It’s becoming very clear that the real thrust behind the anthropogenic global warming movement is the systematic denial of cheap, efficient energy for the poor world so that they never attain a standard of living that developed countries have long been enjoying. Bill Nye confirms it in a debate with Marc Morano on FOX.
Image cropped from
In a FOX News debate here Bill Nye keeps repeating that the big problem today is that the planet is inhabited by more than 7 billion people. Yes it’s a grave problem that so many people are living, he would like us to think.
At the 9:30 mark he says the problem is that poor people “are using more energy than they ever used to use“. Yet Bill Nye has no qualms whatsoever about his comfortable and prosperous life, which is in large part due to the exploitation and amazing use of the energy he now says has to be denied to the poor.
Marc Morano’s shocked reaction is palpable: “Who is Bill Nye to tell them they cannot have more carbon-based energy?“.
If the global warming fraudsters ever got their way with energy policy, the chances are high we’d see a mass die-off and extremely violent uprising. People with nothing to lose usually react like they’ve got nothing to lose. Thankfully, the poor aren’t listening: India, China and many developing countries are building fossil fuel power plants faster than ever.
Even in rich Germany the government is scaling back on green energies because the population here is so angered over the high energy prices and the false promises made.
Moderator John Stossel at the end adds: “This idea that politicians can fix the climate strikes me as arrogant.”
It is. No one has that kind of power. Anyone claiming they do is either totally ignorant or just a plain fraudster.
They are basically Deep Greens who believe the world can only have a sustainable population of less than 1 billion people. Letting people starve and die of hunger and hypothermia is just one of the ways to achieve their objectives, the other is to have wars, class, religious, tribal, nations, doesn’t matter, so long as the vermin that is spreading like a disease on the planet is exterminated. See book by James Delingpole, Watermelons, for a more detailed explanation.
Another recommended read on this topic is “Merchants of Despair” by Robert Zubrin. It is a very revealing history of the Malthusian thinking behind the environmental movement. He explains the errors in that thinking, and describes the outcomes of some terrible regimes built from it.
Those in the developed countries (Nye being an example) can’t stop the world from developing but they (link below) can muck things up a bit. The developed folks want so many things (gadgets and actual goods) from the laborers of the poorer countries that money flows that way. Then, for example, China looks out for its own interests by investing those sums in a productive manner in Africa. It is not possible to break that sequence without stopping Americans, Canadians, French, . . ., and Germans from buying TVs, cell phones, shoes, and so on. Some background:
The Richer, the more educated, the more savvy people are, the harder they are to control.
Hooray, finaly found a climate change ‘denier’ that we constantly hear about! Bill Nye show on national that the climate didn’t change for over 800 years! (sarcasm)
*nationl TV
I call it the big green killing machine for precisely that reason.
Apart from the lack of any substantive arguments in defense of his position, Bill Nye’s TV presence can’t have enthused anyone.
That said, this was anything but a “fair” debate. During the clip, Stossel continuously editorialized rather than playing moderator. The summary points governing the “debate points” (presented by Stossel) were either not discussed or any exchange by the panelists was edited out.
Nye was apparently trying to “find common ground” rather than attempting to explain the lack of atmospheric warming over the past decade and a half and running, despite record human CO2 emissions and record growth in atmospheric CO2 concentration.
Let’s see a real debate!
Kurt in Switzerland
“Even in rich Germany the government is scaling back on green energies because the population here is so angered over the high energy prices and the false promises made.”
I read somewhere (I can’t prove it and hope I’m wrong) that Germans pay over 40 cents per kWh for electricity!
(note to ‘notrickszone’ people – stop with the javascript TRICK of adding ‘see more blah blah blah’ whenever someone cuts and pastes from your site. It seriously undermines your ‘no tricks’ name. And it makes me have to turn on ‘noscript’ to make it go away. Annoying.)
Pierre will know for certain but there are two prices in germany, residential and commerce. Residential being the most expensive at about 26c€, I think.
I haven’t looked at my electric bill lately. But I know that electricity for residential homes is around €0.26 per kwh as you say. Commercial electricity is much cheaper – closer to €0.15 per kwh, and even less for big buyers. This means that the consumers are subsidizing to some extent the industry. But even with these breaks, prices are still too high for some industry. Anther problem for industry is the increasingly unstable supply.
They key criterion for getting the cheaper tariff is not whether you’re a company but whether you consume above 60 MWh a year.
Never calculated is man’s ability to adapt to non-AGW climate change over the past million years.
The solution to climate change is for big government and the UN to do less. This will achieve the population control that Nye so desperately advocates as a solution while pushing the reset button on the global bankser cabal and institutionalized racism.
“pushing the reset button on the global bankser cabal and institutionalized racism.”
When you push the reset button on racism, do you end up in medieval islamic enslavement of whites or in the Roman slaveholder society?
Nye didn’t even know that the hockey stick graph has been abandoned by even the UN. It would be interesting to get some climatologist who is a proponent of AGW to debate. They know there is no evidence at all. Nye tries to argue that this is somehow similar to the tobacco debate. Actually, it is, but the warmist scientists position is no different that that of the tobacco executives. They’re defending an industry that runs on almost a billion dollars a day.
Bill Nye keeps repeating that the big problem today is that the planet is inhabited by more than 7 billion people
Yes Bill and the population is increasing at the rate of 100,000 per day, the biggest increase is in Africa,
This is because we have benign weather that allows us to grow bumper crops to feed this massive increase.