Online CO2 Handel here reports that German news weekly FOCUS recently commissioned a survey on how Germans view climate change: According to the survey of 1004 persons, conducted by Emnid at the end of May:
63% of Germans think that warnings of future global warming are justified.
28% feel they are exaggerated.
8% think that the dangers of warmer climates are not dramatic enough.
By contrast, in the year 2007 FOCUS found that 85% of Germans found global warming to be a “threat”.
Online The Epoch Times also reports on the FOCUS survey, writing that:
Germans are predominantly calm about global warming: In an Emnid-survey for FOCUS news magazine, 35% said that the climate in their region had not gotten warmer over the last 10 years. 46% felt that the climate had been more or less unchanged. 17 percent said they thought that temperatures over the last ten years went up.”
What can we draw from the results? After 10 years of climate catastrophe media bombardment, a vast majority of Germans see no warming or little climate change.
The FOCUS site itself only has a short summary of the survey results. The title: Germans Not Perceiving Climate Warming.
A majority of Germans believe that global warming is taking place, yet most of them are unable to perceive it. It’s strange that a news magazine like FOCUS would pay Germany’s top polling organization for such a survey, and then remain quiet about the results.
“A majority of Germans believe that global warming is taking place, yet most of them are unable to perceive it.”
This is the normal trick of the warmunists and of the eco in general: Suggest terrible danger for the planet everywhere but where the recipient of the propaganda lives. Tell him that it is scientific to ignore one’s own senses and blindly trust “scientists”.
Most German warmunists I talk to agree that Germany is not warming but say this does not mean anything, as a) the rest of the world b) the future is surely warming.
A nice brainwashing trick – make them feel smart by teaching them to ignore reality.
Cold winters since 2007 must have played a part as Germans smacked head first with reality. 🙂 Rainydroughts helped too.