Extreme, Unusual Cold Deviation Of -20°K Now Occurring Over Antarctica

Cold temperatures are nothing unusual in Antarctic, especially in the wintertime. But one observer in the Internet here has noticed it’s been far colder than usual.

Shown above is the projected 2m temperature anomaly for Antarctica for 30 July until 6 August, 2012. Source: Dr. Ryan N. Maue.

The observer writes:

For weeks I’ve been observing extreme, unusual deviations from the mean by as much as -20°K. Even in Australia it’s been too cold. What’s the reason for this cold over there, the powerful Antarctic polar circulation?

While the media remains locally fixated on a warm June in the US, it is ignoring an extreme cold event in a region that is supposed to be a “canary in the coal mine”.

I’m a bit tied up right now, and so blogging will be on the light side until this weekend. If anyone has more on the Antarctic cold, let me know!

28 responses to “Extreme, Unusual Cold Deviation Of -20°K Now Occurring Over Antarctica”

  1. Pascvaks

    a “canary in the coal mine”.

    Beautifully put! (Especially if you come from a line of coalminers, the silence is telling;-)

  2. joss

    Hi Pierre,
    Please, fix the title. The -20° temp is Celsius. Definitely not K.
    BTW, Kelvin is a unit (always positive starting form absolute zero). °K is also incorrect. Should say e.g. 275 K.
    [I think it’s ok. We’re talking about a deviation here. – PG]

  3. Tom Harris

    -20°K is not possible. Absolute zero is when all atomic motion stops. Did the writer perhaps mean -20°C?

    BTW, have a look at my article on PJ Media out of LA about what really drive the climate debate:


  4. matthu

    -20°K is not possible – no, but the writer was talking about a deviation of -20°K which most certainly is possible.

  5. Bernd Felsche

    Pierre you naughty boy: There is no such thing as degrees-Kelvin. 🙂

    It’s just Kelvin – Kelvin is an absolute scale

  6. Howard T. Lewis III

    ‘They’ are using the HAARP system. get a clue and close these a-holes down, NOW, before they completely destroy the atmosphere. If you do not want to understand this, quit completely.

  7. Timothy Dunlap

    Matthu: It plainly says “temperature anomaly” and “deviation from the mean.”

    Either phrase tells you what “minus 20 K” means. It’s not “below zero,” it’s below the average, the expected.

    1. matthu

      That was the point of my reply, Timothy: I was drawing attention to the fact that it was a deviation that was being measured.

  8. John F. Hultquist

    I am always amazed at how easily a set of comments can move away from the purpose of a post.

    That being said: There can be a temperature and there can be a difference in temperature. Example: 41 degrees Fahrenheit (5 degrees Celsius) is a temperature, but 40 Fahrenheit degrees is a difference but that amount is not equal to 40 Celsius degrees.

    Note: 5 + 40 = 45 degrees Celsius ~~ equal to 113 degrees Fahrenheit

    and 41 + 40 = 81 degrees Fahrenheit ~~ equal to 27.2 degrees Celsius

    Such simple facts easily confuse most folks and part of the problem can be traced to inattentive students and teachers not strictly defining terms. Many “science” articles will have charts and maps that do not get this concept.

    Some years ago a text book with world maps was published and apparently directions were give to go through the printing plates and convert all the terms in degrees to Fahrenheit for an American audience. The graphics folks did just that – including all the numbers for Latitude and Longitude.

    Sometimes when entering text for web sites the ASCII code has to be used. For the degree symbol that is Alt 0 1 7 6 (no spaces) – I’ll try this here but do not know what will happen: ° It worked!

  9. Mindert Eiting

    The linear transformation y = 1.8 * x + 32. Alright because origin and unit of measurement are arbitrary. But I cannot get it in my head. That Fahrenheit stuff is a disaster. Some years ago a space craft crashed on Mars. Had something to do with confusing miles and kilometres or feet and metres.

    1. DirkH

      Mindert, danger. One journalist used your formula, I think in the NYT… a researcher told him he expected up to 6 centigrade warming til 2100, well, an extreme warmist. Helpless, the journalist had some machine convert it into Fahrenheit. Hey, let’s ask google.
      “6 C in Fahrenheit”
      “6 Grad Celsius = 42,8 Fahrenheit”

      And so, he wrote that 42.8 F of warming were to be expected.

  10. s.kristine

    O.M.G… I really wish someone would explain what this meant. Instead of argueing about celsius and k. And blah×blah*=blahhhh. Obviously I know nothing about math. But I would love to know whar this means in a more I’m a brunette but think like a blonde kinda way. Thanks.

  11. Brian Tintsman

    Wow talk about internet scientists! For all of you saying tht negative 20 degrees kelvin isn’t possible you are wholehrtedly WRONG. Since 2004 scientists have been able to go lower than 0 degrees kelvin by using ultra pressurization and supercooled inert atmosphere. The results hve been absolutly astounding.

    1. Stephen Richards

      No brian

      negative K is impossible. You mistake -ve for near to zero. The lowest manmade temperature is about 10-6 K and it is still above zero.

    2. DirkH

      Brian, no they’re not, as at 0 K kinetic energy becomes zero, and can’t become less than zero. And achieving temperatures close to 0 K isn’t done with high pressure but with laser beam traps – creating arrays of standing waves that slowly freeze the atoms into place.

  12. DirkH

    Finally, the warmists have come up with a new scare.
    “Storms Threaten Ozone Layer Over U.S., Study Says
    Published: July 26, 2012

    Strong summer thunderstorms that pump water high into the upper atmosphere pose a threat to the protective ozone layer over the United States, researchers said on Thursday, drawing one of the first links between climate change and ozone loss over populated areas.”

    Goody. I thought they were all dead.

  13. Mindert Eiting

    Just note this. Interesting times ahead. Be at home Sunday


    1. Mindert Eiting
      1. DirkH

        This can only mean one thing:

        Yay! Carribean, here I come!

  14. Bob W in NC

    I look forward to followup on these observations and what they might mean, both to the SH and especially the NH.

  15. Stephen Richards

    J’aime bien votre site. c’est polis, inteligent et utile. Merci de votre temp et vos efforts.

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