from larger municipalities who are champions of the need to act to combat climate change.”

So there you have it.  They’ve given up on concensus and have moved on to claiming that the science of climate change is now endorsed by “hip people”.

Carlsson-Kanyama should know, however, that Sweden’s leading skeptic climate blog is operated by a cosmopolitan woman, Maggie Thauersköld Crusell, who, if I am not mistaken, lives in hip Stockholm. And what about Donna Laframboise in Toronto? Or Judith Curry at Georgia Tech? Jo Nova in Australia, to name a few?

Attempting to marginalize “doubters” as narrow-minded male hicks instead of presenting scientific arguments shows precisely why people no longer believe the climate bedwetters.


16 responses to “Survey Shocks Swedish Defence Research Agency…”7016 Of Sweden’s Local Politicians Don’t Believe In The Science”!”

  1. DirkH

    “Now comes the funniest part. According to Carlsson-Kanyama, “climate change-doubters are often men from small, conservative-leaning municipalities, while it is often women from larger municipalities who are champions of the need to act to combat climate change.””

    My own observations indicate that big city dwellers are significantly madder than people from villages or small cities. This has been bolstered by recent findings pointing to a hyperactive and enlarged amygdala in metropolitans.

    Taken together, this results in the conclusion that warmists are madder than skeptics.

  2. Frank Lee

    [snip- over the line. There are plenty of women out there who can put most men to shame in math. Overall I do find it a bit peculiar that Carlsson-Kanyama injected that bit of animosity against men, seemingly trying to make it a battle between the sexes in Sweden. -PG]

    1. Frank Lee

      I question your logic: because “there are plenty of women out there who can put most men to shame in math,” this, according to you, means women as a group do not underperform badly in math and science compared to men. But as a group, they do indeed underperform badly, particularly at the top of the fields. It is hardly over the line to point this out. As the drag queens say, “It isn’t bitchy if it’s true.” Morever, as even you admit, it was Carlsson-Kanyama herself who was arguing that we should lend special weight to the opinion of a majority of women against the opinion of a majority of men.

      1. DirkH

        Men and women as groups perform identical. But while only 1% of the women are geniuses, and only 1% of them idiots, the situation is different with men – 15% are geniuses, and 15% are idiots. The reason is the fact that a lot of intelligence genes sit on the X chromosome. As women have 2 in each cell, and each cell decides to use one picked randomly, the performance equals out. Men have only 1 X chromosome, so they have to use the same copy in each cell. So the distribution becomes more extreme.

        I don’t have a link but it has been found out by a female scientist.

        This is BTW the reason that the male prison population is much larger than the female in all countries.

  3. Ingemar Nordin

    The gender issue is not important here. The important thing is the power of internet versus MSM. Where do people get their information about climate these days? Why do they not listen to what our national and european politicians tell us? Why do they ignore all our TV-channels, national radio and the big newspapers? Why do local politicians ignore the swedish meteoroligal institute (SMHI) when they keep sending out warnings about future heat waves and rising sea levels?

    Obviously, our sceptical blogs are a national security problem now 🙂

  4. Ingemar Nordin

    The whole report is here (in swedish):–SE_textOK.pdf

  5. Ingvar Engelbrecht

    I am Swedish. The poll was for local politicians. They are closer to reality and closer to people so its a good sign, we seem to have reasonably realistic politicians on that level. The parliamént type politicans are a different breed. They live on cloud free heights and have big dreams. And in those circles its important to be politically correct it seems.

    The abscense of “Constructive Conflicts” is terribly obvious and Main Stream Media are the megaphones for the “Regulating Class” to borrow from Jo Nova

  6. Pelle L

    Ms Carlsson-Kanyama is a good example of her own “findings”.
    She lives just ten miles away from the Swedish Parliament building and the Royal Castle in Stockholm.

    Funny thing is that this piece of political “science” was made on behalf of the Swedish Environment Protection Agency, Naturvårdsverket.

  7. DirkH

    France have decided to catch up with Germany’s economy by electing a tax-rising Keynesian socialist.

    Good luck with that, France!

  8. DirkH

    Spiegel reports about British warmist conjecture that Dinosaur burps warmed up the climate.

    While their report about a “regional” cold climate 2800 years ago contained a jab against skeptic scientists, calling them less honorable than warmist scientists, this report about conjecture by warmists does not contain any disrespect. Any scientific conjecture that shows warming is highly respected science for Der Spiegel, no matter how laughable. So they are still 100% on UNIPCC party line.

    I’m constantly reminding people that Der Spiegel is an entirely narrative-driven outlet just like The Guardian or the NYT even though they are slightly better at making themselves sound important (which is their key competence).

  9. John F. Hultquist

    “It makes me angry that there are groups that spread the idea that research on the climate can’t be trusted.” [A C-K]

    It makes me angry that reseach on the climate can’t be trusted.
    There, fixed it for her.

  10. Pierre Gosselin: Survey Shocks Swedish Defence Research Agency…”70% Of Sweden’s Local Politicians Don’t Believe In The Science”! |

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  11. Casper

    What’s a shame!
    Svante Arrhenius would turn in his grave…

  12. Barghumer

    As a Brit living in Sweden, I think the balance between the sexes in Sweden is more real. The concern is not only for female things, but also for male things and all children things too. Unlike the bogus equality in the UK, where childrens and mens rights are no more than political statements, in Sweden it is real. It does lead to excess sometimes with the ladies here, but far from the brutish feminists, these females are still feminine.

    AGW: Over the last 5 years I have repeatedly asked my customers, colleagues and friends what they thought of AGW. It was not until I came to Sweden that I met anyone who actually believed it, and there were quite a few. However, after two winters with huge amounts of snow beyond what anyone here can remember, I think it has caused them to ask why it happened. They got used to increased warming and so just accepted the lie, but now they start to think for themselves. I don’t think they can be forced back into a catastrophic world view.

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