First CO2, Now Diesel – WHO Classifies Diesel As Being As Dangerous As Mustard Gas, Asbestos And Arsenic!

Anyone who still does not believe environmentalism is a front for repressive, authoritarian-like state control of our lives can now look at yet another example that it is indeed so. And again the target is poor countries.

The online weekly Die Zeit reports here on how the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) recently issued a press release that surely puts a big smile on the faces of Marxist environmentalists. Get set for a another round of expensive and repressive regulation, taxes and penalties. You’ll notice the familiar language of authority and consensus.

The WHO IARC writes (link and emphasis added):

After a week-long meeting of international experts, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is part of the World Health Organization (WHO), today classified diesel engine exhaust as carcinogenic to humans Group 1, based on sufficient evidence that exposure is associated with an increased risk for lung cancer. […]

There has been mounting concern about the cancer-causing potential of diesel exhaust, particularly based on findings in epidemiological studies of workers exposed in various settings. […]

The scientific evidence was reviewed thoroughly by the Working Group and overall it was concluded that there was sufficient evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of diesel exhaust.”

Now we’re all really scared. Oh my, what can we do! The expert doctors recommend (emphasis added):

Given the Working Group’s rigorous, independent assessment of the science, governments and other decision-makers have a valuable evidence-base on which to consider environmental standards for diesel exhaust emissions and to continue to work with the engine and fuel manufacturers towards those goals.

Dr Christopher Portier, Chairman of the IARC working Group, stated that “The scientific evidence was compelling and the Working Group’s conclusion was unanimous: diesel engine exhaust causes lung cancer in humans.” Dr Portier continued: ‘Given the additional health impacts from diesel particulates, exposure to this mixture of chemicals should be reduced worldwide.’

Dr Kurt Straif, Head of the IARC Monographs Program, indicated that ‘The main studies that led to this conclusion were in highly exposed workers. However, we have learned from other carcinogens, such as radon, that initial studies showing a risk in heavily exposed occupational groups were followed by positive findings for the general population. Therefore actions to reduce exposures should encompass workers and the general population.’

Dr Christopher Wild, Director, IARC, said that ‘while IARC’s remit is to establish the evidence-base for regulatory decisions at national and international level, today’s conclusion sends a strong signal that public health action is warranted. This emphasis is needed globally, including among the more vulnerable populations in developing countries where new technology and protective measures may otherwise take many years to be adopted’.”

How about just letting the developing countries develop like the industrial countries did. Now a body of bureaucrats want to take their diesel fuel away or force them to accept technology they can’t afford.

The big green monster just keeps growing. Expect men donning white protective suits to soon show up to tow your car away.


5 responses to “First CO2, Now Diesel – WHO Classifies Diesel As Being As Dangerous As Mustard Gas, Asbestos And Arsenic!”

  1. DirkH

    With all the catalysizers and filters and adherence to more and more regulations we should be getting to a point where combustion engines are fit for indoor use.

    That won’t please the electric vehicle makers at all.

  2. dave ward

    “We should be getting to a point where combustion engines are fit for indoor use”

    Fork lift trucks & portable generators fuelled by LPG already are used inside buildings.

    IIRC some 15 years ago Saab were proclaiming that their cars exhausts were actually cleaner than the air in many typical inner city environments.

    It’s in response to the Eco warrior demands for better fuel efficiency and lower CO2 emissions that so many modern cars and vans now use diesel engines! Perversely, it’s the older (and poorly maintained) types in developing countries that chuck out really high levels of sooty particulates…

  3. First CO2, Now Diesel – WHO Classifies Diesel As Being As Dangerous As Mustard Gas, Asbestos And Arsenic! |

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  4. Craig King

    I don’t see from any of the reports which components of diesel exhaust are carcinogenic. Surely that is what needs to be identified so that it can be dealt with if in fact this finding is correct? It seems ridiculous that all of the exhaust is bad as that would lead to the banning of diesel engines world wide.

    I have also searched in vain for the actual incidence rate of diesel caused lung cancer compared to other causes. Without that bit of information how do they know they are attacking the worst cause?

    1. DirkH

      Small soot particles; smaller than 10 micron especially. Allegedly, the smaller the more dangerous.

      5 years or so ago there was the introduction of soot particle filters for Diesel cars in Germany; with a tax credit that paid for the upgrade of an existing car, and a penalty slapped on the yearly car tax for owners of non-upgraded Diesel cars.

      Of course the big car makers would like to have these filters mandated worldwide; it is a barrier to entry for smaller companies; one more technical hurdle that they have to take to enter the Diesel motor market. I’m not saying that the filters are a bad thing, but the “barrier to entry” motive explains lobbying efforts of big car makers towards tougher regulation. Also, upgrading or replacing the existing car and truck fleet is big business.

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