Green foundations in Germany, many supported by hundreds of millions of euros in funding from large corporations and political parties, are attacking skeptical European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) for daring to practice the principles of science.
EIKE is having an impact! German foundation report bemoans the founding of EIKE in 2007. One of the “biggest setbacks for climate policy”
By Dr. Holger Thuss, EIKEThis is curious: In the recently issued Foundation Report 2011/12 (here) of the ‘Federal Association of German Foundations’ on the topic of ‘Sustainability Mission: How Foundations Protect The Climate’, we find a chart on page 16 and 17 showing the progress and ‘political setbacks’ in so-called climate protection. For example the founding of ‘Greenpeace’ in the upper, lighter part of the chart is shown as progress and as a ‘catalyst for society’. (Google view here).
EIKE is designated as a setback for climate policy by Green foundations.On the other hand, in the lower, dark-gray shaded area of the chart, one finds the setbacks and catastrophes: ‘long lasting pesticides’, the completely made up ‘acid rain’, the Bhopal accident, the ozone hole and many others . For the recent past, forest fires in Russia, various floods and all the failed UN summits are given. Also ClimateGate, which exposed the political intrigue of so-called climate scientists, is also shown in the gray area of setbacks.
And there is one single organisation that gets mentioned (in the light gray box) in the dark side of the chart along with all the political follies and catastrophes, real or made up. it is the:
European Institute for Climate and Energy
On page 118 the cooperation between EIKE and the Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation for Liberty in 2009 is also mentioned: The Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation for Liberty is close to the German Free Democrat Party (FDP) and is ‘clearly positioned’ the report writes with a menacing tone. The report also suggests that EIKE is tied to the ‘energy-intensive industries.’ That’s an allegation that is not true. A list of German foundations with multi-million dollar budgets that are close to political parties on the same page suggests that the support from the Friedrich Naumann Foundation involves large sums of money – a classic propaganda trick by professional Green propagandists! This diverts attention away from the billions of euros that other foundations are swimming in (see below) in order to implement their public re-education programs.
Also the choice of words and footnotes show that the report’s authors rely on the fighters for Good and Truth who happen to rely on large corporations or their foundations for assistance. But only when it is absolutely necessary, of course.
‘Partner of cooperation’ for this green piece of propaganda, by the way, were the German Federal Foundation for the Environment (DBU), BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt, the Robert Bosch Foundation and the Baden Württemberg Foundation. All these foundations can thank their existence on the industries which they are calling to be abolished. Even the DBU received an endowment of 1.3 billion euros, which came partly from the sale of the state-owned Salzgitter AG. The Baden-Württemberg Foundation has an endowment of €2.4 billion.
What’s especially baffling is why the foundation of a renowned automobile company is involved in a campaign related to the “Great Transformation“, which promotes the abolishment of individual mobility. In doing so, BMW is happily sawing the limb on which the company is sitting on.
Dr. Holger Thuss EIKE
Note: The entire report may be viewed at Google-Books here.
As I said. Environmentalism is the new political religion of Germany; the foundations and parties are all part of it (except for the FDP who is only half into it, and therefore gets punished by the electorate). There is practically no reason to vote. (Votes for the FDP will get wiped out as long as they stay under 5%) A de facto one party – one religion state. We had that before. At least this time it’s without gymnastics.
Actually, The Netherlands is also an one-party state in the sense that there are no fundamental dividing lines between them. However, the Greens are at an historical low. All our parties have some gratuitous remarks about the environment. Labour wants to invest billions in windmills on the North-Sea. By the time they come to power, this plan may be swept away be the economical crisis.
I love to watch old science fiction movies. None of them came up with the prediction that, as soon as mankind would solve the most urgent problems, they would start squandering their wealth on fixing a non-problem with ridiculously expensive and inefficient contraptions.
“Things to come” after the book “Shape of things to come” by H G Wells. The movie was largely conceived by Wells himself. Enjoy.
what does one call a “setback for fraud”? Enlightment?
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