Body Blow To German Global Warming Movement! Major Media Outlets Unload On “CO2 Lies!”

Page 2 story in Bild today! The first of a series.

“THE CO2 LIES … pure fear-mongering … should we blindly trust the experts?”

That’s what Germany’s leading daily Bild (see photo) wrote in its print and online editions today, on the very day that renowned publisher Hoffmann & Campe officially released a skeptic book – one written by a prominent socialist and environmental figure.

This is huge. More than I ever could have possibly imagined. And more is coming in the days ahead! The Bild piece was just the first of a series.

Mark this as the date that Germany’s global warming movement took a massive body blow.

Today, not one, but two of Germany’s most widely read news media published comprehensive skeptical climate science articles in their print and online editions, coinciding with the release of a major climate skeptical book, Die kalte Sonne (The Cold Sun).

Germany has now plunged into raucus discord on the heated topic of climate change

What has set it all off? One of the fathers of Germany’s modern green movement, Professor Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt, a social democrat and green activist, decided to author a climate science skeptical book together with geologist/paleontologist Dr. Sebastian Lüning. Vahrenholt’s skepticism started when he was asked to review an IPCC report on renewable energy. He found hundreds of errors. When he pointed them out, IPCC officials simply brushed them aside. Stunned, he asked himself, “Is this the way they approached the climate assessment reports?”

Vahrenholt decided to do some digging. His colleague Dr. Lüning also gave him a copy of Andrew Montford’s The Hockey Stick Illusion. He was horrified by the sloppiness and deception he found. Persuaded by Hoffmann & Campe, he and Lüning decided to write the book. Die kalte Sonne cites 800 sources and has over 80 charts and figures. It examines and summarizes the latest science.

Conclusion: climate catastrophe is called off

The science was hyped. The book started hitting the bookshops today and has already hit no. 1 on the list for environment books. Indications show that it will climb very high in the overall bestseller charts. It’s published by a renowned publishing house and is now sending shock waves through the German climate science establishment. The first printing will produce 20,000 copies. I expect they will sell out rather quickly.

Today Germany’s national tabloid Bild (which has a whopping circulation of 16 million) devoted half of page 2 on an article called:


Renowned team of scientists claim the climate catastrophe is fear-mongering by politics

The widely read Bild will follow with the rest of the series in the days ahead. In part I today Bild presents “What the IPCC of the UN doesn’t tell you.” Bild asks “what if the IPCC is wrong? Can we really blindly trust these experts? Are they really independent?”

Bild then writes:

The phenomenal prognoses of heat from the IPCC are pure fear-mongering.”

The Bild series is sure to cause radical environmentalists to seethe and lash out. Expect an all-out assault in the days and weeks ahead. Already the reaction from activists has been swift and virulent – though they have yet to read the book.

They never wanted the debate – and now the dam has broken

And the floods of skepticism are sweeping over the country. Worse, Germany’s flagship weekly news magazine Der Spiegel today also featured a 4-page exclusive interview with Vahrenholt, where he repeated that the IPCC has ignored a large part of climate science and that IPCC scientists exaggerated the impact of CO2 on climate. Vahrenholt said that by extending the known natural cycles of the past into the future, and taking CO2’s real impact into effect, we should expect a few tenths of a degree of cooling.

At a press conference today in Berlin, Vahrenholt, Lüning and publisher Hoffmann & Campe introduced the book and answered reporters’ questions. When asked why Hoffmann & Campe decided to publish “such a book”, the spokesman simply answered that the time is right – and there’s a real audience for the book. Even the weather timing was right! Germany is now experiencing it’s worst cold snap in 26 years. That makes it hard to deny lack of warming.

It needs to be pointed out Vahrenholt and Lüning are not skeptics; they are lukewarmers who have not been able to find any evidence of a coming climate catastrophe. They believe that man should switch to renewables, but do so in a rational manner: “Work fast, but don’t hurry.”

Skeptic readers should not think that the book will fortify their existing skepticism of CO2 causing warming. The authors agree it does. but have major qualms about the assumed positive CO2-related feed-backs and believe the sun plays a far greater role in the whole scheme of things.

The book cites more than 800 sources – including the latest peer-reviewed literature. It includes more than 80 graphics that clearly illustrate that all is not well with the claims made by alarmist science. It is written so that laymen can easily digest the material and it provides a comprehensive overview of the science and where it stands today.

The book has also infuriated the AGW leadership in Germany. For example, academia. University of Osnabrück took the step of dis-inviting Professor Vahrenholt who was scheduled to give a speech on February 8. The University claimed that Vahrenholt’s skeptical views were “provocative”. Also the centre-left SPD party, where Vahrenholt is a member, has been deafeningly silent.

This cat is out of the bag – and it’s not going back in.

The authors have set up a website for Die kalte Sonne here.


200 responses to “Body Blow To German Global Warming Movement! Major Media Outlets Unload On “CO2 Lies!””

  1. JC

    What I find most interesting about Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt’s argument is that it seems to have arisen because of one sloppily written report/research paper. Just because one group of scientists gets overzealous and write a paper containing falsehoods doesn’t mean that the problem (AGW) doesn’t exist!!! Re-read the article; this really seems to be his major bone of contention.
    Just because there are some bad teachers out there doesn’t mean education is bad or full of lies. Look at the entirety of the research that has been done by INDEPENDENT researchers and stop speculating without knowing all the facts. The crap people write here is frightening; it is obvious they are just repeating little snippets of information they heard from God knows where without having any idea of the entire process.
    The argument that we haven’t experienced periods of warming in the last x million years therefore we aren’t likely to experience it now is absolute nonsense. The big difference between the last x million years and now is human beings pumping massive amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere!!

  2. Joanne

    How long until this book is translated into English? I’m in the U.S. (where we have to tolorate such as Al Gore) and want it NOW (if not sooner)!

  3. Global warmists throw in the towel « Don Surber

    […] Last week, P. Gosselin reported: […]

  4. Drew

    “University of Osnabrück took the step of dis-inviting Professor Vahrenholt … The University claimed that Vahrenholt’s skeptical views were “provocative”.

    So now, western universities are “islands of repression in a sea of freedom”. As the last bastions of marxism, they demonstrate an inevitable requirement by that unlovely toatlitarianism – all who diverge from the party line must be silenced so as not to disturb the student-bots’ programing.

  5. Drew

    JC wrote: “The big difference between the last x million years and now is human beings pumping massive amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere!!”

    Excitable (two exclamation points) JC apparently doesn’t even know that there have been far higher levels of atmospheric CO2 on earth in previous pre-human millenia. F for Fail.

  6. Drew

    Icarus is reminiscent of Saddam Hussein’s TV spokesman who was still desperately insisting that there was no invasion in Iraq when you could see American soldiers in the background behind him. Look over your shoulder, Icarus, at those inconvenient facts…

    1. Icarus62

      The most inconvenient fact is that there is now no realistic chance of averting dangerous global warming.

      1. DirkH

        The outputs of climate models that don’t even get precipitation right are more realistic than reality for you?

      2. Ulrich Elkmann

        “The most inconvenient fact is that there is now no realistic chance of averting dangerous global warming.”
        Right. Just tell that to anyone in Europe right now who is not cashing in on the scam, and see what response you get.

      3. DirkH

        Realclimate themselves can tell you how uncertain their model results are:
        “However, the use of this comparison to refine estimates of climate sensitivity should be done cautiously, as the result is strongly dependent on the magnitude of the assumed forcing, which is itself uncertain. ”

        When the “assumed forcing” is “uncertain”, how come, Icarus, that you come to a conclusion of “no realistic chance”?`Obviously, the IPCC consensus climate scientists aren’t certain at all; also look at the enormous size of the 95% confidence interval in the graphs on the realclimate post – current stagnant temperatures fit easily into them.

        I think you want to mislead everyone about what the IPCC consensus climate scientists really say.

      4. Drew

        The most inconvenient fact is that the junk science disguising the real goal of transfering wealth in a World Welfare program is being peeled off to reveal the red underneath for anyone with eyes to see. Like Saddam Hussein’s spokesman Ali, Icarus will be among the last proclaiming their masters’ fallacies, unaware they’re wearing a clown suit.

  7. Icarus62

    The AGW denial fraud is on its last legs. Its days are numbered – I reckon about 1,300. That’s how long it is until September 2015.

    Summer 2015 is when the Arctic Ocean is expected to become ice-free. It could be a year or two earlier… or a year or two later… but the Arctic sea ice is doomed, and it’s not going to recover.

    This is a massive and undeniable sign that the scientists were right, and the fossil fuel industry’s AGW deniers were simply deceiving the public in order to protect their employers’ profits for as long as possible.

    Earth with an ice-free Arctic is going to be a very different planet to the one we knew just a few decades ago.

    The deniers will be able to afford very good lawyers. They’re going to need them.

    1. DirkH

      PIOMAS is a MODEL, Ikarus. What you’re looking at in that pretty picture is NOT the data. THIS is the data:

      1. Icarus62

        Yes I’m familiar with that trick to hide the decline in Arctic sea ice. It’s simply dishonest.

        1. DirkH

          DATA is dishonest and MODELs are honest? Geo-engineering peddlers are becoming desperate…

    2. Ed Caryl

      You talk like it has already happened! It hasn’t. And it won’t. The coming cooling will reverse the trend.

  8. Icarus62

    Only the kind of economic slowdown associated with an extreme depression could have any chance of avoiding 2°C of global warming by around 2040. Even limiting the warming to 4°C would be difficult, and “a 4°C future is incompatible with an organized global community, is likely to be beyond ‘adaptation’, is devastating to the majority of ecosystems, and has a high probability of not being stable.” ( Kevin Anderson, a professor of energy and climate change who was, until recently, director of the U.K.’s leading climate research institution, the Tyndall Energy Program). The part about “a high probability of not being stable” means that so many positive feedbacks will have kicked in by then, that further substantial warming will take place regardless of what we do. That spells disaster for global human civilisation and most other species.

    A Very Inconvenient Truth – Greene et al

    1. DirkH

      Ah. We’re getting to the core of the matter. You’re a geo-engineering peddler, like Muller. Why didn’t you say that.

      Here’s a link for you. You’ll LOVE it.

      Technology to Re-Ice Artic to save Earth

      1. Icarus62

        The only geo-engineering I’d really like to see is removing the CO₂ we’ve put into the climate system, but that’s not realistically going to happen. Where would we get the energy from? We *acquired* energy in the process of creating that CO₂, by burning fossil fuels, so unless someone comes up with a miracle, a virtually free and unlimited source of energy out of thin air, there’s no way we can find enough energy to re-capture all that CO₂ – not on the timescale needed to avert disastrous global warming.

        James Lovelock suggests biochar as our last chance to remove a significant amount of CO₂ from the atmosphere and lock it away in the soil, but the entire biosphere only absorbs about one quarter of our emissions every year, so we can’t possibly grow enough biomass to offset carbon emissions.

  9. Icarus62

    The only geo-engineering I’d really like to see is removing the CO₂ we’ve put into the climate system, but that’s not realistically going to happen. Where would we get the energy from? We *acquired* energy in the process of creating that CO₂, by burning fossil fuels, so unless someone comes up with a miracle, a virtually free and unlimited source of energy out of thin air, there’s no way we can find enough energy to re-capture all that CO₂ – not on the timescale needed to avert disastrous global warming.

  10. Icarus62

    There’s no prospect of substantial cuts in emissions, and no way we can stop burning fossil fuels without crashing global civilisation. In any case, no government is going to last long by telling its people they have to live hungry in the cold and the dark while other countries burn coal and oil like there’s no tomorrow.

  11. Icarus62

    James Lovelock suggests biochar as our last chance to remove a significant amount of carbon from the atmosphere and lock it away in the soil,

  12. Icarus62

    The entire biosphere only absorbs about one quarter of our emissions every year, so we can’t possibly grow enough biomass to offset carbon emissions.

  13. Icarus62

    So we will continue to burn billions of tons of carbon, and global temperature will continue to rise. The Arctic ice cap will be gone in summer within the decade – perhaps as early as 2015, just 3½ years away. We will hit 2°C above pre-industrial temperature by about 2040 – perhaps earlier if the positive carbon cycle and ice albedo feedbacks are stronger and sooner than expected. Recent research finds that the terrestrial carbon sink will fail by mid-century and the ocean sink by 2100 under a BAU scenario. I think it’s too late to stop this now, even if we had the practical technology to substantially reduce carbon emissions, which we don’t. We’ll soon reach a point where warming is out of our hands, regardless of what we do (if we haven’t reached that point already).

    1. DirkH

      Ever thought Al Gore could be cheating you?

      1. DirkH
      2. Icarus62

        Not me. I’m not familiar with anything Al Gore says – I read what the scientists say.

        1. DirkH

          “THE” scientists.

          The Korrekt scientists, of course.

          The ones that say that the Himalayan glaciers will be gone by 2035.

          Better prepare for a CO2-Global Warming-induced Ice Age, as predicted here. Note that this report is based on statements by the late Dr. Schneider, a leading Korrekt scientist:

  14. Ed Caryl

    Did you know that if you removed 100 ppm CO2 from the atmosphere, 100 million people in the rice growing regions of Asia would starve to death the next year? All crops would suffer. There would be world-wide famine.

    1. Icarus62

      That’s clearly not true, since rice grew perfectly well at 280ppm for the last few thousand years, and we have only had substantially higher levels in the last few decades. Yields have improved largely through breeding programmes, not because of elevated atmospheric CO₂.

      1. Ed Caryl
        1. Ed Caryl
  15. Drew

    The herd of dead horses Icarus keeps flogging are stinking to high heaven, especially the ridiculous claim that CO2 is driving (a non-existent) global warming, that man is responsible for high levels of CO2 and can control CO2 and climate. If Icarus’s junk scientists COULD decrease levels of CO2 they would muck up Nature’s fertilizer and cause mass starvation. Yet like a tireless jack-in-the box, Icarus keeps popping up with his inanities. He’s like the loonies of old on street corners carrying signs proclaiming “The End is Near!” except he lurks on Internet sites instead.

  16. John Husher

    Read my books on the subject of global warming where I refuted Al Gore in books published between 2006 and 2008. I show a graph of the global temperature over the last 4500 years. Books published
    Beyond Global Warming
    Facts and Myths Facing Today’s World
    Crises of The 21st Century.
    They show what is really the things more important than controlling CO2 etc. Mainly focused on the lost of oil and its derivatives by 2037. No way to fly an airplane above 5000 feet economically. Liquid Natural Gas too heavy and inefficient for commercial flights.
    John Durbin Husher

  17. John Husher

    See the website;
    displays covers of the books and a brief synopsis on each.
    John Durbin Husher

  18. aroleflin

    All this wacky science to sell the Global Warming scam is laughable. Here in Florida, citrus groves have been migrating southward for the past 100 years. That alone is evidence of global cooling. Al Gore and his merry band of leftist globaldroids are criminals and should be indicted and put on trial.

  19. Save Our SeaShore

    […] two years ago when he was asked to review an IPCC report on renewable energy. According to blogger P Gosselin  he was not impressed: “He found hundreds of errors. When he pointed them out, IPCC officials […]

  20. Germany's 'Godfather of Green' Turns Skeptic - Energy TribuneEnergy Tribune

    […] two years ago when he was asked to review an IPCC report on renewable energy. According to blogger P Gosselin he was not impressed: “He found hundreds of errors. When he pointed them out, IPCC officials […]

  21. German Meteorologists Ridicule IPCC — Skeptics ‘chipping away’ at AGW hysterics | Quixotes Last Stand

    […] appearing in flagship news magazines such as Spiegel and Bild, see here, here, here, and here, for example.   Read full article, […]

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