Tucson Citizen’s DuHamel On Turney’s Botched Expedition: “Failure Put People In Danger For A Publicity Stunt”!

At his Wry Heat blog, the Tucson Citizen’s Jonathan Duhamel has a good commentary titled: A ship of fools. No mystery here over what he’s writing about.

Duhamel writes:

The good professor Turney, wanted to show how global warming was affecting the planet.  He apparently had visions of clear sailing, but he picked a year in which Antarctic sea ice reached one of the highest expanses ever recorded. […]

Gosselin writes that ‘the expedition was designed to generate lots of publicity.’  And it has, just not the kind the expedition leaders had in mind. […]

That failure put people in danger for a publicity stunt. […]

In essence, this expedition was trapped by a preconceived, but false, perception of global warming.

Let us make no mistake about this expedition. A major part of it was indeed to stoke up global warming publicity. It is not for nothing four journalists were on board, among them two from the Guardian and one from the BBC.

And again today Andrew Revkin of the New York Times at Twitter refers to Turney’s expedition as a “fiasco”.

Also NatGeo throws Turney under the bus: natgeo-antarctica-ship-ice-trapped-1.

Read Duhamel’s commentary here.


8 responses to “Tucson Citizen’s DuHamel On Turney’s Botched Expedition: “Failure Put People In Danger For A Publicity Stunt”!”

  1. edmh

    It is wonderful when people believe their own propaganda rather than the physical evidence in front of their noses.

  2. Mick J

    The Twitter link for Andy Revkin includes a tweet with a link to a statement by an Antarctic Tour association, it includes the following self promotion of their developed guidelines for such voyages. Seems the Turkey boat likely failed a number of these, limiting the number ashore stands out as a likely contender. Site selection another, especially in light of comments elsewhere that that particular bay was often avoided by other tourist companies for the now obvious reasons.

    About IAATO
    IAATO is a member organization founded in 1991 to advocate, promote and practice safe and environmentally responsible private-sector travel to the Antarctic. IAATO currently has 110 members. IAATO Members work together to develop, adopt and implement operational standards that mitigate potential environmental impacts.
    Numerous guidelines have been adopted over the last 20 years that have proven to be successful methods in avoiding such impacts. These include but are not limited to: site specific guidelines, site selection criteria, passenger to staff ratios, limiting numbers of passengers ashore, boot washing guidelines and the prevention of the transmission of alien organisms, wilderness etiquette, garbage policy, ship scheduling and vessel communication procedures, emergency medical evacuation procedures, emergency contingency plans, reporting procedures, marine wildlife watching guidelines, station visitation policies and more.


  3. Jimbo

    What if the expedition had been completed? The BBC and the Guardian would have simply churned out the rubbish served to them by Mr. Turkey and Co. The BBC and the Guardian really need to behave in a more journalistic manner. This is not it.

    1. DirkH

      Guardian is broke and works for the services ( Google Limited Hangout PsyOp Snowden )

  4. Graeme No.3

    Jimbo: agreed. Lots of talking Professor Turkey and others with shots of open water, or of the tourists acting as extras in “AGW worse than we thought in Antarctica”.

    One of the professed scientific aims of this jaunt was to examine the sea life near the glacier in comparison with 1911-13? The professionals probably would have found their work being quoted (with attribution?).
    Mertz Glacier under the microscope — 4th January 2011

  5. Tucson Citizen’s DuHamel On Turney’s Botched Expedition: “Failure Put People In Danger For A Publicity Stunt”! | Cranky Old Crow

    […] Tucson Citizen’s DuHamel On Turney’s Botched Expedition: “Failure Put People In Danger For A P…. […]

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