March was an extremely cold month in Europe, especially in the southern part of eastern Germany. Veteran meteorologist Thomas Globig of MDR television gave us the March data for that region in the following video:
Meteorologist Thomas Globig on MDR German television. Hat-tip:
In the video Globig tells the viewers that in the city of Jena, March/2013 was the coldest since 1853, i.e. in 160 years!
Uncharacteristically for German television, Globig, an old pro in meteorology, someone who has been looking at weather patterns for decades, took some hard shots at the latest theory that claims low Arctic sea-ice in late summer causes extreme cold in late winter. At the 2:35 mark:
I’ve been hearing from some media that it’s all because of the ice melt in the Arctic. That is when the Arctic gets warmer, here it gets colder. Naturally that’s all nonsense! Back then [in 1853] there was no large summer ice melt in the Arctic. Therefore the whole thing has nothing to do with a trend. It is simply just plain weather!”
Readers Edition writes:
That’s a clear declaration of war aimed at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and climate scientist Stefan Rahmstorf, who here attempts to construct a relationship between the cold March and the sea ice melt in the Arctic.”
Thomas Globig adds: “It looks like we are going to have to discard some of the climate forecasts into the dustbin”.
Nice to see people being skepitcal of CAGW on TV. Hopefully more people will see this hoax for what it is.
Undeterred, Der Spiegel proclaims that Climate Change will make transatlantic flight more turbulent. Scientists predict, they say.
Here I see that Bojanowski didn’t not write this utter rubbish. The real Spiegel speaks.
Oh, just blame the flaky microwave ice sensors on the 1850s era satellites.
Umm, how did people monitor ice melt in 1853? That was still close to the Little Ice Age and before the arctic melt reports of the 1920s.
I guess the basic answer is “They went there.”
It was really cold in 1853, and so there must have been little ice up in the Arctic. 🙂 Tomorrow I have a post that puts this Arctic nonsense in its rightful place – the dustbin!
The 1978 / 1979 winter in the US and UK was not only brutally cold but snowy. It also coincided with the Arctic being at it’s maximum on the satellite record. Oh, and 1963 was one of the worst for over a century in the UK. So what am I to make of the condition of the Arctic preceding these winters?
AGW fanatics. They want their cake and to eat it.
“Man made global warming” or “climate change” as they call it lately, just to cover all basis, is the greatest scam in human history.
There have been numerous ice ages in the past, followed by warm periods that melted the ice caps, long before, we, humans inhabited the Earth.
Climate has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and it will continue to change until the end of times, wether we like it or not and there is nothing we can do about it.
Never in the history of our planet, the climate has been constant, 5000 years ago Sahara was covered in lush vegetation, and then , suddenly , it changed into a desert…
The perpetrators of this great lie, will have to be held accountable for the huge financial waste that they have instigated, for personal gain only..corrupt politicians to gain more power and corrupt scientists to gain government grants.
‘Warming’……………………………….. in the Arctic???
Surely not more BS from Rahmstorf and PIK – who da thunk it?
Mind you – concerning the ‘predictions and conclusions’ made by PIK, if you cut out the climate ‘scientology’ BS……………………….. and what would they have left?
“Britain could become one of the world’s top wine-producing regions by 2050 if climate change continues unabated, a study suggests.”
“But while British wine houses must currently use grapes adapted to cooler climates, the study suggests they may in future be able to use traditional varieties grown in Mediterranean climates.”
Someone’s not beenlooking out of the window lately.
With the Arctic ice cover being very near “average” (at least 1979-2000 average) since last November, any claim that this March/April weather is the result of reduced ice coverage simply fails on this basis, regardless of any proposed mechanism.
„Stefan Rahmstorf, who here attempts to construct a relationship between the cold March and the sea ice melt in the Arctic.” see above: ‘ Readers Edition writes:’
His claim that the “Freezing cold in Siberia, reaching across north-western Europe, … “ (see caption at his Fig. 1) , seems exaggerated as the anomaly T°C forecasts maps since 14 Feb. 2013 indicate only a brief cold gush in early March 2013, but not any longer e.g. for the period 23-30 March, , while other temperature maps indicate a cold anomaly only up to the Ural, (more T-maps : ) , which means that not all cold had been coming from the East, but the cold in Western Europe was presumably supported by lower then average sea water temperature in regional and coastal sea areas;
see for example : SST NS & Baltic 21 March:
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