Yesterday I wrote about Hans von Storch’s and Werner Krauss’s new book: “The Climate Trap – the dangerous proximity of politics and climate science”.
There is already some reaction to the book, which is scheduled to be released on February 25…a little over a year since Fritz Vahrenholt and Sebastian Lüning dropped their bombshell “Die kalte Sonne“ (The Cold Sun), which tells us claims of a coming climate catastrophe are unfounded.
The publisher Hanser Verlag writes:
The climate conferences have ended in failure and achieved no consequences, even though emissions continue rising. Climate scientist Hans von Storch and cultural scientist Werner Krauss explain how we ended up in the climate trap – and how we can get out of it. The inflationary announcements of the climate catastrophe led to a loss of credibility in science. Climate change is not a scientific question, but a societal one. It has to be anchored regionally in culture, every-day life, and politics. Global society does not need any politicized science calling for a 2°C target. Instead it needs a science that fathoms the conditions for a pragmatic approach to climate change.”
Reimar Lüst, former president of the Max Planck Society here:
This is an unusual and provocative book. A natural scientist and a cultural scientist have written it together. Hopefully it will annoy both the climate deniers and the climate alarmists within their insular circles.”
If it indeed annoys the alarmists, which I’m sure it will, then very few “deniers” will be annoyed at all by it. We can take criticism.
Gerhard Traufetter of Der Spiegel here:
Hans von Storch is a pioneer in climate modeling and one of the cool-headed voices on the subject. For years he has been dealing with the role of climate scientists, and has sharply criticised that some of them have attempted to drive policy with their research results. Together with cultural scientist Werner Krauss, he is calling for a clear designation of roles: Climate scientists should concentrate on physics and make themselves available to policymakers as ‘honest brokers’.”
Patrick Bahners of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung here:
Hans von Storch doesn’t call for an immediate meteorological state of emergency whenever a snowstorm does not allow itself to be stopped by all the chicanery of environmental law. The realists among the climate scientists are not guaranteeing good weather, but are guaranteeing clear views.”
Again there are lots of indications the book has plenty of harsh criticism aimed at the alarmist scientists who are trying to shape politics. Step by step, voices are speaking out against unfounded climate catastrophism in Germany.
Good news!
Photo credit of book Die Klima Falle: Hanser Verlag
Any idea when either of these books will be coming out in English?
If the The Klima Falle sells well in Germany, then there’s not a bad chance it’ll come out in English later. As far as Die kalte Sonne is concerned, I heard there is something in the works, and hopefully we will hear something new about that soon.
Ich habe “Die kalte Sonne” gelesen, und empfehle Ich das Buch
von Storch does not address the primary problem (identified by R Lindzen and others):
People in “policy” decision making roles, with some pretense to “education” but not in physical sciences, are easily swayed by arguments that criticize their “intellect” if they question AGW validity.
The self-appointed “climate gurus” know how to manipulate such people very well. This has become their true expertise.
[…] Von Storch/Krauss New Book: “Global Society Doesn’t Need Politicized Science Calling For A 2°C … […]
From the preview pages of the book
“Noch immer versuchen wir mit einem Verständnis von
Politik, Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft, das aus dem 19. Jahrhundert
stammt, ein Problem des 21. Jahrhunderts zu bewältigen.”
“Still we are trying to solve a problem of the 21st century with an understanding of politics, society and SCIENCE that comes from the 19th century.”
a) von Storch does not acknowledge Popper. He thinks Popper didn’t happen.
b) Again he shows that he is a proponent of Post Normal Science.
Can’t stand the guy.
OK, post normal science is a drag.
But somebody who stands up and calls Michael Mann a “fraud” in public can’t be all bad.
Just a different flavor of control freak.
Herr Popper has little patience for fools, including Marx.
He won’t find a prominent place in Obama circles with that attitude.
Von Storch, is still a snake oil pedlar and the day will never dawn when I set store and believe his utterings.
“The alarmists think that climate change is something extremely dangerous, extremely bad and that overselling a little bit, if it serves a good purpose, is not that bad.”
[…] of the perceived dangers of future climate change, or as people called it in Germany, the impending Klimakatastrophe. Now this same image has, for some, become a symbol of climate alarmism or […]