If anything shows that climate change is mainly the worry of rich western neurotics in search of a meaning in life, it’s the latest survey by the UN on what are the world’s most pressing problems. Surveyed so far are 625,000 people. Vote here: http://www.myworld2015.org/.
Economics/statistics professor Bjorn Lomborg writes at FaceBook the above comment: “Climate is at the very bottom.”
Face it – people have real worries right now, and couldn’t care less about the computer-generated fantasies of the year 2080.
Lomborg writes:
The UN has asked people around the world for their top priorities. With 625,000 votes, climate is at the very bottom.
Not surprisingly, education, health care and corruption-free governments rank at the top, along with jobs, water and food. (People who would focus on food and water first are probably not on-line.)Immediate environmental concerns for rivers and forests rank in the middle, whereas climate comes in at the last position.
This seems not only to follow quite closely the rankings in the Copenhagen Consensus, but also to make simple sense. If your kids are dying from easily curable diseases, have no food, or no jobs, your main concern is not a 2.6ā temperature rise by the end of the century. If you have enough resources to worry about the environment at all, you worry about immediate concerns like air and water pollution.It is only in rich countries (with high HDI) where climate comes in much higher, and yet still only at number 8 of 16.
I’m right now in Sweden, where my demographic group have put climate at the very top as #1. That only makes sense, when you have ample food and health care, a well-functioning government and a clean environment.Go ahead and tell the UN which priorities *you* think the world should focus on:
I voted, based on my German passport, even I don’t live there.
Amazingly, Germans see “Action taken on climate change” on place #5.
“Better transports and road” is #16
Most of us Germans seem to have a strange media-indoctrinated perception.
I actually voted “Better transport and roads” and “Education” as two of my top priorities. I can see the holes in the streets I drive daily getting bigger and bigger, while other streets get reconstructed over months seemingly without sense.
(Pierre might know which streets I’m talking about, as we live in the same city.)
They’ve done way too much already in the futile attempt to stop climate change.
If they would have put only parts of the money used for climate stabilization into flood walls, dams, resettlements out of flood areas and perhaps insurances, in my eyes people all over the world would be better off today.
I admit it’s easy to say this in hindsight, but hectic activism without knowing the facts has seldom been fruitful.
Ironically the damaged streets are caused in large part by the harsh winters we’ve seen over the recent years – harsh winters we were told just 10 years ago would rarely happen. For the economic sense of the issue, check out this link: https://notrickszone.com/2013/05/30/lomborg-getting-one-inch-less-of-sea-level-rise-by-the-end-of-the-century-will-cost-500-billion-annually/
My other message doesn’t display.
Anyway, Germany has climate at number 5 right now.
I’m confident they get “climate change” rigged way up. After all it’s the ticket to their very own taxation schemes.
Sweden had it rated at #3!
It’s even worse than that. Imagine the over 1 billion people around the world who have no access to electricity. How would they have voted? Global warming is so yesterday.
Bye the way Pierre, is this what we might see more of in Germany? Street lights out! š
Let’s put it simply: People who have enough food, water, electricity, housing, education etc. have the LUXURY to take on other concerns such as global warming. That’s why global warming concerns are mainly a concern of the relatively wealthy west.
I live in a developing country. Just this evening my power (electricity) went out 3 times. I turned on my torchlight to see around the room. The day before yesterday our water mains was turned off for around 7 hours. We had to manage the flushing of our 2 toilets, buy in drinking sachets etc. Many of you here will have no idea what it’s like to go through this kind of crap but when you do you will know why I am so strongly against the CAGW scare. They want to deprive me of electricity generated by fuel oil or coal. No way, I am already suffering.
Some poor nations like the Maldives will pick your pocket because you invited them. They are building 4 new airports!
I note Lomborg mentions ācorruption free governmentsā as a high ranking issue. Is there a line item for a transparent and ethical UN? Thought not.
Well, governments do seem to have a few problems. In the news this week were the Czech Republic, Canada, and Australia. Oz seems to be conflicted over trifles, unlike my USA where the administration abuses the founding documents and when a real problem occurs ( 4 killed in Benghazi) and the phones ring in Washington, D.C. ā no one answers.
Undeterred, the propaganda division of Der Spiegel (meaning: not Bojanovski but an anonymous Spiegel Mitarbeiter) pushes climate change world bank famine fearmongering. Says “Climate change is happening already today and will get even worse”. Well, no change in 17 years and it will get worse? What? Cite Schellnhuber with an unscientific unquantifiable vaguary, “Climate change gets first noticed in vulnerable regions.” Ye think? Even for Schellnhuber that’s a lot of tautology in one short sentence.
Oh after going through all the fearmongering motions they do indeed mention shortly that climate change has stopped “which puzzles climate scientists”.
Contortions, contortions.