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German Green Energy Catastrophe Confirmed! Spiegel: “Energy Poverty: How Electricity Became a Luxury Good”

Germany’s energy feed-in act is one that has been touted as a model and that the whole world should adopt. Spiegel now writes that it has de facto made energy a luxury for the rich. THIS IS A MUST READ if you live in a country that wants to mandate renewable energies. Consumer advocates and aid […]

Handelsblatt Calls Germany's Feed-In Act "Energy Madness". Large Consumers Are Paid To Waste

Handelsblatt Calls Germany’s Feed-In Act “Energy Madness”. Large Consumers Are Paid To Waste

Germany’s renewable energy feed-in act, the EEG, forces power grid operators to buy up all renewable energy produced in Germany and to feed all of it into the power grid, whether it is needed or not. The aim is to squeeze out the fossil fuel energy that’s fed in. The problem however is that wild, […]

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